TH HOU robb'ft my days of business and delights, Ah, lovely thief! what wilt thou do? Thou ev'n my prayers dost steal from me; Begin to God, and end them all to thee. Is it a fin to love, that it fhould thus, From books I ftrive fome remedy to take, What do I feek, alas! or why do I I gave thee then ubiquity. The divine prefence there too is, But to torment men, not to give them blifs. ALL ALL OVER LOVE. IS well, 'tis well with them, fay I, TIS Whose short-liv'd paffions with themselves can die: For none can be unhappy, who, 'Midft all his ills, a time does know Whatever parts of me remain, But, like a God, by powerful art 'Twas all in all, and all in every part. My' affection no more perish can Mix'd with another's fubftance be, 'Twill leaven that whole lump with love of thee. Let Nature, if she please, difperfe My atoms over all the univerfe; At the last they easily shall Themselves know, and together call; For thy love, like a mark, is stamp'd on all. N OW, fure, within this twelvemonth past, I 'ave lov'd at least fome twenty years or more = Than that with which our life does fcore; Not that Love's hours or minutes are Thin airy things extend themfelves in space, Yet Love, alas! and Life, in me, A double, different motion? O yes, there may; for fo the felf-fame fun Swiftly his daily journey he goes, But treads his annual with a statelier pace; Within one yearly circle's fpace; At once, with double course in the fame sphere, When When Soul does to myself refer, 'Tis then my life, and does but flowly move; But when it does relate to her, It swiftly flies, and then is Love. Love's my diurnal course, divided right 'Twixt hope and fear-my day and night. THE BARGAIN. TAKE heed, take heed, thou lovely maid, Thyself for money! oh, let no man know What dangers ought'ft thou not to dread, When Love, that 's blind, is by blind Fortune led? The foolish Indian, that fells His precious gold for beads and bells, Does a more wife and gainful traffick hold, Than thou, who fell'ft thyself for gold. What gains in fuch a bargain are ? He'll in thy mines dig better treasures far. Can gold, alas! with thee compare ? The fun, that makes it, 's not fo fair; The fun, which can nor make nor ever fee A thing fo beautiful as thee, In all the journeys he does pass, Though the fea ferv'd him for a looking-glaf Bold Bold was the wretch that cheapen'd thee; Thou 'rt fo divine a thing, that thee to buy Too dear he 'll find his fordid price If it be lawful thee to buy, There's none can pay that rate but I; But what on earth 's most like to thee; So much thyself does in me live, And, that full weight too may be had, L THE LONG LIFE. OVE from Time's wings hath ftol'n the feathers, fure He has, and put them to his own ; For hours of late as long as days endure, And very minutes hours are grown. The various motions of the turning year Belong not now at all to me: Each fummer's night does Lucy's now appear, How |