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January 27, Mr. Henry W. Haynes, of Boston, calls the attention of the editor to the fact that as early as 1868 he himself had discovered palæolithic axes of the St. Acheul type, together with a most extensive series of all the usual implements that are found in other countries in which the existence of the "stone age" is regarded as established. Mr. Haynes also states that it was he who first directed Dr. Mook's attention to the palæolithic implements, and complains that Dr. Mook has almost totally ignored him in his work. The death of Dr. Mook, recently announced, will deprive our countryman of the explanation which is justly his due.

PREHISTORIC ILLINOIS.-At the second annual meeting of the State Natural History Society of Illinois, held in the State House at Springfield, Feb. 8--10, the following papers were read: "The ancient agricultural implements of stone found in the Illinois river bottoms and in the mounds in the Mississippi valley," by the Hon. Wm. Mc. Adams, of Otterville; "The Palenque Tablet," by Professor Cyrus Thomas; and "The Ancient Illinois," by the Hon. J. G. Henderson, of Winchester. Only the most meager report of these interesting papers has reached us, hence the brevity of this notice.

ANCIENT WORKS IN NEW YORK.-There are within ten miles. of Watertown, N. Y., many ancient fortified village sites, not to speak of those obliterated by the plow. We cannot use the term mound, as applicable to this locality, for there are no artificially constructed mounds found here. One of the most marked features is, that all these sites were fortified, or defended with ditches. They are nearly all located upon the sandy moraines of extinct Adirondac glaciers, or sand strewn hills. A few fishing stations along the shores of Lake Ontario and Black River bay are the exceptions, and even these are upon sandy slopes. There seems to be no uniformity in the shape or construction of the lines of defence; one at Black River bay had the ditches in the form of circles, one within the other, and a lunette towards the water, with a protected roadway to the shore. One in Rutland, on the farm of Mr. Gragg, has the trench cut across the base of a peninsula, between two forks of Sandy creek, a steep hill serving as embankment for the rest of the enclosure, and usually the lines run along the edges of an escarpment. I am informed by several of our elderly inhabitants, that these lines of entrenchments near our cemetery, were a mile and a half long, and some of the trenches five feet deep. Pottery of the usual forms, and nearly always broken into small pieces, is a constant accompaniment of these fortified sites, and it is generally blackened on the inside with charred food, showing that the owners cooked with heated stones thrown into the vessels. The jar or pot, the most perfect specimens I have met with, was dug up in the town of Rutland many years since,

[blocks in formation]

and is owned by Mr. J. A. Lawyer of this city. Arrow-heads, stone-axes, scrapers, knives, bone awls, charred corn, etc., found west and south, are dug up from the graves of these people, or strew the sites of their homes.-David S. Marvin.

THE AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN.-The number for January of this useful Journal makes the following contributions to anthropology:-The military architecture of the emblematic Moundbuilders, by the Rev. S. D. Peet; Oregon and her Prehistoric relics; Lookout mounds in Ohio; Earthworks on the Missouri river; The ancient pottery makers; Wisconsin copper finds and lake dwellings; The rapid formation of rock strata in Oregon; Wild rice; Nest of flint relics; The Mound-builders in Minnesota; Indian relics in a mound; Ancient man in Missouri; Relics of the Mound-builders near Joliet Ill.; Gold ornaments in Tehuantepec; Aleutian mummies.

GERMAN ANTHROPOLOGY.-Our readers will remember that there was an exhibition of the prehistoric and anthropological collections of Germany in Berlin, from 5-21 August, 1880, under the protection of the Crown Prince, and in connection with the eleventh annual meeting of the German Anthropological Society. Under the direction of Dr. A. Voss, of Berlin, an illustrated catalogue and supplement have been published, 619 and 48 pages. In these volumes are brought together not only descriptions of the objects exhibited but catalogues of books and lists of localities which makes them really a complete hand-book of German anthropology.

ANTHROPOLOGY IN GREAT BRITAIN.-The Journal of the Anthropological Institute is coming more and more to reflect the labors of British anthropologists. In the number for November, 1880, No. II, Vol. x, the original matter is supplemented by ten pages of miscellanea. The original papers are as follows: Notes on Fijian Burial Customs. By the Rev. Lorimer Fison.

Flint Implements from the Valley of the Bann. By W. J. Knowles, Esq.

On the cranial characters of the natives of the Fiji islands. By W. H. Flower, LL.D., F.R.S.

The Ethnology of Germany. Part v. The Jutes and Fomorians. By H. H. Howorth,

Observations upon the methods and processes of Anthropometry. By Dr. Paul Topinard.

The Japanese People: their origin and the race as it now exists. By C. Pfoundes. The paper of greatest value to the readers of the NATURALIST is that of Dr. Topinard. Anthropometry is the measurement of the entire human body, to determine its proportions: 1, at different ages, to learn the law of the relative growth of parts; 2, in races, so as to distinguish them; 3. in all environments, in order to ascertain their influence on variation. As the few skeletons in our museums are insufficient to obtain a just average, all our efforts should tend to perfect the methods of operating on the

living, and to simplify them so as to render them available by travelers, officers of the army and navy, recruiting agents, teachers, etc. To obtain good measures one should demand only a few, such as height, breadths, some circumferences, and perhaps the facial angle.

The center of the patella, adopted in the statistics of the Civil war is preferred upon the living to all others, as one datum point. From the summit of the olecranon to the upper border of the head of the radius is another. And, indeed, Dr. Topinard boldly affirms that when it is impossible to reconcile anatomical exactness with external configuration, the former must give way. Those engaged in anthropometric investigations cannot afford to omit reading this paper.


L'ABBADIE-Sur la vision de la série des nombres. 1880, 3s., III, 216–224.

Bull. Soc. d'Anthrop., Paris,

D'ALBERTIS (L. M.)-New Guinea: What I did and what I saw. Boston, Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1880, 2 vols., Ill. 8vo. $10. (Rev. in Nature, Dec. 16-23, by Alfred R. Wallace.)

ALLEN (N.)-Laws of Inheritance. Samaritan, N. Y., 1880, VIII, 385–390.
AMAT (L.)-Calcul mental et conformation crânienne. Rev. Scient., Paris, 1880. 25.,
XIX, 29-32.

ARGYLL, DUKE OF-Animal instinct in its relation to the mind of man; Reprinted in Science from the Contemp. Review.

ANGER-Das gemischte Gräberfeld auf dem Neustädter Felde bei Elbing. Ztschr. f. Ethnol., Berlin, 1880, XII, 106–125, 2 pl.

BAYE, BARON J. DE-L'Archéologie Préhistorique. Paris, Leroux; London, Trubner & Co., 1880.

BECK (G.)-Ueber die anthropologische Untersuchung der Schulkinder, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der schweizerischen Erhebung. Mitth. d. naturf. Gesellsch. in Bern, (1879), pt. 2, 29–44.

BERTILLON (J.)-De l'influence du mariage sur la tendance au suicide, Bull. Soc. d'Anthrop., Paris, 1880, 3s., III, 277-295.

BERTILLON (J.)-Sur un questionnaire anthropométrique a remplir dans les écoles du département de Loir-et-Cher. Bull. Soc. d'Anthrop., Paris, 1880, 35., III, 169-177.

BHEIN, J.-Rock inscriptions at the north side of Yentai Hill. 7. No. China Br. Roy. As. Soc., No. 14.

BONO, G. B.-Della capacità orbitale e cranica dell'indice cefalorbitale nei normali, pazzi, cretini, e delinquente. Arch. di psichiat., etc., Torino, 1880, 1, 299–313. BOURGEOIS-La legislation du mariage envisagée sous le rapport médical. Ann. d'hyg., Paris, 1880, 3s, IV, 144–146.

BRANFIL, B. R.-Megalithic Monuments in North Arcot, Rude. J. Roy. As. Soc. of Bengal, XLIX, Pt. 1, No. 2.

BROCA (P.)-Sur un enfant illettré, nommé Jacques Arnodi, doué de la faculté de faire calculs trés compliqués. Bull. Soc. d'Anthrop., Paris, 1880, 3s., III, 244-249.

BROCA (P.)—Sur le goniomètre flexible. Bull. Soc. d'Anthrop., Paris, 1880, 35., III, 183-192.

BROCA (P.)—Le cerveau de l'assassin Prévost. Bull. Soc. d'Anthrop., Paris, 1880, 35., III, 233-244.

BROCA (P.)—Le goniomètre d'inclinaison et l'orthogone. Bull. Soc. d'Anthrop., Paris, 1880, 35., III, 133-160.

BUCHER, H C. R.-A trip to Mexico. With an appendix about ancient nations and races who inhabited Mexico before and at the time of the Spanish Conquest, and the ancient stone and other structures and ruins of ancient cities found there. 13 photos, 12mo. London, Ont., 1880. [R. Clarke & Co., Cin., O., pub. lish a catalogue of books on American Antiquities.]

BYRD (H. L.)—An ethnological phenomenon. Independ. Pract., Baltimore, 1880, I, 375.

CAHIS Y BALMANYA (M.)—Etiología; sobre las causas que unifican y diferencian los tipos morbosos de las distintas poblaciones. Bol. Méd. farm. d. Litoral, Barcel., 1880, 11, 151–155.

CARTAILHAC (E.)—L'âge de la pierre en Asie. Lyon, 1880, 4to. [Repr. from Congrès des Orientalistes. Lyon, 1878, 111.]

CAUVIN―Crâne australien brachycéphale. Bull. Soc. d'Anthrop., Paris, 1880, 35., 111, 132.

CHANTRE (E.)-Notes anthropologiques. Relations entre les sistres boudhiques et certain objets de l'age du bronze européen. Lyon, 1880, 8vo. [Repr. from Compt. rend. Cong. d'Orientalistes, Lyon, 1878, 111.]

CHAPMAN, HENRY C.-The Brain of the Orang. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philad., 1880,

CHARENCY, H. DE-Explétives numérales dans les dialectes de la famille Mayaquiché. Rev. Linguistique, Oct.

Congrès international des sciences anthropologiques tenu à Paris, du 16 au 21 août, 1878, à l'Exposition universelle internationale. Paris, 1880, pp. 392, 8vo. DAWKINS, W. B.-Man of the Caves. Science, Dec. 11.

DELISLE, (F.)-Contribution à l'étude des déformations artificielles du crâne. Gaz. Méd. chir. de Toulouse, 1880, XII, 178, 186, 194, 202.

DE PAOLI, G.-Quatro crani di delinquenti. Arch. de psichiat., etc., Torino, 1880, I, 337-342,

Discussion du rapport de M. Duverdy sur une communication de M. le Dr. Bourgeois, intitulée: La législation du mariage, envisagée sous le rapport médical. Rev. d'hyg., Faris, 1880, 11, 555-564.

DOUGLAS, S. J.-Eskimo traditions and religious beliefs. Good Company, Nov., PP. 11.

DUCATTE, EDMOND-La microcéphalie au point de vue de l'atavisme. Paris, 1880, PP. 95, 4to.

DUNBAR, J. B.-Pawnee Indians, their customs and habits. Mag. of Am. Hist., Nov.

FLIGIER-Neuere ethnologische Entdeckungen auf der Balkanhalbinsel. Mitth, d. Anthrop. Gesellsch. in Wien, 1880, x, 202–227.

FOURDRIGNIER (E.)-Sur les sépultures doubles de Thuozy (Maine) (époque gàu. loise). Bull. Soc. d'Anthrop., Paris, 1880, 35., III, 315–323.

GEIGER, L.-Contributions to the history of the development of the human race. Trans. by D. Asher. Trübner & Co.

GENER, POMPEYO-Le Mort et le diable, histoire et philosophie des deux négations suprêmes. Precédé d'une lettre a l'auteur de E. Littré. Paris, C. Reinwald, 1880, I Vol., 8vo, pp. xl, 780.

GHOSH, J.-Caste in India from a native point of view.
GILDMEISTER, J.-Zur Höhenmessung des Schädels.

schwg., 1880, XII, 449-451.

Calcutta Rev., Oct.

Arch. f. Anthrop., Brn

GILL, W. WYATT-Historical Sketches of Savage Life in Polynesia, with illustrative clan songs. Wellington, New Zealand, Government Printing Office. GIRARD DE RIALLE-Sur la signification de la croix dite svatiska, et d'autres emblèmes de la même nature. Bull. Soc. d Anthrop., Paris, 1880, 3s., III, 13-17. GOEHLERT, V.-Die religiösen, politischen, und socialen Verhältnisse in Noricum zur Zeit der Römerherrschaft. Erörtert auf Grund der daselbst aufgefundenen Stein Inschriften. (Nach dem Corpus inscript latin. edit Th. Mommsen, tom. III, 2.) Ztschr. f. Ethnol., Berlin, 1880, XII, 126-131.

GRAWITZ (P.)-Beitrag zur Lehre von der basilaren Impression des Schädels. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berlin, LXXX, 449-474, I pl.

HADRA (B. E.)-Mensuration of the thorax below the diaphragm. Boston M. & S. J., 1880, CIII, 247-249.

HOSTMANN, C.-Die Metallarbeiten von Mykenie und ihre Bedeutung für die allgemeine Geschichte der Metallindustrie. Arch. f. Anthrop., Brnschwg., 1880, XII, 431-448.

IRELAND, W. W.-Notes on left-handedness.


Brain, London, 1880-1, III,

Inventaire des monuments mégalithiques de France. Bull. Soc. d'Anthrop., Paris, 1880, 3s., III, 64-131.

JAGOR-Sexuelle abnormitäten bei den Bisayern, Philippinen. Ztschr. f. Ethnol., Berlin, 1880, XII, 90.

JENSEN (J.)-Schädel und Hirn einer Microcephalin. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1880, x, 735-759, pl. 1.

JONES, C. C., JR.-The centers of primitive manufactures in Georgia. Mag. of Am. Hist., Nov.

JUKOVSKI, I.-Ovzveshivanii grudnich dete, kak meride ich vosrastanija. [Observations on the weight and measure of infants.] St. Petersburg, 1880, Pt. 1, 71-98.

KINGSMILL, J. W.-The intercourse of China with Central and Western Asia in the
second century B. C. 7. of No. China Br. Roy. As. Soc., No. 14.
KIRCHHOFF (A.)-Types of the Nubian race. Verhandl. d. geograph. Gesellsch. zu
Halle. [In Pop. Sc. Month., 1880, XVII, 513-515.]

KOSTER (W.) De genetische beteekenis der vingerstrekspieren. Vers. d. k. Akad. v. Wetensch. Afd. Natuurk., Amsterdam, 1879, 2 R., XIV, 135-157, I pl. Leasure, D.—The law of heredity. Tr. Minnesota M. Soc., St. Paul, 1880, XII, 123-149.

LIEBIG (G. Von)-Das Pnoometer. Deutsch. Med. Wehnschr., Berl., 1880, vi, 293. LENHOSSEK, J. DI-Crani di delinquenti Rumeni, Ungheresi, e Croati. Arch. di psichiat., etc., Torino, 1880, 1, 331–336.

LENHOSSEK, JOSEPH DE-Des déformations artificielles du crâne en général, de celles de deux crânes makrocéphales trouvées en Hongrie, et d'un crâne provenant des temps barbares du même pays. Budapest, 1880, pp. 142, 3 pl., 4to. LETOURNEAU, CHARLES-La Sociologie d'après l'Ethnographie. (Vol. VI. Bibliothèque des Sc. Contemporaines). Paris, Reinwald; N. York, F. W. Christern, 1880, pp. 581.

MACINTYRE, J.-Notes on the Corean language. China Rev., July and August. MAGITOT, E. Sur l'usure spontanée des dents au point de vue ethnique. Bull. Soc. d'Anthrop., Paris, 1880, 38., III, 312-315.

MARCH, F. A.-Recent philological works. No. Am. Rev., Jan.

MIKLUCHO-MAK LAY-Geschlechtlicher Umgang mit Mädchen vor der Geschlechtsreife derselben. Ztschr, f. Ethnol., Berlin, 1880, XII, 88.

MIKLUCHO-MACLAY-Stellung des Paares beim Coîtus und das Ausschleudern des Spermas vom Weibenach demselben. Ztschr. f. Ethnol., Berlin, 1880, x11, 88. MIKLUCHO-MACLAY-Langbeinigkeit der australianischen Frauen. Ztschr. f. Ethnol., Berlin, 1880, XII, 88.

MIKLUCHO-MACLAY-Ueber die Mika-Operation in Central-Australien. Ztschr.f. Ethnol., 1880, XII, 85-87.

MILLER, WILLIAM T.-Notes concerning the Wampanoag tribe of Indians; with some account of a rock picture on the shore of Mount Hope bay in Bristol bay. R. I. Providence, Sidney S. Rider, 1880, 12m0, pp. 148.

MONDIERE Sur la monographie de la femme de la Cochinchine. Bull. Soc. d'Anthrop., Paris, 1880, 35., III, 250-261.

POIDS-Sur le moyen, de l'homme.

Union Med., Paris, 1880, 3s., XXX, 370.

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