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preacher of the day making the funeral address. There is no evidence that the Jews had at that time any servicebook or anything to read in the synagogue except the Old Testament. So he must make his funeral service according to the circumstances. He would, of course, glance lightly at that infelicity of the royal departed which complicated his domestic life by making him the husband of his niece, who was also his living brother's wife, and in the room of his living wife. "There are, however, happily other and brighter spots on which the memory would love to linger. He had shown the deepest interest in that great revival preacher who had, as all knew, stirred the hearts of thousands. He had heard him often, and been deeply impressed. He had even opened his house to him. He gave the influence of his great name and authority to him, so that the courtiers, as they all knew, had been also attracted and interested. Not only that, but the distinguished dead had proved the depth and sincerity of his convictions by doing many things recommended by the eloquent preacher. How can we, in view of all these evidences of pleasure and profit from such ministrations, doubt that this child of an Idumean family has gone to be with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?" Unfortunately, however, Herod lived too long, and his having a place in history is mainly due to the circumstance that he ordered the beheading of this "interesting" and eloquent preacher without the formality of a trial, and from being a patronizing and interested hearer becomes the Baptist's murderer.

It is one thing to like a stirring sermon


and then, the reality of which is a pleasant variety among the shallow and painted frauds of the theatre, and opera, and even fashionable social life, and it is quite another to believe with the heart what is said. It is ene thing to be on good terms with the prominent men in the church, and so conciliate their followers, now and then to give a subscription, perhaps even forego a dinner-party to preside at a benevolent meeting; and it is quite another to submit one's self to God in faith and obedience. It is one thing to respect devoted men, and even publicly compliment them as sincere and so forth, and quite another to put lusts and passions under the control of the truth they teach, and to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts. But to rich and poor, high and low, this is the divine requirement; and we must be sparing of our eulogies over men, as Christians, however prominent or public-spirited as citizens, if they have never given evidence of subjection to the Father of spirits. Happily we are not the judge of men's standing before God; but we may make ourselves such, and rest favorable judgments on very slender evidences.

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