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" But constant as the stars that never move ; Or as women would have love. The trembling genius of their state Look'd out, and straight shrunk back his head, To see our daring banners spread. "
The Works of the English Poets: Otway, Duke, and Dorset - Halaman 47
oleh Samuel Johnson - 1779
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The First Part of Miscellany Poems: Containing Variety of New Translations ...

John Dryden - 1716 - 424 halaman
...the Stars that never move ; Or as Women would have Love. The trembling Genius of their State Lookt out, and ftrait fhrunk back his head, To fee our daring Banners fpread. Whilft in their Harbours they -y Like Batten'd Monftets weltring lay : f The Winds, when Ours th'ad kifs'd, fcorn'd with Q their...
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The first (-sixth) part of Miscellany poems, publ. by Mr. Dryden, Bagian 1

Miscellany poems - 1716 - 426 halaman
...a threat'ning Comet flu'n'd, Rough as the Sea, and furious as the Wind : But conftant as the Stars that never move ; Or as Women would have Love. The trembling Genius of their State Lookt out, and firait (hrunk back his head, To fee our daring Banners fpread. Whilft in their...
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Miscellany Poems: Containing Variety of New Translations of the ..., Volume 1

John Dryden - 1716 - 424 halaman
...a thtear'ning Comet (hin'd, Rough as the Sea, and' furious as the Wind : But conftant a; the Srars that never move; Or as Women would have Love. The trembling Genius of their Srare Lookt out, and ftrait (hrunk back his head, To fee our daring Banners fpread. Whilft in their...
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The orphan. The history and fall of Caius Marius. Venice preserv'd. Poems ...

Thomas Otway - 1757 - 392 halaman a threat'ning Comet fhin'd, Rough as the Sea, and furious as the Wind : But conftant as the Stars that never move; Or as Women would have Love. The trembling Genius of their State Lookt out, and ftraight fhrunk back his Head, To fee our daring Banners fpread. Whilft in their...
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The works of the English poets. With prefaces, biographical and ..., Volume 15

English poets - 1790 - 248 halaman
...conqueft and renown,. Of Britain's honour, and his own, To them he like a threatening comet fhin'd, Rough as the fea, and. furious as the wind ;, But...women would have love. The trembling genius of their flate Look'd out, and ftrait flirunk back his head, To fee our daring banners fprcad : . Whilft in...
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A Complete Edition of the Poets of Great Britain..: Dryden. Rochester ...

1793 - 806 halaman a threatening comet Ihin'd, Rough as the fea, and furious as the wind ; But confiant as the (tars that never move, Or as women would have love. The trembling genius of their date Look'd oat, and ftraight fluunk back his head, To fee our daring banners fpread : Whilfl in their...
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The Works of the British Poets, Volume 6

Robert Anderson - 1795 - 806 halaman
...conqueft and renown, Of Britain's honour, and his own, To them he like a threatening comet {hin'd, Rough as the fea, and furious as the wind ; But conftant...The trembling genius of their ftate Look'd out, and ftraight {hrunk back his head, To fee our daring banners fpread : Whilft in their harbours they T Like...
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The Works of the British Poets: With Prefaces, Biographical and ..., Volume 6

Robert Anderson - 1795 - 842 halaman
...a threatening comet fliin'd, Rough as the fea, and furious as the wind ; Bat conftant as the liars that never move, Or as women would have love. The trembling genius of their date Look'd out, and ftraight ftirunk back hit .head. To fee onr daring banners fpread : Whilft in...
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DR. JOHNSON - 1812 - 480 halaman a threat'ning comet shin'd, Rough as the sea, and furious as the wind : But constant as the stars that never move ; Or as women would have love. The trembling genius of their state Look'd out, and straight shrunk back his head, To see our daring banners spread. Whilst in their...
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Titus and Berenice: A Tragedy, Acted at the Duke's Theatre. With a ..., Volume 3

Thomas Otway, Thomas Thornton - 1813 - 358 halaman a threat'ning comet shin'd, Rough as the sea, and furious as the wind : But constant as the stars that never move; Or as women would have love. The trembling genius of their state Look'd out, and straight shrunk back his head, To see our daring banners spread. Whilst in their...
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