We fear'd (and almost touch'd the black degree That the three dreadful angels we, Of famine, fword, and plague, should here establish'd fee (God's great triumvirate of defolation !) To scourge and to deftroy the finful nation. We fear'd that the Fanatic war, Which men against God's houses did declare, We read th' inftructive hiftories which tell The facred town which God had lov'd fo well, } "His blood be upon ours and on our children's head." We know, though there a greater blood was spilt, 'Twas fcarcely done with greater guilt. We know thofe miferies did befal Whilft they rebell'd against that Prince, whom all call. Already was the shaken nation Into a wild and deform'd chaos brought, And it was hating on (we thought) Even to the laft of ills- annihilation : For, in the glorious General's previous ray, We by it faw, though yet in mists it shone, Sign his allowance of their wickedness ? Vain men! who thought the Divine Power to find God came not till the ftorm was paft; In the ftill voice of Peace he came at laft! May by the claws of the great fiend be done; Here, here we fee th' Almighty's hand indeed Both by the beauty of the work we fee 't, and by the speed. He who had feen the noble British heir, With which misfortune ftrives t' abuse our fight- Of brothers, heavenly good! and fifters, heavenly fair !— (But wicked men fee only what they please) That God had no intent t' extinguish quite The pious king's eclipfed right. He who had feen how by the Power Divine } How How through a rough Red-fea they had been led, Might, methinks, plainly understand, For all the glories of the earth Ought to be entail'd by right of birth; The martyrs' blood was faid of old to be The feed from whence the Church did grow. The royal blood which dying Charles did fow Becomes no less the feed of royalty : 'Twas in difhonour fown; We find it now in glory grown, The grave could but the drofs of it devour; "'Twas fown in weakness, and 'tis rais'd in power." We now the question well decided fee, Which eastern Wits did once contest, At the great Monarch's feast, "Of all on earth what things the strongest be?" And Confider man's whole life, and you'll confefs Is that which gives the tafte to all his happiness. Is, when the worst Of human life is plac'd the first, The virtue and the force of these are fure of victory. Such are the years, great Charles! which now we fee Begin their glorious march with thee: Long may their march to heaven, and still triumphant, be! Now thou art gotten once before, Things which offend when present, and affright, Enjoy then all thy' afflictions now Thy royal father's came at last ; Than thine more try'd and more refin'd. As As a choice medal for Heaven's treasury God did stamp first upon one fide of thee On th' other fide, turn'd now to fight, does fhine So, when the wisest poets feek In all their livelieft colours to fet forth (The pious Trojan or the prudent Greek); Who ftrives t' ufurp the Gods' forbidden feat); } But, in the cold of want, and storms of adverse chance Much is he toft at fea, and much at land; Nor |