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that these truths shall henceforth | twenty-seven years, underwent the

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The difference of rising every morning at six and eight o'clock, in the course of forty years, supposing a person to go to bed at the same time he otherwise would, amount to twenty-nine thousand two hundred hours, or three years, one hundred and twenty-one days, and sixteen hours, which afford eight hours per day, for exactly ten years, so that it is the same as if ten years of life (a weighty consideration) were added, in which we may command eight hours every day, for the cultivation of our lives and the dispatch of busi


capital punishment on the gallows, to which he was sentenced by the court of this commandancy general of Marine on the 19th April of last year, (and which the supreme tribunal of the admiralty of Spain and the Indies confirmed) for the treacherous murder of the justice of peace, D. Francisco Rodriguez, and at half past three P. M. his right hand was cut off and nailed to the hook which is without the gate of the rail of the royal arsenal.

The aforesaid criminal Harra, being put into the chapel for spiritual preparation, manifested that he had a public and judicial declaration to make, in order to ease his conscience, and his petition being acceded to, he declared the day before the punishment, having previously taken an oath, that he had committed SEVENTEEN MURDERS-eight in this city, and nine out, explaining them all in the following manner: The first in the arches of the convent of our lady de Belen, committing it with a knife on a white man, whose name and surname he did not know, neither did he state the day nor the year; but he stated that it was after orisons, and through jealousy as to a woman: the second, on the wall of Paura, on F. Rodriguez, giving him two stabs with a knife, and being dead, he threw

London, April, 1816.-Cherries made their first appearance this season on the 7th inst. in Covent-him into the sea over the said wall garden market; they were sold at two guineas and a half per pound.


Havanna, April 24.-Don Jose Miguel Izquierdo, clerk of the admiralty in this station, &c.

I certify that on the 19th inst. at half past seven o'clock, A. M. the galley slave of the royal arsenal, Jose Florentino Harra, aged

-he did neither state the day, year nor hour; but that the cause was for having pursued him as a deserter from the arsenal, requiring of him a contribution: the third he perpetrated on the negro Julian Mendez, in the neighbourhood of Santa Cattalina, giving him a stab with a dagger about 4 o'clock in the evening; neither did he state the day, month, nor year,

but that the cause was his having stared at him: the fourth, in the walks of St. Jose, without the walls of this city, on a young native Spaniard, of whose name and surname he gave no account, neither of the day, month nor year, on account of some variance he had with him: the fifth he executed in the road which is before arriving at the settlement of Palaver, on a negrohe did not state his name, surname, day, month nor year; but the cause was, that he presumed he was following him, whom he watched a quarter of an hour the night after his decease happened: the sixth, in the field of Mars, on a mulatto, striking him with a club, neither did he state his name, the day nor month, but that it was in the evening, and because that playing pawpaw he had some difference with him: the seventh he executed in the district of Macha, on the negro, Crisostomo-he did not state his surname, the day, month nor year, but that the cause was his having pursued him with two others; and because at the ball there was in that town he broke the harp with which they were playing: the eighth was that which he committed on the person of the above mentioned commissary, D. Francisco Rodriguez, and for which he was judged and sentenced to undergo the punishment of the gallows; as has been stated: the ninth was in the city of Porto Rico, and he executed it on the boatswain of a vessel, and for which he was sentenced to ten years labour in this arsenal in 1810: the tenth he executed in Vera Cruz, on the serjeant of lancers, F. Alvarez, being a soldier in the same troop, giving him a stab in the quarters-he did not state the day, month nor year: the

eleventh in Mexico, on a commissary of the city, executing it on a Saturday, about four o'clock in the evening, in the month of April, without stating the year, neither the name of the person, but the cause being his having wished to arrest him as a deserter from the permanent regiment, in which he had enlisted: the twelfth, in Alicant, on Antonio Cortes, sailor on board a French privateer, in which they both sailed; he killed him with a stab, at about 3 o'clock in the evening, in the month of January, without recollecting the year; but the cause was having lent him a sash, and his having refused to return it to him, declaring that in this affair he was wounded by Cortes: the thirteenth, on the French consul of the city of Malaga, giving him three stabs in the castle de Alfaro: the fourteenth, on his excellency the senior marquis de la Solano, in Cadiz, having been the first who seized him, and gave him three mortal stabs: the fifteenth, he perpetrated on the commandant of the revenue, D. Jose Heredia, in the said Cadiz, in the time of the revolution which the French caused in Spain: and finally, he declared, that sailing from Tampico to Cadiz, in an American brig, he threw overboard one of the sailors with whom he had a quarrel in defence of the Spanish name, executing it one night during a storm, and two days afterwards he did the same to the mate, in performing which Rasaci Amenio, a native of the island of Leon, assisted him, because the said mate had suspicion of his having thrown him overboard: concluding that he did not specify the various affrays and blows which he had with others; because death not having ensued, he con

sidered the relation of them as superfluous, although some persons had remained injured.

On the same day he made his will; and notwithstanding that in the process of the trial, he declared that he was a native of Monte Video, he manifested in that, that he was of this city.

I certify likewise, that on the same nineteenth day that justice was executed, he repeated his confession and the sacrament was administered to him before carrying him to the gallows: that being on it a few moments before expiating his crimes, among other things which he expressed and said, he confirmed in a loud and public voice, the foregoing declaration, which, by a decree passed in the proceedings of his trial, was ordered to be published in the government paper of this city; to the end that if there be any one charged with these murders, and if he should choose to make use of this information, he may, as far as he is able, use it in his favour; and that the requisite copies thereof be officially sent to their honours, the chiefs of the tribunals of provinces in which the said murders were committed, and especially to the supreme council of the admiralty, for their information, and to the government paper of this city.

Jose Miguel Izquierdo. Havanna, April 20th, 1815.


Anne Maria Clements, an unfortunate female, was charged by an officer of the second West India regiment, with robbing him of 107. She was remanded till Monday. Mr. Fielding (after she was gone from the bar) said he remembered the above unfortunate creature a few years ago extreme

ly beautiful, and that she had a house superbly furnished, drove about in an elegant barouche and four, and is supposed to have squandered away at least 40,000. of the gentleman's money who was then attached to her. She now exhibits a striking picture of the very lowest ebb of human wretchedness.-Lon. paper.

BONAPARTE'S POLICE. London, May 29. Our readers will recollect the accusation brought by M. Fouche Borel, against one Perlet, of which we, some weeks ago, gave an abstract, as illustrative of the horrible atrocities of Bonaparte's police. At an early period of the revolution, M. Borel had abandoned his country, had left a beloved wife, and an ample fortune, and had served the king of France confidentially in various parts of Europe, and for a long succession of years. He had himself undergone a severe imprisonment, and had sent his nephew, M. Vitel, on a dangerous mission to Paris, and had intrusted the secret, together with a large sum of money, to Perlet. This latter wretch, who had previously been dispatched by Fouche and Real, to England, to persuade the Royal Family to come to France, with a view to have them assassinated; finding that attempt unsuccessful, resolved at least to betray Vitel, and to pocket Borel's money under pretence of employing it for the unfortunate young man's release. Vitel perished, and Borel did not at that time suspect Perlet. We have before us a pamphlet, which he published in 1807, very shortly after his nephew's death, in which he speaks of its authors as unknown to him; but adds, "I am on my part resolutely determined not to spare them, but to oblige

them sooner or later to develope themselves; let them be assured that I am resolved to drag them into daylight." This threat M. Borel, fortunately for the interest of morality, has at length accomplished. He has unmasked the traitor to his sovereign, the swindler of his friend, the base and infamous dealer in blood. Perlet had the audacity to reply by a charge of calumny against Borel; the actions were consolidated, and at the first hearing both the plaintiff's stood in person before the court; but the guilt of Perlet was established by his own answers, and irresistibly confirmed by the deposition of Veyrat, another agent of Bonaparte's police at the time of Vitel's death. At the subsequent hearing, Perlet had absconded. Borel's counsel was heard, and the cause was adjourned for the Procureur general to sum up, on the part of the government, in relation to both of the charges. On the 24th inst. this cause, which had excited an exceedingly great interest in Paris, was brought to a conclusion by the speech of M. Riffe, who appeared as substitute for the Procureur general. The judges, much to their honour, went beyond the sentence on Perlet, which M. Riffe demanded. They condemned him to five years imprisonment, to pay 24,000 francs to Borel, including costs; and to the privation of all civil rights for ten years.


The following table exhibits the present division of Italy according to the last treaties of Vienna and Paris, and the maps published in May, last year, at Rome, by that celebrated German geographer, William Mayer.

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[The following description of a very singular place, is taken from Elphinstone's interesting "Account of the Kingdom of Caubul."]

"Calla-Baugh, where we left the plain, well deserves a minute description. The Indus is here compressed by mountains into a deep channel, only 350 yards broad. The mountains on each side have an abrupt descent into the river, and a road is cut along their base, for upwards of two miles. It had been widened for us, but it was still so narrow, and the rock over it so steep, that no camel with a bulky load could pass;


obviate this inconvenience, twenty-eight boats had been prepared to convey our largest packages up the river. The finest part of this pass is actually overhung by the town of Calla-baugh, which

*The ratio of the Italian mile to the American is 37 to 100.

is built in a singular manner upon the face of the hill, every street rising above its neighbour, and, I imagine, only accessible by the flat roofs of the houses below it.As we passed beneath, we perceived windows and balconies at a great height, crowded with women and children. The road beyond was cut out of solid salt, at the foot of the cliffs of that mineral, in some places more than one hundred feet high above the river.

The salt is hard, clear, and almost pure. It would be like crystal, were it not in some parts 5 streaked and tinged with red. In some places, salt springs issue from the foot of the rocks, and leave the ground covered with a crust of the most brilliant whiteness. All the earth, particularly near the town, is almost blood red, and this, with the strange and beautiful spectacle of the salt rock, and the Indus flowing in a deep and clear stream through the lofty mountains, past this extraordinary town, presented such a scene of wonders, as is seldom to be witnessed."



A Liverpool paper of October 19, has the following:-Letters from Smyrna, dated Sept. 3, have been received in Liverpool; from which, we learn, that, on the 1st ult. a fleet of twenty-eight vessels arrived at that place from Constantinople, having on board the high admiral Captain Bashaw, of Turkey. By its appearance, the whole city was thrown into confusion; but when the governor went on board to pay his respects to the Bashaw, he was informed that he was come to receive the usual tribute for the Grand Signior; and that he had five thousand troops VOL. II.

with him, for the purpose of bringing to submission a neighbouring governor who had not done his duty. The bashaw requested the governor to provide quarters in the city for his troops, which was accordingly done, and the governor, with twenty-three members of the government, again went on board on the 2d, where the whole were immediately put in irons, or beheaded and strangled. The bashaw then sent on shore a new governor, and on the 3d, all was quiet.


From the Florence Gazette of Oct. 24.-Joachim Murat having fled last May from Naples, sought an asylum in France, where the sudden appearance of Napoleon seemed to elevate his mind to new hopes.

After the events which took place in consequence of the battle of Waterloo, Murat remained in Provence, less with the intention of there finding security, than to excite anarchy among the inhabitants of these departments, and thus to rekindle the flame of civil war already extinguished.

The progress of the allied arms, and the devotion of Toulon and Marseilles to their legitimate sovereign, compelled that general to leave France. The police of Naples, which had constantly followed his footsteps during the whole time he had remained in the French territory, did not lose sight of him when he left that


Murat went to Corsica; there he was received by Signor Colona Ceccaldi, Mayor of Vescovato.

The appearance of the fugitive general excited the attention and vigilance of the military commander of the island, who soon had 2 K

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