'Twill dodge the great man's train behind, Out-run the roe, out-fly the wind. If then thy foul rejoice to-day, Drive far to-morrow's cares away. In laughter let them all be drown'd: No perfect good is to be found. One mortal feels Fate's fudden blow, Another's lingering death comes flow; And what of life they take from thee, The gods may give to punish me. Thy portion is a wealthy stock, A fertile glebe, a fruitful flock, Horfes and chariots for thy eafe, Rich robes to deck and make thee pleafe. For me, a little cell I chufe,
Fit for my mind, fit for my Muse, Which foft content does beft adorn,
Shunning the knaves and fools I fcorn.
ILOVE, I doat, I rave with pain,
No quiet's in my mind,
Though ne'er could be a happier fwain, Were Sylvia lefs unkind.
For when, as long her chains I've worn,
I ask relief from fmart,
She only gives me looks of fcorn; Alas! 'twill break my heart!
My rivals, rich in worldly store, May offer heaps of gold,
But furely I a heaven adore, Too precious to be fold; Can Sylvia fuch a coxcomb prize, For wealth, and not defert; And my poor fighs and tears defpife? Alas, 'twill break my heart!
When, like fome panting, hovering dove, I for my blifs contend, And plead the caufe of eager love,
She coldly calls me friend. Ah, Sylvia! thus in vain you strive To act a healer's part, "Twill keep but lingering pain alive, Alas! and break my heart.
When, on my lonely, pensive bed I lay me down to reft,
In hope to calm my raging head, And cool my burning breast.
Her cruelty all ease denies;
With fome fad dream I ftart,
All drown'd in tears I find my eyes,
And breaking feel my heart.
Then rifing, through the path I rove
That leads me where the dwells,
Where to the fenfelefs waves my
Its mournful ftory tells:
With fighs I dew and kiss the door, Till morning bids depart;
Then vent ten thousand fighs and more:: Alas! 'twill break my heart!
But, Sylvia, when this conqueft's won, And I am dead and cold,
Renounce the cruel deed you 've done, Nor glory when 'tis told; lovely generous maid Will take my injur'd part,
And curfe thee, Sylvia, I'm afraid,
For breaking my poor heart.
WHAT think ye meant wife Providence, when first
Poets were made? I'd tell you, if I durst,
That 'twas in contradiction to heaven's word, That when its spirit o'er the waters stirr'd, When it saw all, and faid that all was good, The creature Poet was not understood:
For, were it worth the pains of fix long days, To mould retailers of dull third-day plays, That ftarve out threefcore years in hopes of bays? 'Tis plain they ne'er were of the first creation, But came by meer equivocal generation : Like rats in fhips, without coition bred, As hated too as they are, and unfed.
Nature their species fure must needs difown, Scarce knowing Poets, lefs by Poets known. Yet this poor thing, fo fcorn'd and fet at nought,. Ye all pretend to, and would fain be thought. Difabled wafting Whore-mafters are not Prouder to own the brats they never got,
Than fumbling, itching rhymers of the town T'adopt fome base-born fong that's not their own. Spite of his state, my Lord fometimes defcends, To please the importunity of friends.
The dullest he, thought most for business fit, Will venture his bought place to aim at wit; And though he finks with his employs of state, Till common fense forfake him, he 'll tranflate. The Poet and the Whore alike complains Of trading quality, that spoil their gains ; The lords will write, and ladies will have fwains! Therefore all you who have male issue born Under the starving fign of Capricorn,
Prevent the malice of their ftars in time,
And warn them early from the fin of rhyme:
Tell them how Spenfer ftarv'd, how Cowley mourn'd, How Butler's faith and fervice was return'd;
And if fuch warning they refuse to take, This laft experiment, O parents, made! With hands behind them fee th' offender ty'd, The parish whip and beadle by his fide; Then lead him to some stall that does expofe The authors he loves moft; there rub his nose, Till, like a spaniel lafh'd to know command, He by the due correction understand,
To keep his brain clean, and not foul the land ; Till he against his nature learn to strive,
And get the knack of dulnefs how to thrive.
'HAT horror's this that dwells And thus difturbs the fhepherds' peaceful reign?
A difmal found breaks through the yielding air, Forewarning us fome dreadful storm is near. The bleating flocks in wild confusion stray, The early larks forfake their wandering way, And ceafe to welcome-in the new-born day. Each nymph poffeft with a distracted fear, Disorder'd hangs her loose difhevel'd hair.
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