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Sinclair Weeks, Secretary

BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Robert W. Burgess, Director (From Feb. 5, 1953) Roy V. Peel, Director (To Feb. 4, 1953)

A Report of the Seventeenth Decennial Census
of the United States

Census of Population: 1950

Volume II


Number of Inhabitants, General and Detailed Characteristics
of the Population

Part 1


Prepared under the supervision of


Chief, Population and Housing Division


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Population and Housing Division


HENRY S. SHRYOCK, JR., Assistant Chief for Population
ROBERT B. VOIGHT, Assistant Chief for Operations

WAYNE F. DAUGHERTY, Assistant Chief for Housing

EDWIN D. GOLDFIELD, Program Coordinator

Demographic Statistics-Henry D. Sheldon, Chief
Social Statistics-Paul C. Glick, Chief

Coordinator for Manpower Statistics-Gertrude Bancroft

Economic Statistics-Robert B. Pearl, Chief

Occupation and Industry Statistics-David L. Kaplan, Chief

International Population Statistics—W. Parker Mauldin, Chief

Territories and Possessions-Joel Williams, Chief

Statistical Sampling-Joseph Steinberg, Chief

Statistical Procedures-Morton A. Meyer, Chief

Processing Operations-Milton D. Lieberman, Chief

Administrative Service Division-EVERETT H. BURKE, Chief

Agriculture Division-RAY HURLEY, Chief

Budget Officer-CHARLES H. Alexander

Business Division-HARVEY KAILIN, Acting Chief

Decennial Tabulation Office-JOHN J. LENNON, Chief

Field Division-JACK B. ROBERTSON, Chief

Foreign Trade Division-J. EDWARD ELY, Chief
Geography Division-CLARENCE E. BATSCHELET, Chief
Governments Division-ALLEN D. MANVEL, Chief
Industry Division-MAXWELL R. CONKLIN, Chief

Machine Tabulation Division-C. F. VAN AKEN, Chief
Personnel Division-HELEN D. ALMON, Chief
Transportation Division-DONALD E. CHURCH, Chief

This volume comprises the Series P-A, P-B, and P-C bulletins.


U. S. Bureau of the Census. U. S. Census of Population: 1950. Vol. II, Characteristics of the Population, Part 1, United States Summary. U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., 1953.

For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C., or any of the Field Offices of the Department of Commerce Price $3.75

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This volume presents statistics on the size, distribution, and characteristics of the total population of the United States. Some summary data for the several States, Territories, possessions, etc., are also provided. The data are based upon the tabulations from the Seventeenth Decennial Census of the population of the United States, its Territories and possessions, conducted as of April 1, 1950. Provision for the Seventeenth Decennial Census was made in the act providing for the Fifteenth and subsequent decennial censuses, approved June 18, 1929, as amended.

The major portion of the information compiled from the Census of Population of 1950 is contained in this volume and in Volume I, Number of Inhabitants. These final volumes first appeared in the form of three series of State bulletins: Series P-A, "Number of Inhabitants"; Series P-B, "General Characteristics"; and Series P-C, "Detailed Characteristics." Final Population Volumes I and II are assembled as follows:

Population Volume I comprises the Series P-A bulletins, thereby providing in a single publication the distribution of the Nation's inhabitants among and within the States and the Territories, possessions, etc.

Population Volume II comprises all three series of bulletins (Series P-A, P–B, and P-C). This volume is divided into a United States Summary part, a part for each State, and parts for the Territories and possessions, etc., each part comprising the three bulletins for that area. All reports for a given State are thereby made available within a single binding. The three bulletin series (P-A, P-B, and P-C) represent Chapters A, B, and C of the corresponding State part of Population Volume II.

The materials presented here were prepared under the supervision of Howard G. Brunsman, Chief, Population and Housing Division, and Dr. Henry S. Shryock, Jr., Assistant Chief for Population Statistics, with the assistance of Edwin D. Goldfield, Program Coordinator, and Charles Merzel. They were prepared by Dr. Henry D. Sheldon, Chief, Demographic Statistics Section, assisted by Norman Lawrence, Charles P. Brinkman, Tobia Bressler, Robert L. Rowland, and Suzanne F. Bershad; Joel Williams, Chief, Territories and Possessions Section; Dr. Paul C. Glick, Chief, Social Statistics Section, assisted by Severn Provus, Emanuel Landau, Elizabeth A. Larmon, Arthur F. Grube, and Charles B. Nam; Gertrude Bancroft, Coordinator for Manpower Statistics, assisted by Max Shor, Herman P. Miller, Lillian Palenius, and Leon R. Paley; and David L. Kaplan, Chief, Occupation and Industry Statistics Section, assisted by Claire Casey, Dorothy S. Hayden, Elsie K. Goodman, and William J. Milligan.

The compilation of the statistics was under the direction of Robert B. Voight, Assistant Chief for Operations, assisted by Morton A. Meyer, Milton D. Lieberman, E. Richard Bourdon, Edward I. Lober, Mary E. Ivins, Eva Tolchinsky, Lillian I. Hoffman, and Martin Frishberg. Sampling procedures were under the direction of Joseph Steinberg, Chief, Statistical Sampling Section, assisted by Joseph Waksberg, Albert Mindlin, Thomas Jabine, and Herman Hess. The technical editorial work and planning were under the supervision of Mildred M. Russell, assisted by Dorothy M. Belzer.

The collection of the information on which these statistics were based was under the supervision of Lowell T. Galt, then Chief, Field Division, with the assistance of Jack B. Robertson, John M. Bell, Leon S. Geoffrey, and Harold Nisselson. The geographic work, including the delineation of special types of urban territory and the preparation of maps, was under the supervision of Clarence E. Batschelet, Chief, Geography Division, with the assistance of Dr. Robert C. Klove, Dr. Vincent M. Throop, and William T. Fay. The tabulations were under the supervision of C. F. Van Aken, Chief, Machine Tabulation Division, with the assistance of Morton Boisen and Howard T. Jenkins. Robert H. Brooks of the Administrative Service Division was responsible for printing arrangements.

In addition to those of the present staff, important contributions to the general planning of the 1950 Cersus were made by the late J. C. Capt, Director of the Census until his retirement on August 17, 1949, and Dr. Philip M. Hauser, Acting Director until March 9, 1950.

June 1953.




I Number of Inhabitants (comprising Series P-A bulletins)

II Characteristics of the Population (comprising Series P-A, P-B, and P-C bulletins)
III Census Tract Statistics (comprising Series P-D bulletins)

IV Special Reports: Employment Characteristics, Occupational and Industrial Characteristics, Char-
acteristics of Families, Marital Status, Institutional Population, Nativity and Parentage, Non-
white Population by Race, Persons of Spanish Surname, Puerto Ricans in Continental United
States, State of Birth, Mobility of the Population, Characteristics by Size of Place, Education,

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