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With gold there the vcffel we 'll store,

And never, and never be poor,

No, never be poor any more.

What do I mean? What thoughts do me misguide? As well upon a staff may witches ride

Their fancy'd journeys in the air,

As I fail round the ocean in this chair!

'Tis true; but yet this chair which here you fee,

For all its quiet now, and gravity,

Has wander'd and has travel'd more

Than ever beast, or fish, or bird, or ever tree, before:

In every air and every fea 't has been,

'T has compass'd all the earth, and all the heavens 't. has Let not the Pope's itself with this compare,

This is the only univerfal chair.

The pious wanderer's fleet, fav'd from the flame (Which still the relicks did of Troy pursue,

And took them for its due),

A fquadron of immortal nymphs became :
Still with their arms they row about the feas,
And ftill make new and greater voyages :
Nor has the first poetic ship of Greece
(Though now a star she so triumphant show,
And guide her failing fucceffors below,
Bright as her ancient freight the fhining fleece)
Yet to this day a quiet harbour found;
The tide of heaven ftill carries her around.
Only Drake's facred veffel (which before

Had done and had feen more



Than those have done or feen,

Ev'n fince they Goddesses and this a Star has been)

As a reward for all her labour past,

Is made the feat of reft at last.

Let the cafe now quite alter'd be,
And, as thou went'st abroad the world to fee,

Let the world now come to fee thee!

The world will do "t; for curiofity

Does, no less than devotion, pilgrims make ;
And I myself, who now love quiet too,
As much almost as any chair can do,
Would yet a journey take,

An old wheel of that chariot to fee,

Which Phaeton fo rafhly brake:

Yet what could that fay more than these remains of Drake ?

Great relick! thou too, in this port of ease,

Haft still one way of making voyages;

The breath of Fame, like an aufpicious gale

(The great trade-wind which ne'er does fail) Shall drive thee round the world, and thou shalt run, As long around it as the fun.

The ftreights of Time too narrow are for thee;
Launch forth into an undiscover'd fea,

And fteer the endless courfe of vaft Eternity!
Take for thy fail this verfe, and for thy pilot me!





IS folly all, that can be faid,

By living mortals, of th' immortal dead,

And I'm afraid they laugh at the vain tears we shed. 'Tis as if we, who stay behind

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In expectation of the wind,

Should pity those who pafs'd this ftreight before,

And touch the univerfal fhore.

Ah, happy man! who art to fail no more!
And, if it feem ridiculous to grieve

Because our friends are newly come from fea,
Though ne'er so fair and calm it be
What would all fober men believe,
If they should hear us fighing fay,
"Balcarres, who but th' other day

"Did all our love and our refpect command;
"At whofe great parts we all amaz'd did stand;
"Is from a storm, alas! cast suddenly on land?”


you will fay-Few perfons upon earth

Did, more than he, deferve to have

A life exempt from fortune and the grave;
Whether you look upon his birth

And ancestors, whofe fame 's fo widely fpread-
But ancestors, alas! who long ago are dead-

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Or whether you confider more
The vaft increafe, as fure you ought,
Of honour by his labour bought,

And added to the former ftore :
All I can answer, is, That I allow

The privilege you plead for; and avow
That, as he well deferv'd, he doth enjoy it now.

Though God, for great and righteous ends,
Which his unerring Providence intends
Erroneous mankind should not understand,
Would not permit Balcarres' hand

(That once with so much industry and art
Had clos'd the gaping wounds of every part)
To perfect his distracted nation's cure,
Or stop the fatal bondage 'twas t' endure
Yet for his pains he foon did him remove,
From all th' oppreffion and the woe

Of his frail body's native foil below,
To his foul's true and peaceful country above:
So Godlike kings, for fecret caufes, known
Sometimes, but to themselves alone,

One of their ablest ministers elect,

And fend abroad to treaties, which they' intend
Shall never take effect;

But, though the treaty wants a happy end, The happy agent wants not the reward, For which he labour'd faithfully and hard; His juft and righteous master calls him home, And gives him, near himself, fome honourable room.



Noble and great endeavours did he bring To fave his country, and restore his king; And, whilft the manly half of him (which thofe Who know not Love, to be the whole fuppofe) Performed all parts of virtue's vigorous life; The beauteous half, his lovely wife, Did all his labours and his cares divide ; Nor was a lame nor paralytic fide: In all the turns of human state, And all th' unjust attacks of Fate, She bore her share and portion ftill, And would not fuffer any to be ill. Unfortunate for ever let me be,

If I believe that fuch was he,

Whom, in the ftorms of bad fuccefs, And all that Error calls unhappiness, His virtue and his virtuous wife did still accompany!

With thefe companions 'twas not strange
That nothing could his temper change.
His own and country's union had not weight
Enough to crush his mighty mind!

He faw around the hurricanes of state,
Fixt as an island 'gainst the waves and wind.
Thus far the greedy fea may reach;

All outward things are but the beach ;
A great man's foul it doth affault in vain !
Their God himself the ocean doth restrain

With an imperceptible chain,

And bid it to go back again,

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