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hands by Anth. Nutter who was present in ye room & did see ye assault made both upon ye Dept. Governr. & myself, & hindred me from releiving ye Dept. Governr. Nor did ye sd. Nutter give any help or assistance to the Deputy Governor.

ROBERT MASON. Taken upon the 8th March, 168%, before me, R. CHAMBERLAIN, Just. P.

I, Walter Barefoot, Esqr. Dept. Governr. of the Province of New-Hampshire doe make oath, that upon ye 30th of Decemb. last, Thomas Wiggins & Anthony Nutter yeomen, being at my house, Wiggins did give Robert Mason Esqr. Propr. of ye Province very provoking language, so yt Mr. Mason bid him several times to go out of ye house, & I did also intreat ye sd. Wiggins to be gone, fearing some mischeif might else ensue, telling him that Mr. Mason had ye use of the house during his stay in ye countrey, & ye servants were his, but Wiggins would not goe out, being encouraged to stay by ye sd. Nutter, who did speak to Wiggins not to goe, but to stay, then Mr. Mason opened ye door & took Thomas Wiggins by ye arm bidding him be gone, for that he should not stay there, thereupon Thomas Wiggins laid hands upon Mr. Mason & threw him upon ye fire & by force kept him down, so that I had great difficulty to pluck him off, and I do verily beleive Mr. Mason had been murthered had it not been for me. And Thomas Wiggins did also assault me & threw me into the same fire & fell upon me, so that two of my ribs were broken, and one of my teeth came out. WALTER BAREFOOTE. Taken upon oath the 8th March, 168, before R. CHAMBERLAIN, Just. P.


[blocks in formation]

Prudence Gatch aged sixteen years servant to Robert Mason Esqr. maketh oath, that Thomas Wiggins & Anthony Nutter being in her masters kitchin Thomas Wiggins did give her master ill language, that her master bid Tho. Wiggins several times to be gone out of the house, & one Mrs. Hall who was then present did beg of Tho. Wiggins to goe out, but he would not, that she seing Tho. Wiggins laying hold of her Master by the cravat & hair, did run forth to call the neighbours, crying out that her master would be murthered, & when she came back into the kitchen, she did see fire sticking to her masters clothes, & his Perriwig burned. And she did also see Tho. Wiggins fighting with the Deputy Governr. who was thrown down upon the floor, that at the same time Anthony Nutter did walk about the room in a laughing


The mark of

Prudence Gatch.

Taken upon oath ye 9th March 168, before me


Joan Carter wife of Edward Carter, and Wilmot Martin wife of John Martin of Great Island, doe make oath, that they hearing Mr. Masons servant maid crying out that her master would be murthered, did run into Capt. Barefoots house, & did see Thomas Wiggins, Capt. Barefoot & Mr. Mason fighting, & a tall big man called Anthony Nutter was walking about the room in a laughing manner; that the Depont. Carter did say to Nutter, for Gods sake part them, will you stand by and see men murthered, pray put Wiggins out of the room. Nut

ter said to the Depont. Carter, will you save me harmless then, but the said Nutter did not give any assistance to the Deputy Governr. nor did endeavour to part them, and the Depont Carter did take up Capt. Barefoots velvet cap which lay behind the fire.

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Employment of Seneca and Mohawk Indians.
New-Hampsh. in New-England.

By His Ma'ts Councel.

Seal of There being an appearance of an Insurye rection of ye Indians in this & other His Province. Ma'ts Colonies of New-England, with

an intent to destroy His Ma'ts Subiects; It is therefore humbly desired by us of His Ma'ts Councel, That the Hon'ble Edward Cranfield Esqr. the Govern'r & Capt'n General of this sd Province, will be pleased to take upon him the trouble, to go to ye Hon'ble Colonel T. Dungans, Govr.--[illegible]-and treat with him for procuring such a number of Mohauck,Senacar,or other Indians to march into this sd Province, for defence & security thereof as the Hon'ble Govern'r shall think needfull, and to make such Capitulacons & Agreement for their pay, as his Hon'r shall find reasonable, & what his Hon'r shall do therein we shall agree unto it, and that the sd Mohauck, Senacar, or other Indians, be paid out of such monies as shall be raised in the sd Province, in

pursuance of the Powers granted by His Ma'ts Royal Commission. And His Ma'ts sd Councel do ingage our selves to see the Mohaucks, Senacars, or other Indians (as his Hon'r shall iudg fit to be imployd) out of the Public monies that are now raising for that purpose. Given under our hands & the Seal of the Province the one & twentieth day of March, 168, and in the 36th year of His Ma'ts Raign.





NOTE. The name of Mason seems to be in his own hand writing, while the other names are evidently written by one hand. In place of the seal, are the words, "Seal of ye Province" The body of the paper was written by R. Chamberlain, Clerk of the Council. Possibly the whole is but a copy or draft of the original.

Order of Gov. Cranfield-1684.

New Hampshire.


By the Governor.

Whereas there hath bin a petition & complaint lately preferred to His Maty. against me Edward Cranfield Esqr and Robert Mason Esqr wherein itt is alledged among other Edw Cranfield things that seuerall persons haue bin imprisoned out of disigne to obstruct Proofs for the making out

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of certain misdemeanours that we

and others have bin charged withall; and Colonel

Richard Waldron and William Vaughan Esqrs are principally concerned in the said charge who now stand committed by His Mats: Justices of Peace for this Prouince for seuerall misdemeanours: Therefore to take away all ground of such false Allegacons as aforesd. and to giue them the better oppertunity to make out their charge against vs, I have thought fitt to sett at liberty the said Richard Waldron and William Vaughan, that they may bring their wittnesses before Richard Chamberlain Esqr one of His Mats. Council and Justice of Peace, to be deposed in order to making out their charge; and he hath order from my selfe to give them Copies of such affidauits or other records & papers to the end to give His Maty. & the Lords of the Comittee of Trade and Plantacons due satisfaction. And they the sd Richard Waldron and William Vaughan haue hereby full & free liberty to goe at large imediately, and farther for the space of two months from the arriuall of His Mats. Originall Letter, which is to direct in the premisses; and then they are to returne to prison, vnless they shall be discharged att the next Quarter Sessions of the Peace or Gaol deliuery, by due course of Law. And Richard Abbott Prison Keeper of Great Island, and John Souter Prison Keeper of Hampton are hereby required and comanded to take notice of this Order, and forthwith to giue obedience thereunto, and sett the sd Richard Waldron and William Vaughan at liberty accordingly, and' for soe doeing this shall be their sufficient Warrant. Given vnder my hand and Seal att Great Island the sixteenth day of Octor. in the six and thirtieth year of the Reign of Our Souereign Lord Charles the Second, King of England, &c. A'oq D'ini. 1684.

NOTE. This and the following order are copied from the originals, found in the Recorder's office in Rockingham, by one of the publishing committee.

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