At thy appearance, Fear itself grows bold; Thy fun-fhine melts away his cold. To the cheek colour comes, and firmness to the knee. Ev'n Luft, the master of a harden'd face, To Darkness' curtains he retires; In fympathizing night he rolls his fmoky fires. Thy quire of birds about thee play, The ghofts, and monfter-fpirits, that did prefume Vanish again invisibly, And bodies gain again their visibility. All the world's bravery, that delights our eyes, Thou the rich dye on them bestow'ft, Thy nimble pencil paints this landscape as thou go'ft. A crimson garment in the rose thou wear'st; The virgin-lilies, in their white, Are clad but with the lawn of almost naked light. The violet, Spring's little infant, stands Girt in thy purple fwadling-bands: On the fair tulip thou doft doat; Thou cloath'ft it in a gay and party-colour'd coat. With flame condens'd thou do'st thy jewels fix, And folid colours in it mix: Flora herself envies to fee Flowers fairer than her own, and durable as the. Ah, Goddefs! would thou could'st thy hand withold, And be lefs liberal to gold! Didft thou lefs value to it give, Of how much care, alas! might'st thou poor man relieve! To me the fun is more delightful far, And all fair days much fairer are. But few, ah! wondrous few, there be, Who do not gold prefer, O Goddess! ev'n to thee. Through the foft ways of heaven, and air, and sea, Like a clear river thou doft glide, And with thy living stream through the clofe channels flide. But, where firm bodies thy free course oppose, Takes there poffeffion, and does make, Of colours mingled light, a thick and standing lake. But the vaft ocean of unbounded day In th' empyrean heaven does fay. Thy rivers, lakes, and springs, below, From thence took first their rise, thither at last must flow. то THE ROYAL SOCIETY. Hilofophy, the great and only heir Of all that human knowledge which has been Unforfeited by man's rebellious fin, Though full of years he do appear Has ftill been kept in nonage till of late, Three or four thousand years, one would have thought, A fcience fo well bred and nurft, And of fuch hopeful parts too at the first : That his own bufinefs he might quite forget, Into the pleasant labyrinths of ever-fresh discourse ; } Instead of carrying him to fee The riches which do hoarded for him lie In Nature's endless treasury, They chose his eye to entertain (His curious but not covetous eye) With painted scenes and pageants of the brain. (From guardians who were now ufurpers grown) For fuch a long-oppreffed right. (Whom a wife king, and nature, chofe, Lord chancellor of both their laws) And boldly undertook the injur'd pupil's caufe. Authority-which did a body boast, Though 'twas but air condens'd, and stalk'd about, Like fome old giant's more gigantic ghost, To terrify the learned rout With the plain magic of true Reason's light He chac'd out of our fight; Nor fuffer'd living men to be mifled By the vain fhadows of the dead : [tom fled. To graves, from whence it rofe, the conquer'd phan He broke that monftrous God which stood (Both vaft for fhew, yet neither fit Or to defend, or to beget; Ridiculous and fenfeless terrors !) made Children and fuperftitious men afraid. The orchard 's open now, and free, Bacon has broke the fcare-crow deity : Come, enter, all that will, Behold the ripen'd fruit, come gather now your Yet ftill, methinks, we fain would be We would be like the Deity fill! When truth and falfehood, good and evil, we, All Nature in his mind. } From words, which are but pictures of the thought The thirty foul's refreshing wine. Who to the life an exact piece would make, No, not from Rubens or Vandyke; Much less content himself to make it like } Th' |