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Once more, fays Fame, for battle he prepares,
And threatens rhymers with a fecond farce :
But, if as long for this as that we stay,
He'll finish Clevedon fooner than his play.
This precious tool did the new ftatesmen use
In Cæfar's breath their whispers to infuse:
Sufpicion 's bred by gravity, beard, and gown;
But who fufpects the madman and, buffoon?
Drolling Villerius this advantage had,
And all his jefts fober impreffions made:
Befides, he knew to chufe the fofteft hour,
When Cæfar for a while forgot his power,
And, coming tir'd from empire's grand affairs,
In the free joys of wine relax'd his cares.
'Twas then he play'd the fly fuccessful fool,
And ferious mifchief did in ridicule.

Then he with jealous thoughts his prince could fill,
And gild with mirth and glittering wit the pill.
With a grave mien, discourse, and decent state,
He pleasantly the ape could imitate,

And foon as a contempt of him was bred,

It made the way for hatred to fucceed.

Gravities difguife

The greatest jeft of all, "he'd needs be wife---"

[Here the writer left off.]



WAS noon, when I, fcorch'd with the double fire


Of the hot fun and my more hot defire,
Stretch'd on my downy couch at ease was laid,
Big with expectance of the lovely maid.
The curtains but half drawn, a light let in,
Such as in fhades of thickest groves is feen;
Such as remains when the fun flies away,
Or when night's gone, and yet it is not day.
This light to modest maids must be allow'd,
Where shame may hope its guilty head to shrowd.
And now my love, Corinna, did appear,

Loose on her neck fell her divided hair;

Loose as her flowing gown, that wanton'd in the air.
In fuch a garb, with fuch a grace and mien,
To her rich bed approach'd th' Affyrian queen.
So Laïs look'd, when all the youth of Greece
With adoration did her charms confefs.

Her envious gown to pull away I
But she refifted ftill, and still deny'd;
But fo refifted, that fhe feem'd to be
Unwilling to obtain the victory.

So I at laft an eafy conqueft had,

Whilft my fair combatant herself betray'd:
But, when she naked stood before my eyes.
Gods! with what charms dift fhe my foul furprize!
What fnowy arms did I both fee and feel!

With what rich globes did her soft bofom fwell!



Plump, as ripe clusters, rose each glowing breast,
Courting the hand, and fueing to be preft!

In every limb what various charms were spread,
Where thousand little Loves and Graces play'd!
One beauty did through her whole body shine.
I faw, admir'd, and prefs'd it close to mine.
The reft, who knows not? Thus entranc'd we lay,
Till in each other's arms we dy'd away;
O give me fuch a noon (ye gods) to every day.


BLUSH not, my friend, to own the love

Which thy fair captive's eyes do move :

Achilles, once the fierce, the brave,
Stoop'd to the beauties of a flave;
Tecmeffa's charms could overpower
Ajax her lord and conqueror;
Great Agamemnon when fuccefs
Did all his arms with conqueft blefs;
When Hector's fall had gain'd him more
Than ten long rolling years before,
By a bright captive virgin's eyes
Ev'n in the midst of triumph dies.
You know not to what mighty line
The lovely maid may make you join ;
See but the charms her forrow wears,
No common caufe could draw fuch tears:
Those streams fure that adorn her fo

For lofs of royal kindred flow :

* See another imitation of this ode in Yalden's

Poems, p. 376.


Oh! think not fo divine a thing

Could from the bed of commons fpring;
Whofe faith could fo unmov'd remain,
And fo averfe to fordid gain,

Was never born of any race

That might the nobleft love difgrace.
Her blooming face, her fnowy arms,
Her well-fhap'd legs, and all her charms
Of her body and her face,

I, poor I, may safely praise.

Sufpect not, Love, the youthful rage
From Horace's declining age,

But think remov'd, by forty years,

All his flames and all thy fears.


IF ever any injur'd power,

By which the falfe Bariné fwore,
Falfe, fair Bariné, on thy head

Had the least mark of vengeance shed;
If but a tooth or nail of thee

Had fuffer'd by thy perjury,

I should believe thy vows; but thou
Since perjur'd doft more charming grow,
Of all our youth the public care,
Nor half fo falfe as thou art fair.
It thrives with thee to be forfworn
By thy dead mother's facred urn,


By heaven and all the stars that shine
Without, and every god within :
Venus hears this, and all the while
At thy empty vows does fmile,
Her nymphs all fmile, her little fon
Does fmile, and to his quiver run;
Does fmile, and fall to whet his darts,
To wound for thee fresh lovers hearts.
See all the youth does thee obey,
Thy train of flaves grows every day;
Nor leave thy former fubjects thee,
Though oft they threaten to be free,
Though oft with vows falfe as thine are,
Their forfworn mistress they forfwear.
Thee every careful mother fears
For her fon's blooming tender years;
Thee frugal fires, thee the young bride
In Hymen's fetters newly ty'd,
Left thou detain by ftronger charms
Th' expected husband from her arms.






WHILST I was welcome to

your heart,

'In which no happier youth had part,

And, full of more prevailing charms,
Threw round your neck his dearer arms,

[blocks in formation]
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