For services and expenses, including travel outside the
state, in accordance with the following schedule.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the divi-
sion shall submit a report to the director of the
budget, the chairman of the senate finance committee
and the chairman of the assembly ways and means COM
mittee on or before January first, nineteen hundred
eighty-six. Such report shall include, but not be lim-
ited to, information enumerating for each zone office,
for each month within the period covering April first
nineteen hundred eighty-five to November thirtieth,
nineteen hundred eighty-five, and within each major
class of license, (i) the number of license renewals
and initial applications for licenses, (ii) the number
of renewals and applications approved and denied,
(iii) the average time taken to approve and deny a
license renewal and an initial license application
(iv) the number of full time equivalent employees
working on processing renewals and applications, and
(v) the average monthly backlog of unprocessed license
renewals and unprocessed license applications; an in-
ternal review of the division's computerized program
for handling permit renewals; and recommendations to
shorten the time taken to process licenses including
but not limited to, (i) developing productivity stan-
dards and optimum workload levels for each_zone of-
fice, (ii) identifying minimum staffing needs for each
zone office to majutain optimum workload levels, (iii)
improving coordination between local alcoholic bey-
erage control boards and the state liquor authority,
(iv) developing consolidated license application
forms, (v) implementing a system of exception report-
Underlined items vetoed by the Governor. (See veto message at end of chapter.)