Sonnet Sequences and Social Distinction in Renaissance England

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Cambridge University Press, 28 Jul 2005 - 240 halaman
Since the 1970s there has been a broad and vital reinterpretation of the nature of literary texts, a move away from formalism to a sense of literature as an aspect of social, economic, political, and cultural history. While the earliest New Historicist work was criticized for a narrow and anecdotal view of history, it also served as an important stimulus for post-structuralist, feminist, Marxist, and psychoanalytical work, which in turn has increasingly informed and redirected it. Recent writing on the nature of representation, the historical construction of gender and of the concept of identity itself, on theatre as a political and economic phenomenon, and on the ideologies of art generally, reveals the breadth of the field. Cambridge Studies in Renaissance Literature and Culture is designed to offer historically oriented studies of Renaissance literature and theatre which make use of the insights afforded by theoretical perspectives. The view of history envisioned is above all a view of our history, a reading of the Renaissance for and from our own time. Book jacket.


Sonnet sequences and social distinction
class and the critical apparatus
Calvinism and commodities
Nobler desires and Sidneys Astrophil and Stella
Ireland capitalism
absolutism class and Draytons
Engendering class Drayton Wroth Milton
Hak Cipta

Edisi yang lain - Lihat semua

Istilah dan frasa umum

Tentang pengarang (2005)

Christopher Warley is Assistant Professor at the Department of English, Oakland University, Michigan.

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