Gambar halaman

Mabie, E. C., and White, L. D., eds. Courts and Social Reform. Recall of judicial decisions vs. more rapid methods of constitutional amendment and the amendment of the Federal Judicial Code, sec. 237. Constructive and rebuttal speeches by the representatives of Brown University, Dartmouth College, and Williams College. With bibliography. The H. W. Wilson Company. 1912. $1.

Judging Debates.

California University. Extension Division. Bureau of Public Discussion. Judging the Debate. Berkeley, California. University of California Press. 1915.

Wisconsin University. Extension Division. How to Judge a Debate. Madison. Published by the University. 1911. 11 pp. (Department of Debating and Public Discussion.)




1. A Republican victory in the next presidential election would be for the best interests of the United States.

2. The direct nomination for office by vote of the party is superior to the system of caucus and convention.

3. The President should be allowed to veto items in appropriation bills.

4. A system of compulsory voting should be adopted in the United States.

5. The "electoral college" should be abolished and the President elected by direct vote of the people.

6. The executive budget substantially similar to that recommended by the Taft committee should be adopted by Congress. 7. The Federal Government should own and operate the telegraph and telephone systems.

8. Railroads and common carriers regulated by the Interstate Commerce Commission should be removed from the provisions of the Sherman Anti-Trust Law.

9. The State should relinquish all rate-regulation of common carriers to the Federal Government.

10. A system of compulsory arbitration in railway disputes should be adopted.

11. There should be national regulation of insurance companies doing business in more than one state.

12. There is need for a revival of the Progressive Party.

13. There should be free toll for American coastwise traffic through the Panama Canal.

14. The provisions of Section 2 of Article XIV of the Amendments to the Constitution of the United States should be enforced. 15. The number of Representatives to Congress should be reduced. 16. An amendment to the Constitution of the United States providing for a change in the method of treaty-making is desirable. 17. The Fifteenth Amendment should be repealed.

18. We should at once announce our purpose to deal with the Filipinos as we deal with the Cubans.

19. An amendment of the Constitution should be adopted convening the first session of Congress within a few months after the election and compelling the second session to adjourn several days before the following election.

20. Corporations should be required to take out a federal license before engaging in interstate commerce.

21. Representatives to Congress should be chosen by a system of proportional representation.

22. The present distribution of power between the Federal and State Governments calls for readjustment in the direction of further centralization.

23. The annexation of the Island of San Domingo to the United States would be for the interests of the United States.

24. Congress should pass an equal suffrage law.

25. The United States should hold territory permanently only with the purpose that it shall ultimately enjoy statehood.

26. The system of voting by mail in local, state, and national elections (as proposed by Dr. Edward Stanwood in the Atlantic Monthly, vol. LXXXVI, pp. 568-73) should be adopted in the United States.

27. The powers of the Interstate Commerce Commission should be enlarged.

28. Mr.

rather than Mr.

dent of the United States.

should be the next Presi

29. The changes in the constitutions of Southern States, since 1889, by which the negro vote in such States has been restricted, are, on the whole, to be commended.

30. Postmasters should be elected by popular vote.

31. Political parties are a necessity to free government.

32. The annexation of Cuba to the United States would be for the best interests of Cuba.

33. Granting the willingness of Cuba, the annexation of Cuba to the United States would be for the best interests of the United States.

34. The present laws relating to Chinese immigration should be amended to include the Japanese.

35. Corporate contributions to campaign funds should be prohibited by federal legislation.

36. The term of office of the President of the United States should

be six years.

37. The powers of the Council of National Defense should be enlarged.

38. Ex-Presidents of the United States should be Senators-atlarge for life.

39. A voter can serve his country better as a consistent supporter of one party than as an independent voter.

40. The standing committees of the House of Representatives of the United States should be elected by the House rather than chosen by the Speaker.

41. There should be an educational test as a qualification for voting.

42. The United States should permanently retain the Philippines. 43. The national parties should adopt a preferential primary for the nomination of President.

44. The Susan B. Anthony suffrage amendment should be adopted. 45. A system of leasing of power sites should be adopted by the Federal Government.

46. Congress, by additional legislation, should protect interstate corporations of all kinds from interference by state taxation. 47. The powers of the President of the United States should be curtailed.

48. It would be to the advantage of the United States to annex Canada.

49. The United States should have exclusive jurisdiction over Bering Sea.

50. The United States should make no discrimination between the immigrants from China and those from other countries.

51. The appointment of consuls should come under the Civil Service rules.

52. The United States should adopt a system of responsible cabinet government.

53. An act should be passed specifically providing for the naturalization of Japanese who come here intending to become American citizens.

54. should be given a territorial form of government. 55. The Senate of the United States should adopt a closure rule. 56. Congress should be given power, by constitutional amendment, to legislate directly concerning commerce and manufactures within the several States.

57. Full citizenship in the United States, with representation in Congress, should be granted to the people of

58. Lobbying in Congress should be confined to licensed lobbyists.


59. The President of the United States is justified in calling out the militia to quell local disturbances, without the consent or request of state authorities.

60. The courts should be forbidden by law to issue sweeping or "blanket" injunctions in labor disputes.

61. In the United States the jury system is not the best means of serving the ends of justice.

62. Public advocacy of violent means for the subversion of government should be suppressed by law in the United States. 63. The United States Senate should seat any man appointed by the Governor of a State, when the Legislature adjourns without filling the vacancy.

64. The constitutional guaranties and restrictions should apply to all territory which may be permanently controlled by the United States.

65. The Constitution should be so amended as to make the passing of amendments easier.


66. The Legislature of the State of

should be prohibited by

law from making appropriations more than six per cent greater than those of the previous year (or biennium).

67. There should be provision for the recall of state judges by popular vote.

68. The white citizens of the Southern States are justified in using all peaceable means to secure political supremacy.

69. The indeterminate franchise policy of Wisconsin should be adopted for the control of public service corporations in the State of

70. The payment of money for obtaining signatures to initiative petitions should be prohibited by law.

71. Judges should be elected by popular vote.

72. Less than the whole number of a jury should be competent to render a verdict in all jury trials.

73. Members of state legislatures should be forbidden by law to accept free passes on any railroads.

74. All elective state officers should be nominated by direct pri


75. The Governor of

propriation bills.

should be allowed to veto items in ap

76. The normal-school instruction of the State of

should be

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