Legislative, executive, and judicial appropriation bill, 1907-Continued. For producing Gazette producing copies of drawings. For investigating public use of inventions international bureau at Berne.. For salaries, Bureau of Education.. books for library For salaries clerk hire For salaries, Postmaster-General's office. For salaries, First Assistant Postmaster-General's office. salaries, division of appointments. 27,040.00 25, 169. 84 31, 419.80 salaries, division of bonds and commissions salaries, division of city delivery For salaries, Second Assistant Postmaster-General's office.. salaries, division of railway mail service, now paid from postal Legislative, executive, and judicial appropriation bill, 1907--Continued. Appropriations for 1906. contingent expenses 3,500.00 For salaries, Light-House Board 46, 640.00 39 46,640. 00 39 For salaries, Census Office... 745, 760.00 691 730,040. 00 669 special agents, and expenses of same (including $125,000 for 1906, in deficiency act) 625,000.00 400,000.00 250,000.00 rent 22,080.00 22,080.00 tabulating census returns, cards, and apparatus (reappro For salaries, Office Supervising Inspector-General SteamboatInspection Service (payable from permanent appropria 3,500.00 3,500.00 For salaries, Bureau of Navigation 28, 480.00 22 28, 660.00 22 28, 660.00 22 |