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1702, Oct. 2.

To his Excellency Edward Lord Viscount Cornbury Captain General and Governor in Chief of her Majesties Province of New York and Territories depending thereon in America and Vice Admirall of the same.

The humble address of the Chiefest and Principal Inhabitants of the
County of Ulster.

May it please your Excellency:

This is not only in the name of those whose hands have already witnesseth their unfeigned rejoicing for your Lordship's safe arrival into this Province and that have expressed their submission by the assurances of their dutiful compliance but also of many others that doe from their hearts, bid and say your Excellency is right welcome into this Countrey.

My Lord:

It is our unhappiness we cannot say tis in the name of the whole for these wedges that have been formerly forged, these last four years have been tempered to that extream hardnesse that have split the County, almost into two halves, Yet we thank God, can say we are the Chiefest and Greatest Part.


It is us that humbly crave leave to congratulate your Excellency's extraordinary good successe in the negotiation which the five nations of Indians which is of that great import to all these Her Majesties Northern Dominions as well as this Province and to expresse our gratefull resentment (satisfaction) for your Lordships untired Fatigues and Vigilance in fortifying the Frontiers against our Northern Enemies upon which foundation we can build our glowing hopes of Security as well as our faith to belleve it to be a clear manifestacon and undeniable Proof of your Excellencies great care and conduct and will of necessity oblige every grateful and Loyal Soul cheerfully to contribute not only with heart and hand but with that also which is esteemed the Sinews of War.

My Lord:

The Ingratitude of the nine Leapers putt us in mind to return with the tenth to express our Duty by our thankful acknowledgement for those particular favors received by Commissionating a judge of our Court whose affections for the Englishe Interest and uprighteousnesse the most malitious cannot blame, and the Sheriff and Clerks Qualifications not to be ashamed by such as have had those places in the time of the two late Governors these favors we have received from your Lordships will be more than double ties to us to make it our whole Study upon all occasions to manifest our Allegiance and Loyalty to Her Majesty and our obedience to your Excellency against all the open and Private enemies to the English Interest and your Lordships Administration.


The Fears that the Threads of our Ravelled Expression will too much weary your Lordship to wind into Clues doth hinder us from uttering more of our sincere dutiful Obedience but to repeat our prayer that in the whole course of your Excellency's administration you may find ease, Tranquillity and happiness, and that it may be Steady and durable till your Lordship be removed to the heavenly Kingdome shall be our constant intercession to the King of Kings.

(Signed by twenty nine names.)

This a true copy compared with the original remaining in the Governors hands.

New York,

Oct. 2, 1702.

Pr. Dan Honan, Secretary.

- Col. Docs. N. Y. iv. 1009-10.



Oct. 15, 1702.

In Consistory of Ruling Elders and Deacons, the following Resolution was adopted.

After prayer, the Consistory considered whether it would not be well, in imitation of many other Dutch Reformed Churches, to choose for Elders any fit persons from the members of our congregation, although they have never before been Elders (Deacons?) whenever such a course should be thought to further the upbuilding of our church. They approve this plan, especially for the present, on account of the great mortality which has prevailed this year, in our city. Therefore it was judged proper that the Deacons who go out of office, if they should be chosen immediately upon their going out, should be able to serve in the Eldership. All this was unanimously resolved and confirmed, by the Ruling Consistory, Elders and Deacons, on Thursday, Oct. 17, 1702.

COUNCIL Journal.

Gov. Cornbury recommends Schools; and a Chaplain.

1702, Oct. 20. Governor Cornbury, in his first address to the Assembly, recommended the erecting of Public Schools in proper places. 177.

1702, Oct. 20. Ordered. That a message be sent to the House of Representatives, acquainting them of the usage and custom of the Parliament of England to appoint a Chaplain to read prayers to them every morning before they proceed on business that day, and to desire that they will do the same. 177.



To his Excellency Edward Lord Viscount Cornbury her Majesty's Captain General and Governor in Chiefe of the Province of New Yorke and Territoryes depending thereon in America etc., and Vice Admiral of the same etc. The humble petition of the Elders of four Dutch Churches in Kings County; Brookland, Fflatbush, Fflatlands and New Utrecht whose names are underwritten. Humbly Sheweth Unto your Excellency that your petitioners of late were impow. ered by the people of their several townes to call and send for a minister either out of this Province or out of Holland to instruct them in their mother's tongue in the place of their late Minister Mr. Lupardus deceased and accordingly had severall meetings about said matter, and at last concluded to address your Excellency ffor leave to send ffor and call one Mr. Bernardus Ffreeman Minister of Schenechida to be their minister, whereupon may it please your Excellency a petition was prepared by your petitioners ffor that end and sent by Coll. Gerardus Beekman to your Excellency who promised the delivery of it, but failed in his promise, and writt us a letter that said petition was not well penned, and that there was some ffaults therein, and therefore would not deliver said peticon, soone after the receipt of which letter your petitioners waited upon your Excellency about said matter at Coll. Merritts and your Excellency was pleased to say you would give us an answer in a few days which at our return home we Informed our people accordingly;

Notwithstanding all this a great part of the people of said townes were inraged with your petitioners in craving your Excellencyes leaue to call said minister and would haue noe patience to waite ffor your Excellencyes answer, but fforthwith some of the people of flatbush aforesaid Craued an order from said Coll. Beekman for a towne meeting which was granted, and in said towne meeting a great party of said people grossly affronted and abused said Joseph Hegeman one of your petitioners and Elders as aforesaid ffor not sending for said Ffreeman, said Hegeman told them that he had waited upon your Excellency about it, but would not call said minister before he had your Excellenceys leaue, to that severall replyed, that your Excellency had nothing to doo with it, twas their priviledge to send for what minister they pleased without your Excellencyes leaue, and upon that immediately made an order to leaue said Hegeman and other the Elders of Fflattbush out, and at said time chose Daniel Polhemus, Aries Van der bilt and Inglebert Lott in their places fforthwith to send ffor said Ffreeman, a copy of which towne order has bin required of the clerke by one of your petitioners which was refused saying it was Cutt out of the towne books by some of said towne that he would not name, soo likewise may it please your Excellency the irregular proceedings in this affaire at Broockland aforesaid of one Claes Vandyke and Nicholas Brower who went lately about sald towne taking subscriptions for said minister without any order therefor, soe that may it please your Excellency your petitioners lyes under a great hate amongst a great party of the people in doeing only their duty, said people noising among one another that 'tis the Elders ffaults that they haue not said Ffreeman ffor their Minister.

Your Excellencyes petitioners therefore humbly prayes that your Excellency would be pleased to grant them the liberty either to call or send ffor said Mr. Bernardus Ffreeman to be their minister or otherwise to send to Holland for a Minister to instruct them in their owne language according to the rules and methods of their Church discipline and ffor your Excellencyes health & happiness your petitioners as in duty bound shall ever pray etc.

Derck Amerman.


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(Council Min. ix.)

In Council; 20th October, 1702.

Present his Excellency Edward Viscount Cornbury etc.

William Smith

Sa Sh Broughton

Wm. Lawrence

Gerard Beekman

Rip Van Dam

Caleb Heathcote, Esqs.

John Bridges Doctor of Laws.

The petition of the Elders of the four Dutch Churches in Kings County was read and ordered that the said petitioners or some of them do attend the Board on Thursday morning next at ten of the Clock, and make good the allegations in the petition; and ordered that Johannes Schenck Town Clerk of Flattbush do appear before this Board at the same time and bring with him the book of the orders made at the towne meeting of the Inhabitants of the said towne.- Doc. Hist. N. Y. Vol. iii. pp. 90, 91.


Then appeared before me Machiell Hansen Esq., one of her Majestyes Justices of the Peace & Quorum ffor King's County in Nassaw Island Joras Remsen one of the freeholders in said County who did declare upon the holy Evangelists that Nicholas Brower and Claes Vandyke both of the Township of Broockland in said County on or about the sixteenth day of this Instant October came to his house at Broockland aforesaid and askt him if he would signe with them to a paper to send ffor Mr. ffreeman Minister of Schenectida to be their minister, and said Joras answered noe, not unless all the people alsoe signe & ffurther saith

not etc.

Johannes Symonse one of the ffreeholders of said towne of Broockland alsoe sworne saith that on or about the sixteenth day

of this Instant October said Nicholas Brower and Claes Vandyke Came to his house and askt him if he would signe with them to send ffor Mr. Ffreeman Minister of Schenectada to be their Minister and if he would signe to a paper with them ffor the Choosing of three men in the place of the Elders of said Towne to send ffor said Minister, and he answered them noe, he would haue nothing to doe with it, & further saith not, etc.

Jacobus Debeavois one of the freeholders of said towne of Broockland alsoe Came before me and being sworne saith that on or about the sixteenth day of this Instant October said Nicholas Brower and Claes Vandyke Came to his house and askt him if he would signe with them to a paper to send ffor Mr. Ffreeman Minister of Schenectada to be their Minister, and what sume of mony he would giue yearly ffor his maintenance, and if he would alsoe signe to a paper for the Choosing of Benjamin Van de water, William Bennet and Jacob ffardon in the place of the Elders of said towne to send ffor said Minister, and he answered them he would haue nothing to doe with it, and said Nicholas soon after told said Jacobus that he had gott about thirty hands that had signed to said paper, but the said Jacobus saith he saw noe order that the said Nicholas and Claes had for soe doing & ffurther saith not etc.


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Present as before, except Coll. Heathcote.

The Elders of the four Dutch Churches in Kings County together with the Town Clerk of the Town of flatbush appeared before this Board in obedience to an order of the 20th Instant,

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