Council ProceedingsThe Council, 1984 |
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1620 Washington Heights Ann Arbor Assistance Ann Arbor City Apartments site plan APPROVED RESOLUTION Arbor Assistance Fund Arbor City Council Arbor City Planning Awareness Week Building site plan call the vote Chair declared citizens City Administrator City Clerk City of Ann City Planning Commission contract Councilmember Blow moved Councilmember Edgren moved Councilmember Hunter moved Councilmember Peterson moved declared the hearing declared the motion Deem development agreement Downtown Development Authority Easter Seals Feret and Associates Godfrey Collins handicappers hearing closed hearing was conducted Hunting Valley Huron River Jernigan Larry Hunter Mayor and City Mayor Belcher Michigan motion carried unanimously Nays October 15 October 24 ordinance parking lot Planning Commission recommended Planning Commission transmitting Preston proposed public hearing Purchasing Department requested site plan resolution be adopted RESOLUTION REGARDING RESOLUTION TO APPROVE RESOLUTION TO AWARD RESOLVED roll call Scio Township voice vote vote the Chair Washtenaw County Whereas Yeas