Her body is my foul; laugh not at this, For by my life I fwear it is. 'Tis that preserves my being and my breath; From that proceeds all that I do, Nay all my thoughts and speeches too ; And feparation from it is my death. TIR ECH O.. IR'D with the rough denials of my prayer, I come, and find a nymph much gentler here, Ah, gentle nymph! who lik'ft fo well Her heart being fuch, into it go, And do but once from thence anfwer me fo! Complaifant nymph! who doft thus kindly share Paint thee to her, as defcribe her to thee. By repercuffion beams engender fire; Shapes by reflection shapes beget; The voice itself, when ftopt, does back retire, Thus Thus things by oppofition The gainers grow; my barren love alone TH THE RICH RIVAL. 'HEY fay you 're angry, and rant mightily, Alas! you 're very rich, 'tis true ; But, pr'ythee, fool! what's that to Love and me? And know you 'ave more by that than you deferve. When next I fee my fair-one, the shall know And, wretch! I'll strike thee dumb and dead, "Jointure" and " jewels," and "our friends agree." Let's thofe in other things obey; The Fates, and Stars, and Gods, mult govern here. Advise with any blood, but with their own. 'Tis that which bids me this bright maid adore ; No other thought has had access ! Did the now beg, I 'd love no less, And, were she an emprefs, I should love no more; VOL. I. T Were Were she as juft and true to me, Ah, fimple foul! what would become of thee? OPE! whose weak being ruin'd is, Of bleffing thee; If things then from their end we happy call, 'Tis Hope is the most hopeless thing of all. Hope! thou bold taster of delight, Who, whilst thou should'st but taste, devour'st it quite! 'Thou bring'ft us an estate, yet leav`ft us poor, By clogging it with legacies before ! The joys which we entire should wed, Hope Fortune's cheating lottery! Where for one prize an hundred blanks there be ; Thin, empty cloud, which th' eye deceives Brother of Fear, more gayly clad! The merrier fool o' th' two, yet quite as mad: By the strange witchcraft of "anon !” And th' other chaces Woman, whilft fhe goes FOR HOPE. HOPE! of all ills that men endure, The only cheap and universal cure! Thou captive's freedom, and thou fick man's health! Thou ftrong retreat! thou fure-entail'd estate, Hope! thou firft-fruits of happiness ! Whilst thee, her earnest-money, we retain, Whether the 'her bargain break, or else fulfil; Brother of Faith! 'twixt whom and thee In thee, or in poffeffion! Only the future 's thine, the present his ! Hope! thou fad lovers' only friend! Fruition more deceitful is Than thou canft be, when thou doft mifs; Men leave thee by obtaining, and strait flee Some other way again to thee; And |