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Foreign Medical Intelligence.


On the Structure and Function of the Sexual Organs. By ERNST HEINRICH WEBER.—I. It was advanced twelve years ago by Weber, that the vesicula prostatica, near the coliculus seminalis in the prostate, was a rudimentary uterus. At a later period, the same was discovered in the beaver, horse, dog, pig, and cat. In new born rabbits, the resemblance of both the external and internal genitals is so great, that the separation of males from females would be quite impossible, were it not for the divergence of the vas deferens from the tuba. In human hermaphrodites, with prevalent male genitals, the apparent uterus only consists of the more fully developed vesicula prostatica. In the infans androgynus, described by Ackermann, the uterus had not only the situation of the prostatic vesicle, but there could be observed, even on the os uteri, those openings of the ductus ejaculatorii, which are, in the usual cases, to be found on the caput gallinaginis, near the opening of the prostatic vesicle.

II. With regard to the glandular termination of the vas deferens, Weber considers it to be a special organ, which is most developed in the stallion. When investigating into the number of spermatic filaments, he found them very numerous in the vas deferens, less abundant in the finis glandulosus vasis deferentis, and still less in the vesicula seminalis. The function of the latter, therefore, cannot consist in collecting the spermatic fluid, but in furnishing a secretion to be mixed with it.

III. Concerning the function of the tubular uterine glands in the human female, Weber obtained the following results:-1. After conception, the mucous membrane of the human uterus gets softer, and arriving gradually to the thickness of 2-3/", it is then called tunica decidua uteri. This metamorphosis of the mucous membrane is occasioned by the increase both of its vascular and non-vascular layer or epithelium. 2. In addition to the enlarged bloodvessels and tubular glands of the vascular layer, there are to be found scattered amongst them newly-formed elementary cells, some of which are nucleated. 3. The tubular glands, which take a serpentine course, and are from 2-3 long, run, like the glands of the stomach, in a perpendicular direction to the inner surface of the mucous membrane, where they get more narrowed, and open into the tunica decidua, communicating to it the cribriform appearance. The opposite and close terminations of the same glands, are not unfrequently divided into two or three vesicles. 4. There is a considerable difference between the appearances in the human female, and in the mammalia. First, whilst the uterine glands of the dog and cat are increasing chiefly at the point where the placenta is to be formed, those of the human uterus seem to grow pretty equally on the whole inner surface of its base and body. Again, the tubular glands of the dog being considerably enlarged in their course, have the appearance of large and plicated sacs, whereas, in the human uterus nothing like this is to be seen. Lastly, in the pregnant uterus of the dog, the ramified villi of the chorion penetrate the openings of the tubular glands : nothing similar could be observed in the uterus of a woman whose pregnancy was of ten weeks' duration; nor is a like relation between the tubular glands and the villi of the human uterus even possible, as the simple shape of the former does not in any way correspond to the numerous branches and ramifi

cations of the latter. The idea, therefore, that the villi of the chorion extends to the lobules of the uterine glands in the human female, as well as in the dog, is a mere assumption, unsupported by facts. We should be careful not to extend analogy further than is warranted by facts. Now the occurrence of the tunica decidua reflexa, particularly in the human female, whilst it is wanting in all other mammalia, renders it not unlikely that the other appearances also will exhibit some difference. 5. The placenta uterina of the human female differs from that of the dog in the following points: first, the coarse network of vessels which carries the maternal blood, passes through the whole placenta, and is composed of tubules, the walls of which are considerably thinner their diameter, however, is about fifteen times larger than those of the dog. Secondly, a dense network of narrow embryonic capillaries gives origin to membranes and folds, whereas, in the human female, the dendritic ramifications divide ultimately into very thin filaments, having in some places button-like swellings. Thirdly, the blood-vessels of the human placenta are not capillaries in the usual signification of that term, their diameter varying from 1-2", and even more. The arterial vessels, also, in correspondence with these enormous capillaries or veins, do not inosculate, but form, when passing to the placenta, a glomus arteriosus, composed of one artery only, which after several curvatures, terminates immediately in the before-mentioned enormous capillaries. 6. In the human placenta, as well as in that of the dog, the capillaries, which carry maternal blood, are in close contact with those carrying the embryonic blood. The manner of this contact, however, is very different. In the dog, the first-named vessels are involved and lined by the membranes and folds of the villi of the chorion, whereas, in the human placenta, the opposite relation is to be observed, viz., the ramifications and filaments of the villi of the chorion are lined by the thin walls of the abovementioned large capillaries, which carry the maternal blood.—Monthly Journ. of Medical Science.


Discoveries of Edward Weber on Muscular Contraction. By Ernst HeinRICH WEBER. As the employment of the ordinary galvanic apparatus for the purpose of exciting muscular contraction, produced this effect for far too short a period to allow any direct or microscopic observation of the changes so occasioned, Edward Weber used the magnetico-galvanic rotatory apparatus, and thereby produced muscular contractions of longer duration. On removing some muscular fasciculi from a frog, and placing them, when moderately flexed, on a slip of glass, they were seen to become straight at the moment of excited contraction, and continued so until the magnetic excitement and attendant contraction were interrupted. At that moment the previously straight fasciculi instantly exhibited very regular and elegant zig-zag turnings, the angles of which were formed by the combined and corresponding flexions of all the fibres entering the fasciculus. The contrary, therefore, strictly happens to what has generally been supposed to occur: the zig-zag appearance belongs to the moment of relaxation, and not to that of contraction. Of this perfectly novel fact the following explanation is given. The muscular fibres, which are occasionally flexed and nodulated when cut off, lose this appearance at the moment of contraction by the simultaneous shortening and thickening of their different portions. As soon, however, as the excitement becomes interrupted, the muscular fasciculi regain their former length, and being prevented by the friction of the glass from stretching to their whole extent, their extremities cannot be much moved, they become repeatedly flexed in consequence, and hence the zig-zag appearance. The nodulated swellings observed by Bowman are not occasioned by the vital action of the muscles, but by their absorbing the water in contact with them at their cut extremities. Further, according to microscopic observations on the muscles of vertebrate and invertebrate animals, as well recent as when treated by acetic acid, the fasciculi do not consist of segments, neither do the elementary fibrillæ seem to be composed of globules or discs. The appearance of transverse striæ are owing to the folds of a mem

brane or sheath that surrounds the fasciculi, and serves to facilitate the extension of the muscles within certain limits.

There is a great difference between the mode of action of the animal and organic muscles. The animal muscles contract the moment they are excited, either directly or through the nerves going to them, but they have no power of continuing or renewing the action when the stimulus is removed. Again, when the brain or spinal marrow is excited either directly or by stimulating a sensitive nerve alone, the muscular contraction does not follow immediately, but after a certain time, or not at all. Hence the passage of impressions to the nervous centres, and from thence to the muscular nerves, is not a direct one, but undergoes some interruption in the former. Daily experience also shows us that we do not start the very instant an unpleasant sensation of seeing or hearing is experienced, but some moments afterwards. The organic muscles, on the contrary, do not contract immediately on being stimulated; a certain interval always follows the excitation, either when direct or through their nerves, before they act. But contractions once produced continue for a considerable time after stimulation has ceased, and even other movements (peristaltic) are induced in neighboring muscular fibres. Hence the nervous centre of organic muscles is situated within themselves, and their movements are not regulated by the brain or spinal marrow,

The anatomical structure of the organic and muscular fibres is in close correspondence with this functional distinction, the striated ones belonging to the first, and the non-striated to the last. The oesophagus of birds and amphibia entirely destitute of striated fasciculi, manifest no animal motion, whilst that of mammalia (as the rabbit,) where the external and internal layers are composed of striated muscular fasciculi, exhibit distinct animal movements. In the cat, motions are of different kinds, according as the stimulus is applied to the upper, middle or inferior portion of the œsophagus, organic muscles being absent in the first, but present in the two last. Reichert discovered striated muscles in the stomach and intestinal tube of Cyprinus tinca, whilst the same organs in other species of Cyprinus, in fishes, and in the Vertebrata generally, are destitute of them. On stimulating the medulla oblongata, and divided vagus in the first named animal, it was found that a sudden but momentary movement was induced. The iris of birds also possesses striated muscular fasciculi, and the researches of E. Weber have shown that they possess animal movements. In the iris of the mammalia on the other hand, the radiated circular fibres present the characters of organic muscle, and the movements and kind of contractions observed when the iris is wounded agree with the function ascribed to them. There are some exceptions to the general law now pointed out. The most evident is, that the heart presents striated muscular fasciculi, whilst its movements are organic. It must be noticed, however, that whilst the structural resemblance is far from perfect, the rapidity and energy of the functional power seems proportionate to it. The muscles of mollusca and of worms, which are non-striated, must also be considered exceptional, together with the intestinal muscles of the crustacea and insecta which are striated.

Numerous experiments on frogs, birds, and mammalia have proved that, whenever the nervi vagi themselves, or the points of the brain from whence they originate are stimulated, the heart becomes relaxed, its rhythmic movements retarded, and at length interrupted. To produce this effect, however, it was necessary to excite both nerves of the eighth pair, as the application of a stimulus to one only produced no effect upon the heart. It was also found that galvanism applied to the orifice of the vena cava, produced an oppositeeffect to that occasioned by its application to the bulb of the aorta, as in the first case the movements of the heart were rendered slower, whilst in the latter they were rendered more frequent and energetic. This fact, which is of great. importance in physiology and pathology, leads to the conclusion that the bulb of the aorta is more intimately connected with the sympathetic, and the vena cava with the vagi nerves. Weber also determined that on stimulating the medulla oblongata, and both vagi with the galvano-magnetic apparatus, and

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continuing its action, that the excitement could be propagated for forty-five minutes, after which period it ceased to be transmitted, and the heart commenced to palpitate, notwithstanding the continued galvanism, from the nonreception of impressions from the vagi.

Further experiments determined that the application of galvanism, or of strychnia to the spinal cord, produced tetanic contraction of the corresponding muscles, whereas when the same stimuli were applied directly to the animal muscles, or to their nerves, no tetaņus is caused, owing to their containing no nervous centre. On galvanising the heart, our author observed tonic contraction, which he ascribes to the circumstance of its possessing a nervous centre in its substance. He found that on bringing the inner surface of the heart of a frog in contract with strychnia, (the blood having previously been emptied), its first effect was to accelerate the pulsations, and this was followed by tetanic contraction, and interruption of the pulsations. It is a well-known fact that the different portions of a frog's heart, viz., the ventricle, atrium, and inosculating portion of the cava, continue to beat, even when separated from each other. E. H. Weber has observed the same fact in the human subject in a case of murder. The increasing debility of the frog's heart is manifested more by the smallness of the contractions, than by their diminution in number. Weber in Müller's Archives, Heft 4 and 5, 1846.


Treatment of Diseases of the Joints by Iodine Injections.—By M. BONNET, Lyons.-This mode of treatment has recently been very popular amongst the French surgeons. M. Velpeau and M. Bonnet each seem to claim the priority in this mode of practice. It was in the treatment of hydrocele that M. Velpeau first used iodine; he considered that in addition to creating adhesive inflammation in the sac, it might be beneficial in removing serous collections, depending upon congestion or hypertrophy in some adjacent organ, and not only in this respect be more useful than wine, but also not be so liable as that fluid, to produce gangrene when infiltrated into the loose cellular tissue. Indeed, when he injected it into the cellular tissue of animals it seldom produced suppuration. He afterwards extended its application from simple hydrocele to congenital hydrocele, and hydrocele of the hernial sac; he also used it with success in two cases of serous cysts in the iliac fossa, in an encysted sero-sanguineous collection behind the uterus, and in serous cysts situated in various parts of the body, and in several cases of encysted goître. He further employed it in two vast purulent collections. He next tried it in tumors of the synovial sheaths of tendons. He afterwards determined to treat hydrarthrosis with iodine injections. In speaking of the mode of doing this, the British and Foreign Medical Reviewer observes:

To inject the knee-joint the leg must be extended. M. Bonnet pinches up a fold of the skin and passes in a hydrocele trocar at the base of this fold, in order that when the operation is complete the external and internal punctures shall not correspond, and thereby admit air. M. Bonnet also always holds the trocar as vertically as is consistent with the escape of the fluid, as air can scarcely enter while the trocar is full of liquid. M. Velpeau neglects these precautions, as he is satisfied by experience that the admission of a few bubbles of air is harmless. Both agree that it is not of much consequence at what point the joint is perforated, but prefer the upper and outer part of the joint, or rather whatever point fluctuation may be most evident at. M. Bonnet seems to use an ordinary trocar; M. Velpeau attaches great importance to employing an instrument not larger at the utmost than a hydrocele trocar. M Bonnet merely allows six or eight drachms of synovia to escape, a quantity, in fact, equal to the bulk of the injection he throws in; M. Velpeau, on the contrary empties the joint as completely as he can. M. Bonnet in almost every case injected pure tincture of iodine, calculating on its being diluted by the fluid left in the joint; M. Velpeau injects tincture of iodine diluted, it is not precisely said to what extent, but it would seem with from two to four parts of water. M. Bonnet allows either the entire or the

greater part of the fluid to remain in the joint after the injection has been performed; M. Velpeau, on the contrary, seems to allow the whole of the injection to escape we say seems, for there is great want of precision in many of M. Velpeau's statements. M. Bonnet would in future prefer M. Velpeau's method, as it excites greatly less inflammation than occurred in his own cases. [Considerable pain is felt during the operation, and inflammation in the joint, and fever ensue. In reporting one of his cases M. Bonnet observes :] The inflammation ran on with alarming rapidity and intensity. The patient shrieked with pain during the entire day. Forty leeches were applied in the evening without giving any relief. The swelling, which was much greater than before the operation, was rapidly increasing. The tension of the skin was extreme, At seven in the evening, alarmed at the rapid increase of the swelling, I could devise no other expedient to restrain it than again plunging the trocar into the joint. And in another case, the inflammatory reaction was intense; during the night there was fever, restlessness, and even commencing delirium. The joint swelled, and the skin was red, tense, and burning; nausea and vomiting set in, and those symptoms lasted three days.

[Although M. Velpeau considers that the iodine injection never causes suppuration when injected into a close cavity, nor gangrene when it escapes in the cellular tissue, it appears that the experience of others does not agree with this, since both these occurrences have taken place, and death been the result. The reviewer adds :]

It appears, then, that the iodine injection may produce precisely the same mischiefs that may follow the employment of wine and other stimulant injections proposed to be superceded by it; and we fully agree with MM. Blandin Roux and others, that though no mischief is yet known to have occurred from injecting it into the joints, disastrous results must inevitably follow from perseverance in the practice. There are few proceedings in medicine or surgery, however hazardous, which cannot be supported by an array of successful cases; and we would just as soon infer the safety of injecting the knee-joint in hydrarthrosis from the cases we have enumerated, as we would infer the safety of passing a seton through the knee in the same disease from the result of ten cases reported to have been so treated with success by Dr. Muller.(Gaz. des Hop., June, 1842.)

We have entered rather fully into the question of iodine injections, as they are now very extensively used on the continent, and the confidence with which M. Velpeau and others proclaim their constant safety and almost constant success, is calculated to induce others to imitate their boldness. We may here mention, as illustrations, how indiscriminately these injections are employed by some, that Dr. Suytgaerens, of Puyers, after performing paracentesis of the thorax in a case of empyema, repeatedly injected the pleura with an iodine injection, the result, we must add, was favorable, and the patient recovered.

More recently, M. Dieulafoy, of Toulouse, in a case of ascites, threw a quantity of iodine injection into the peritoneum, and, after diffusing it over the entire cavity, drew off about half the quantity of fluid injected. Febrile reaction, with slight pain in the abdomen, followed; cataplasms and mercurial frictions were directed. A month after, about half the cavity of the peritoneum seemed obliterated, but the fluid, having again collected superiorly, the injection was repeated with similar consequences. In about six weeks a small quantity of serum had accumulated, forming a circumscribed globular tumor; a third injection produced the same febrile and inflammatory symptoms. The ascites now finally disappeared, and was replaced by general anasarca, which yielded to purgatives. The patient ultimately recovered after a long convalescence, and experienced no inconvenience, save a dragging sensation in the abdomen on assuming the erect position. Finally, to conclude this subject, it may be noticed that, during the academic discussion so often referred to, it was suggested by MM. Laugier and Caventou, that the stimulant effects of diluted tincture of iodine was solely due to the alcohol it contained, and that the iodine was, so to say, mere surplusage. It may be,

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