Annual Report of the Railroad Commissioners of the State of MaineBurleigh & Flynt, printers to the state, 1891 |
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Halaman 9
... conditions and circumstances . In view of the dangers to which these men are subjected , and the fact that railroad ... manner lessen the dangers to which these employes are daily RAILROAD COMMISSIONERS ' REPORT . 9.
... conditions and circumstances . In view of the dangers to which these men are subjected , and the fact that railroad ... manner lessen the dangers to which these employes are daily RAILROAD COMMISSIONERS ' REPORT . 9.
Halaman 13
... condition of things still existed . No material change in the laws of those states had been made , nor in the approvals ... manner , that some member of the family would have to sit on top of the radiator , would not ordinarily be ...
... condition of things still existed . No material change in the laws of those states had been made , nor in the approvals ... manner , that some member of the family would have to sit on top of the radiator , would not ordinarily be ...
Halaman 19
... condition , well ditched and drained . The track is laid with steel rails , well aligned , surfaced and ballasted . The bridges across the Penobscot river have been rebuilt within the last two years in a substantial manner , and the ...
... condition , well ditched and drained . The track is laid with steel rails , well aligned , surfaced and ballasted . The bridges across the Penobscot river have been rebuilt within the last two years in a substantial manner , and the ...
Halaman 26
... condition , and is being improved from year to year . The road - bed has ... manner , and would be very creditable structures on any road . LEWISTON AND ... condition ; but the road - bed and track on the Lake Auburn line , are ...
... condition , and is being improved from year to year . The road - bed has ... manner , and would be very creditable structures on any road . LEWISTON AND ... condition ; but the road - bed and track on the Lake Auburn line , are ...
Halaman 151
... manner and conditions in which a certain town way may cross a track of the Boston and Maine Railroad in said town . The petitioners , the Municipal officers of Kennebunk , as appears by the foregoing application , ask this Board to ...
... manner and conditions in which a certain town way may cross a track of the Boston and Maine Railroad in said town . The petitioners , the Municipal officers of Kennebunk , as appears by the foregoing application , ask this Board to ...
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Aggregate length ANALYSIS OF EARNINGS ANALYSIS OF EXPENSES Average number baggage cars Balance at commencement BALANCE SHEET-ASSETS BALANCE SHEET-LIABILITIES Bangor Biddeford branch track bridges Bridgton Capital stock carried one mile Construction account DESCRIPTION OF ROAD Directors Last expense including taxes Fryeburg Funded debt Grand Trunk Railway incidentals of passenger Injured Kennebunk Kennebunkport Length of main Lewiston line of road loss balance mail and baggage main line Maine Central Railroad manner and conditions Monson Railroad Name and Residence number of cars number of passengers number of persons Number of stations Ogdensburg passenger mileage passenger trains passengers carried pile bridges Portland Proper Address PROPERTY ACCOUNTS Railroad Company Residence of Directors RESIDENCE OF OFFICERS road in Maine road operated road-bed Saco River Salaries Sandy River Railroad September 30 steel rails street surplus tons through freight Total earnings Total expense including Total income Total length Total miles wages and incidentals Weight per yard