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was contrary to the whole system of aca- | members of the University. It appeared demical institutions; and they might say that the total of the income derived from of it that it was a gigantic scheme of col- teaching was 28,3167. a year. The rent legiate connubiality. Though they had a from land held under the College, although body of married priests, Fellows of the it was difficult to get at it accurately, was College, residing within the walls of the very great. Some of the land must be University, he was told that a very small very valuable, such as Brunswick-street number of the Fellows attended in hall, and and other streets in the neighbourhood; still fewer were present in chapel, which and, therefore, the estimate of the rental certainly was not a good example to set might be fairly taken at 21,6847. a year, to the students. The object of the eccle- thus making a total of 50,000l. a year. siastical patronage of the College was al- Of course if he knew exactly the amount together nullified since the Fellows had of revenue of the College, all neces been allowed to marry; for since that cessity for his Motion would be obviated. time only two had resigned their fellow- Such, he believed, was really the amount ships to take a living. The junior Fellow of the income, while the money expendrefused to resign and go out to a country ed in prizes, scholarships, &c., was only living, where he would get an income of 4,404. 14s. It was also stated, that with about 3001. a year, while he was secure of this deduction, and after the common exa good income, a residence in a very penses of the College were paid, the Felpleasant place, and his domus et placens lows divided the remainder among them. uzor in Dublin. The truth was, that no ["No!"] Surely, if hon. Gentlemen would Fellow who could get a wife would take a not agree to the Motion, they would faliving. [Laughter.] This might appear to be vour him by stating how it was paid. At a farce, but it was an undoubted fact, and any rate, the duties of the Fellows were at he knew that a Fellow of Trinity College, an inverse ratio to their emoluments; for Dublin, was considered a most eligible in- their duties were extremely small, while vestment in the coteries there. He be- their incomes were very large. The seven lieved that the hon. Gentleman would senior Fellows were supposed to receive agree with him so far. There was another from 2,000l. to 3,000l. a year each. [Mr. allegation of abuse which he could estab- Shaw: No.] Then, what did they relish. Every Fellow on his induction into ceive? Why not lay a return on the his Fellowship took an oath in which was Table of the House of their emoluments, the following passage:-" Studiorum finis or consent to inquiry? The junior Fellows erit mihi theologia professio, ut ecclesiæ received 1,500l. a year each, and besides Dei prodesse possim.' Now, so far from this, the Fellows laid violent hands on the Fellows of Trinity College devoting many of the professorships. One of the themselves to the study of divinity, several senior Fellows, whose name it was unof them were eminent mathematicians, necessary to mention, but who was a most but the divines were few and far between. excellent man, was regius professor of The great proportion, in fact, of the Fel- Greek, and he combined very oddly with lows were men of science and mathemati- this the offices of catechist and professor cians, and among them he could mention the of oratory. There was another, who was names of Hamilton, Lloyd, and Robinson. also a catechist and professor of modern Trinity College was composed of one history and civil law. Thus, in addition to Provost, seven senior Fellows, and twenty- an income of 2,0001. a year from their felfive junior Fellows. There were twenty- lowships, they received large fixed salaries five Professors. It was a difficult thing attached to the professorships. He would to ascertain the amount of their incomes, appeal to any rational man whether they as there was no Income Tax in Ireland; should not look for a different standard of but having taken some pains to inquire eligibility for a professorship than the holdinto the subject, he had no hesitation in ing a University fellowship. Was it not saying that the gross revenues of Trinity obvious that a much better system was College were 50,000l. a year. He would pursued in the Universities of Scotland not weary the House by going into details and Germany, where the test of excellence on the subject, but he would give a sketch and the amount of emolument depended of the receipts from various sources. He upon the number of students attending took some of his estimates from the Uni- the lectures of the professor? If the proversity Calendar of 1844, and others from fessors in Trinity College were paid ac


cording to the number of their pupils, and as for the other three branches, logic, geology, by them, their professorships would be anatomy, they are entirely out of the question. worth between 301. and 401. a year each. If this hela good with respect to the new ColThis appeared farcical and ridiculous, yet

leges, was he not prepared to do away with the

system entirely ?" they were told by the hon. Gentleman that they could not interfere, because it was The continuance of the system in Trinity private property? Look to the University College, was, in fact, stating that the Proof Dublin as the seat of education of the testants were the only fitting persons to Protestant youths. As was truly said the teach chemistry, botany, anatomy, logic, other night by the right hon. Baronet at oratory, and all other branches of art, and the head of the Government, a forced at- science, and literature. A short time ago, tendance at chapel was not very likely to be found the following advertisement in a generate a feeling of devotion and rever- newspaper, reporting a vacant professor. ence. But those intended for holy orders ship in Trinity College :were forced to attend at chapel, and the “ Trinity College, Dublin-Pursuant to the only other religious instruction they re- provisions of the Act of 40 Geo. III., notice ceived was an examination in the Greek is hereby given, that the professorship of cheTestament. When they were preparing mistry in Trinity College, Dublin, will become

vacant on the 16th of May next, and that on for ordination they went to a person called Saturday, the 27th of May, the Provost and

“ crammer," and they then took up senior Fellows, at the board-room of Trinity “ Mosheim's Ecclesiastical History,” “Ma- College, will proceed to elect a professor of gee on the Atonement,” and “ Marsh's chemistry. The emoluments of this professorLectures.” They then went forth to coun- ship consist of a sum of 2001. paid annually by try districts as clergymen, and from the the College, and of four guineas' fee paid by nature of the education they received, en. Under the provisions of said Act of Par

each person attending the professor's lectures. tertained the most bitter feelings against liament, said professorship is open to Prothe Catholic religion, regarding it, as it testants of all nations, provided they shall have had been described in another place, as taken medical degrees, or shall have obtained a the master-piece of Satan. Here was a license to practise from the College of PhysiProtestant clergyman receiving his educa- cians, in consequence of a testimonium under tion in a place where all the emoluments the seal of Trinity College.” were bestowed on Protestants, and where The professorship was open to the Protesthe Catholics were sedulouly excluded from tants of all nations, but it was shut to the every place of trust and emolument, which Catholics of Ireland. It must be in the naturally engendered a feeling as to the recollection of the House that the right hon. inferiority of the latter. He repudiated Baronet at the head of the Government, all distinctions between institutions found on a recent occasion, passed a high but a ed by the endowments of Catholics or Pro just eulogium on the attainments of Protestants. If there was an endowment of fessor Kane, who, he stated, was the first a Catholic institution from Protestant professor of chemistry in Ireland. Now, money, you would complain - how then it so happened, that Professor Kane was could you take the endowment for the ineligible to this professorship, which was Protestant Church from the Catholics ? | open to Protestants of all nations. A But in this case did they intend to keep Frenchman, or a German, or a Spaniard up Protestant exclusiveness in this Col. might be eligible, but these professorships lege? He had always understood that the were shut to the people of Ireland. If the institutions were made for the people, and penal laws were wrong, do not allow such not the people for the institutions. On this restrictions as these to exist, but carry out point he would refer to a speech made a | the principle of the Act of 1793. It was short time ago by the right hon. Secretary the bounden duty of the House rather to for the Home Department. That right extend inquiry into the College, after the hon. Gentleman declared that he could case which he had stated. The right hon. see no relation between science and sects, Baronet, who apparently had more love and then proceeded to say

for a precedent than a principle, could “ In the case of metaphysics and moral phi- point. A Commission had been appointed

be furnished with a striking one on this losophy, I can see no possible reason or necessity for requiring professors of any particular to inquire into the Scotch Universities-creed in order to render them competent why not have one, lben, to inquire into the teachers in those branches of instruction ; and (Irish University? The right hon. Gentle

map said, that there were peculiarities in once say that he came, in the present inlegislating for Ireland; but surely, that stance, to the same conclusion at which he was no ground for resisting inquiry. If it had then arrived. Since the former discould not be properly done by that House, cussion, however, he had had the subject why not submit it to Royal hands, and to more under his consideration, and he had a Sovereign who rivalled Elizabeth in all also considered what grounds there were the bigh attainments of legislation, and for the House of Commons addressing the was superior to her in all the softer at. Crown upon the question; and, having tributes which adorned the woman, and listened with attention to the speech of under whose sway more had been done the hon. Member, he had been unable to for Ireland than under all the Sovereigns discover that the hon. Member had alleged before her? The hon. Member concluded any Parliamentary grounds whatever for by proposing the following Amendment: the adoption of the course recommended. “ That an humble Address be presented to

It appeared to him that the hon. Member

had not been able to allege any specific Her Majesty, praying that She will be graciously pleased to direct an inquiry to be made abuse or misappropriation of the moneys of into the amount of the Revenues of Trinity this University. But what were, in deCollege, Dublin, from rents of College lands, tail, the abuses of which the hon. Gentleendowments and bequests, fees on matricula- man complained ? In the first place, he tion, on taking degrees, and from every other said that a certain number of the Fellows source ; also, into the manner in which that had been allowed to marry. It was not income is expended, the number of Senior and for him to give an opinion if that indulJunior Fellows, of Professors, Scholars, and all other Officers of the College, with the amount gence which had been given to Trinity of salary and allowances to each of them ; with College had been rightly conceded, or not'; a view to ascertain whether the income or but he might be permitted to remind the funds at present applied solely to the benefit of hon. Gentleman, that that concession was Protestants in Trinity College, Dublin, might an arrangement which had been made but not be beneficially extended, so as to make a very few years ago, and during the period Roman Catholics and Protestant Dissenters when Lord Fortescue was the Lord Lieueligible, if otherwise qualified, to all Scholar- tenant of Ireland—the previous Governships, and to all such Fellowships, Professor-ment having constantly refused to grant it ships, and other Offices in Trinity College, and he thought it was, therefore, rather Dublin, as are not intended for ecclesiastical hard on the part of the hon. Member to purposes, or immediately connected with ec. clesiastical endowment."

charge that as an abuse against the Uni. Mr. Bellew seconded the Motion. He versity, which had been done with the said, a Catholic could not go through his took place, and against which he had never

consent of the Government under which it studies at Oxford; he could go through heard any complaint or remonstrance on his studies at Cambridge, but could not the part of the people of Ireland. But take a degree; at Dublin he could both the senior Fellows, said the hon. Member study and take a degree. He could also and this was the head and front of their vote for the Member of Parliament for the offence-enjoyed very large emoluments, University. This was not included in the amounting to between 2,0001. and 3,0001. charter of Elizabeth. The hon. Mem

The hon. Member, indeed, did ber proceeded to draw a distinction be. not say that he had any very accurate data tween the systems pursued in the Univer- to go upon in making this charge ; but he sities of England, and that pursued in the (Sir T. Fremantle) thought that he University of Dublin. He maintained that ought, before he made such statements, to so long as that system was to be continued, have had some better grounds for them than so long would exist that Protestant ascen- he appeared to have had. Now, if he misdancy which the Government appeared to took not, the right hon. and learned Genthink had gone by. He thought that there tleman (Mr. Shaw) who represented the ought to be a second College united to University of Dublin, had made a statement Trinity College, forming together the Uni- not very long ago upon this subject, and versity of Dublin.

had observed that, after making every inSir T. Fremantle said, that when, on a quiry into the case, he was prepared to former occasion, the hon. Member for state that the incomes of the senior Fellows Wycombe had brought forward a similar did not exceed 1,5001.--and that a considMotion to the present, he had considered erable portion of that sum

was derived it his duty to resist it; and he might at from professorships held by them, and to

a year.


which offices the discharge of important, issued to inquire into the state of the Scotch duties was attached. He would put it to Universities; but the circumstances were the House whether 1,5001. a year was too different, for there was at that time a grant large a sum for them to enjoy, when the of money from the public funds for those laborious duties they had to perform were Universities, and, therefore, they were taken into consideration. But it was al- justly open to the cognizance of Parliament. leged that they also held professorships. There were, besides, irregularities and disWhy, a better arrangement could not be putes in those Universities; and it was with made than that the Fellows should super- the consent of the Universities themselves intend the education of the University. that the Government interfered. There They remained in the College, as it seemed was, therefore, no analogy between the two to him, for that especial purpose. And cases. The hon. Gentleman's Motion conthis ought not to be made a ground of cluded by stating that it was made with complaint against Trinity College, for the the view of ascertaining whether the insame took place in other Universities. come and funds now solely applied for the With regard to the patronage of livings benefit of Protestants might not also be which they held, he was not sufficiently applied for the benefit of Roman Catholics acquainted with the details to speak upon and Dissenters. But this was not a questhis point; but he did not think the hon. tion which depended on the amount of reGentleman made out a very good case on venue possessed by Trinity College. It the subject. The hun. Gentleman stated was a question of law. The Court of that the proceeds of the College amounted Queen's Bench had already decided that to 50,000l. ; but it appeared that the rents the visitors could enter into the question, derived from the property of the College, and give an opinion upon it. If the deciamounted to only 21,0001., the remainder sion was against the gentleman who brought of the 50,0001. being derived from tuitions; the case before the Court, it would be a but it was not fair to make the money ob- subject for the interference of the Legislatained from the teaching of young men a It could not be affected by the Moground of complaint against the College. tion of the hon. Gentleman. He did not The hon. Gentleman, and also the hon. think the hon. Gentleman had laid any Member for Louth said, that as long as grounds for his Motion, and he should, Trinity College was maintained, they therefore oppose it. maintained Protestant ascendancy. But Mr. Redington hoped that an Act would this had nothing to do with the adminis- be passed on the subject, if the decision was tration of the funds of the College. Be against the person who brought the matter sides, hon. Gentlemen knew that Trinity | before the Courts in Dublin. With regard College was as much open to Roman Ca- to the inquiring into the Scotch Universitholics as it was to Protestants, for the pur- ties, it was not confined to the money given poses of education; and he was rejoiced to by the State; and with respect to abuses, see that so many Roman Catholic Gentle he was not quite clear that none existed in men looked back with satisfaction to the Trinity College. It was not fair to say education which they received there. It that Trinity College was open to Roman might as well be said, that as long as they Catholics, when they were excluded from gave 26,0001. a year to Maynooth, from all the prizes and rewards of industry and which Protestants were altogether excluded, learning. The Roman Catholics of Ireland that Roman Catholic ascendancy was maina would not be satisfied till they were put tained. He admitted that Parliament was on an equality with their Protestant fellow competent to interfere, if any abuses or countrymen; and he thought this might be misappropriation of the public money, on done with regard to the University of the part of Trinity College, could be shown. Dublin, by leaving all the professorships But the hon. Gentleman had not made for the purposes of the Protestant religion this a ground for his Motion. In 1818 in the hands of Protestants, and throwing and 1819, a Commission was appointed for open all other professorships to persons of the purpose of inquiring into all the schools all denominations. Roman Catholics could of the United Kingdom; but the Universi- not hold any professorships at present, beties were excluded from that inquiry. If cause they were obliged to take an oath to they were now to allow this inquiry, it conform to the liturgy of the Church of would be considered hard and offensive by Ireland. Trinity College. It was true, as the hon. Mr. George A. llamillon had certainly Gentleman stated, that a Commission was anticipated that the Motion of the hon.

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Member for High Wycombe would be re-, exceptions, Sir W. Hamilton and Professor sisted strenuously by Her Majesty's Go M'Cullagh. At all events, not long ago, vernment; and it was to him a cause of the hon. Member had asked, in somewhat much satisfaction that he had not been contumelious terms, who ever heard of any mistaken in that anticipation. He had eminent man being educated at Dublin grounded his expectations upon the strong College; and on another occasion he had expressions which had been used by the urged it is a matter of reproach that the right bon. Gentleman the Chancellor of University of Dublin should be misreprethe Exchequer, in a speech which he had sented, as he was pleased to say, by his made not very long ago, when resisting a right hon. Colleague and himself, neither siinilar Motion in reference to the English of whom had been educated there, intiUniversities. The right hon. Gentleman mating that no person educated at that on that occasion had stated that a Royal | University could be found qualified to reCommission of inquiry in such matters present it. Certainly, when the hon. was generally adopted as an instrument of Member talked of never having heard of reform, where great abuses were known to any eminent men who were educated in exist, and not as a weapon which could be Dublin College, he felt that he had to called into every day use, for the mere argue with the hon. Member under some purpose of gratifying curiosity. The very disadvantage. He was compelled to supfact of instituting a trial implied censure, pose that the hon. Member had never hapand though the charge was disproved, the pened to hear that there existed within impression remained. Such being the lan- the last century a very distinguished guage of the right hon. Gentleman with prelate of the Irish Church, whose regard to Oxford and Cambridge, he should name was Jebb, distinguished as a scholar, certainly have felt surprised if different distinguished as a divine, and distinguished language or a different course had been also for his sound and practical knowledge taken with reference to the University of of Ireland. It happened upon one occasion, Dublin. He would take it upon himself in a speech in the House of Lords, which to state, that there was no indisposition on speech at the time caused no inconsiderthe part of the Provost and Fellows of able sensation, that this prelate adverted, Dublin College, to afford to Her Majesty's amongst many other things, to the very Government any information which they matter referred to by the hon. Member; might think proper to seek for any useful and in doing so, he used the following expurpose that was consistent with the ob- pressions, which might convey an answer jects for which the University of Dublin to the hon. Member :was established, and which might equally The University of Dublin, which in its be sought for in reference to the Univer- earliest days produced Usher, the most prosities of Oxford and Cambridge. But he foundly learned offspring and ornament of the had a right to consider the Motion before Reformation, and Loftus in oriental letters, the House as a hostile Motion, originating rivalled only by his great coeval, Pocock;

, with a hostile party, and with a design the foremost of an Augustine age, Parnel, the

which afterwards sent forth to shine among certainly not friendly to the University of chastest of our poets ; Swift, the purest of our Dublin. With regard to the object of the prose writers; and Berkeley, the first of our hon. Member, it was not concealed in his metaphysicians ; Goldsmith, the most natural Motion that his real object was to confiscate depictor of life and manners ; Burke, the a part of the property of the University, greatest philosopher and statesman of his own and to apply it to purposes different from or any other age or country; Grattan, the elo. those for which it was designed. And quent asserter of his country's rights—the with regard to the hostile feelings of the parent of Irish independence ;" — hon. Member, what had been the language and in later times he would remind the which that hon. Member had always used hon. Member that the erudition and learn-what had been the language he had used ing of Dr. Hales and Archbishop Magee, that night, in reference to the University and Dr. Graves and Dr. Miller, and the of Dublin? Why, the hon. Member had eloquence of Plunkett and North-[Sir R. intimated that scarcely any men of distinc-Peel: Buslie and Curran.] Yes, Busle tion had been connected with that Univer- and Curran. He only mentioned those sity. [Mr. Osborne had spoken of theo- whose names occurred to him at the mologians.) But the one or two exceptions ment. He would further add, that, howwhich the hon. Member had quoted, were ever they might differ in politics, it must not theologians. He had guoted, as the be a matter of pride to every one connected

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