Annual Report of the Railroad Commissioners of the State of MaineBurleigh & Flynt, printers to the state, 1891 |
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Halaman 15
... Bangor Street Railway , through several streets in that city and to and through the city of Brewer , a distance of 3.95 miles . Also the Somerset extension from Embden to Bingham 10.06 miles . LEGISLATION . Section 14 of Chapter 51 of ...
... Bangor Street Railway , through several streets in that city and to and through the city of Brewer , a distance of 3.95 miles . Also the Somerset extension from Embden to Bingham 10.06 miles . LEGISLATION . Section 14 of Chapter 51 of ...
Halaman 19
... BANGOR AND PISCATAQUIS RAILROAD - Including Katahdin . Iron Works Branch . From Old Town to Milo Junction , the road - bed is in good condition , well ditched and drained . The track is laid with steel rails , well aligned , surfaced ...
... BANGOR AND PISCATAQUIS RAILROAD - Including Katahdin . Iron Works Branch . From Old Town to Milo Junction , the road - bed is in good condition , well ditched and drained . The track is laid with steel rails , well aligned , surfaced ...
Halaman 20
... BANGOR STREET RAILROAD . ( ELECTRIC ) . This road is located in and runs through the principal streets of Bangor , and to the town line between Bangor and Hampden . The road has been extended during the past sea- son , in Bangor and ...
... BANGOR STREET RAILROAD . ( ELECTRIC ) . This road is located in and runs through the principal streets of Bangor , and to the town line between Bangor and Hampden . The road has been extended during the past sea- son , in Bangor and ...
Halaman 23
... Bangor and Piscataquis Railroad , at West Cove . From West Cove it continues along about one - half mile south of Greenville village , to the outlets of Wilson and Ship ponds and thence to Brownville , where it crosses and forms a ...
... Bangor and Piscataquis Railroad , at West Cove . From West Cove it continues along about one - half mile south of Greenville village , to the outlets of Wilson and Ship ponds and thence to Brownville , where it crosses and forms a ...
Halaman 27
... Bangor , is well ditched and drained . The track is laid with heavy steel rails upon good sound ties of equal length , and is well aligned , surfaced and ballasted . That portion of the road between Portland and Brunswick is entitled to ...
... Bangor , is well ditched and drained . The track is laid with heavy steel rails upon good sound ties of equal length , and is well aligned , surfaced and ballasted . That portion of the road between Portland and Brunswick is entitled to ...
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Istilah dan frasa umum
Aggregate length ANALYSIS OF EARNINGS ANALYSIS OF EXPENSES Average number baggage cars Balance at commencement BALANCE SHEET-ASSETS BALANCE SHEET-LIABILITIES Bangor Biddeford branch track bridges Bridgton Capital stock carried one mile Construction account DESCRIPTION OF ROAD Directors Last expense including taxes Fryeburg Funded debt Grand Trunk Railway incidentals of passenger Injured Kennebunk Kennebunkport Length of main Lewiston line of road loss balance mail and baggage main line Maine Central Railroad manner and conditions Monson Railroad Name and Residence number of cars number of passengers number of persons Number of stations Ogdensburg passenger mileage passenger trains passengers carried pile bridges Portland Proper Address PROPERTY ACCOUNTS Railroad Company Residence of Directors RESIDENCE OF OFFICERS road in Maine road operated road-bed Saco River Salaries Sandy River Railroad September 30 steel rails street surplus tons through freight Total earnings Total expense including Total income Total length Total miles wages and incidentals Weight per yard