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" High Commissioner noted that he thereby assumed no legal responsibility or commitment to settle these claims, and stated that they were being reviewed because of the concern of the United States, as the administering authority in the Ryukyus, for the... "
Claims of Certain Inhabitants of the Ryukyu Islands, Hearing, 89-1, July 28 ... - Halaman 4
oleh United States. Congress. House. Foreign Affairs - 1965 - 45 halaman
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A Handbook of Agriculture, Masalah 18

Wisconsin Farmers' Institutes - 1904 - 332 halaman
...Superintendent of Farmers' Institutes is hereby directed to forward a copy of the above resolution to the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House, the Chairman of the Agricultural Committee of both Senate and House, and to each Senator and Representative...
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Quarterly Publications of the American Statistical Association, Volume 15

1918 - 916 halaman
...therefrom, and that the secretary be and hereby is instructed to forward copies of this resolution to the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House, the chairman of the Committee on Finance, the chairman of the Appropriations Committee of the House, and...
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The Code of Federal Regulations of the United States of America

1987 - 380 halaman the programs, projects, and activities information required by section 252(a)(5) (A) and (B) to the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, and the Comptroller General, as instructed by the...
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Department of Defense Appropriations for 1962: Hearings Before the ...

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - 1961 - 1208 halaman
...respect. On March 29, 1960, the Assistant Secretary of the Xavy (Personnel and Reserve Forces) sent advice to the President of the Senate; the Speaker of the House; the chairman. Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Senate Committee on Government Operations;...
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Claims of Certain Inhabitants of the Ryukyu Islands: Hearing, Eighty-ninth ...

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Foreign Affairs. Subcommittee on the Far East and the Pacific - 1965 - 62 halaman
...Army. and. with the approval of the Department of Defense and the concurrence of both the Depnrtmeiit of State and the Bureau of the Budget, the High Commissioner...House, the members of the concerned committees of both tho Senate and House, and to selected Senators and Congressmen. by himself and the Ryukyuan members...
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United States. Congress. House. Committee on Foreign Affairs - 1965 - 1320 halaman
...the administering authority in the Ryukyus, for the well-being of the Ryukyuan people. Advance oopH-s of this announcement had previously been distributed...and House, and to selected Senators and Congressmen. The High Commissioner subsequently established a joint Ryukyuan-Ameriean group to conduct the review,...
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Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents, Volume 22,Masalah 1-15

1986 - 486 halaman
...shall report the programs, projects, and activities information required by section 252(aX5XA) and (B) to the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, and the Comptroller General, as instructed by the...
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Hearings, Reports and Prints of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Foreign Affairs (1789-1975) - 1966 - 1236 halaman
...Budget, the High Commissioner was directed to undertake a review of the entire subject of Ryukynan pretreaty claims, to include discussions with the...selected Senators and Congressmen. by himself and the Ryukyuan members by the chief executive of the government of the Ryukyu Islands. The Committee examined...
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Trade Agreements Act of 1979: Hearings Before the Subcommittee on ..., Bagian 1

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Finance. Subcommittee on International Trade - 1979 - 530 halaman
...advisers on the MTN. I am very pleased to put in the record here, if I might, a letter, that was sent to the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House, the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, and the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, in...
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Ronald Reagan, Buku 1

United States. President (1981-1989 : Reagan), United States. President (1981-1989 : Reagan). - 1982 - 1090 halaman
...shall report the programs, projects, and activities information required by section 252(aX5XA) and (B) to the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, and the Comptroller General, as instructed by the...
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