Annual Report of the Board of Railroad Commissioners for the Year Ending ..., Volume 34State of Iowa, 1912 |
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Albia Anamosa & Northern application Atchison Board of Railroad Bridge Burlington & Quincy cars Cedar Rapids Cent Centerville Chicago & North Chicago Great Western citizens Closed December Closed November coal rates Colfax Northern Crooked Commission Commodity Rates complainant Council Bluffs crossing depot Dodge Dubuque Dubuque & Sioux express companies feet Fort Dodge freight Injured Killed Inter-Urban interstate Iowa Central Railway Iowa Classification Island & Pacific Item January Junction June 30 live stock Louis Manchester & Oneida Mason City mileage Miles of line Milwaukee & St minimum weight Minn Minneapolis & St Muscatine North & South Northern & Southern Northern Crooked Creek Northern Iowa Central Number October Oskaloosa pany Passenger petition pole Railroad Commissioners Railroad Company Rock Island Satisfactorily adjusted shipments shippers Sioux City Southern Iowa Traction Tabor & Northern telephone Terminal Texas Topeka & Santa trolley Union Pacific Wabash Violation of Sec Waterloo York
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Halaman 32 - ... stations or station houses, or any change in its rates of fare for transporting freight or passengers, or any change in the mode of operating its road and conducting its business is reasonable and expedient in order to promote the security, convenience and accommodation of the public...
Halaman 80 - The question is not how much he makes out of his volume of business, but whether in each particular transaction the charge is an unreasonable exaction for the services rendered. He has a right to do business. He has a right to charge for each separate service that which is reasonable compensation therefor, and the legislature may not deny him such reasonable compensation, and may not interfere simply because out of the multitude of his transactions the amount of his profits is large.
Halaman 30 - ... to be recovered In a civil action brought in any court of competent jurisdiction...
Halaman 90 - Texas shall have power, and it shall be its duty to fix and establish reasonable and just rates of charges for each class or kind of property, money, papers, packages and other things to be charged for, and received by each express company on all such property, money, papers, packages and things which by the contract of carriage are to be transported by...
Halaman v - You are, doubtless, uninformed how disproportionate the amount to be paid is to the work contracted for. I need not expatiate upon the sincerity of my course, when you reflect upon the fact that I have resigned the best position in my profession this country has ever offered to any man.
Halaman 74 - Companies, will run a car through from Boston to New York and vice versa, via Stonington, with the mail train daily, for the purpose of transporting specie, small packages of goods, and bundles of all kinds. Packages sent by this line will be delivered on the following morning, at any part of the city, free of charge. A responsible agent will accompany the car, who will attend to purchasing goods, collecting drafts, notes and bills, and will transact any other business that may be intrusted to him.
Halaman 80 - Pursuing this thought, we add that the state's regulation of his charges is not to be measured by the aggregate of his profits determined by the volume of business, but by the question whether any particular charge to an individual dealing with him is, considering the service rendered, an unreasonable exaction. In other words, if he has a thousand transactions a day, and his charges in each are but a reasonable compensation for the benefit received by the party dealing with him, such charges do not...
Halaman vi - ... which office he continued to fill until the time of his death, which took place two years ago, at the age of seventy-four years.
Halaman 30 - Penalty enforcement. Any person or corporation who string or maintain any wire across any railroad track In this state at a different height or In a different manner from that prescribed by the said board, of railroad commissioners shall forfeit and pay to the State of Iowa...
Halaman 72 - may be changed or modified by said Commissioners from time to time in such manner as may become necessary." We are required by law to "fix and establish reasonable, fair and just rates of charges, including schedule of maximum Joint rates.