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La Naissance d'une Race, by Abbé Lionel Groulx (Montreal, Bibliothèque de l'Action Française, 1919, pp. 294), is a highly eulogistic account, in the form of a series of lectures, of the origins and development of the French-Canadians. Although written from an ultra-clerical point of view and marked throughout by a strong Tendenz the volume contains nevertheless a valuable compilation of facts and statistics relating to the social and economic history of French Canada.


Under the auspices of the King of Spain, the papal nuncio at Madrid, and various distinguished members of the Royal Academy of History, an ambitious series of historical volumes is announced, under the general title Biblioteca de Historia Hispano-Americana, in which it is proposed to issue many monographs, richly documented, treating of SpanishAmerican history. In large part the volumes will be constructed around the personalities and careers of the viceroys, but others will treat of ecclesiastical, civil, social, and economic institutions. The first volume, already published, is entitled La Infanta Carlota Joaquina y la Política de España en América, 1808–1812. Other volumes, relating to the early viceroys of New Granada and Nicaragua, or presenting memorias or relaciones of the viceroys of Peru and New Spain, are promised for early issue.

Dr. T. Esquivel Obregón has discussed the Influencia de España y los Estados Unidos sobre México (Madrid, Calleja, 1919, pp. 396).

The Government Printing Office has issued the first (pp. 387) of two volumes entitled Mediation of the Honduran-Guatemalan Boundary Question, held under the Good Offices of the Department of State, 19181919. Besides arguments the volume contains English translations of many documents, and will be of use to students in spite of the imperfections of the translations.

Señor Don Emilio Bacardi of Santiago de Cuba is causing extensive investigations into the history of that city to be made in the Archivo General de Indias at Seville, with a view to the writing of an historical work.

The American Antiquarian Society (Worcester) has obtained the South American papers of the Hon. Samuel Larned, secretary of the legation in Chile from 1823 to 1828, and chargé d'affaires in Peru and Bolivia from 1828 to 1839. These papers, about 600 pieces, comprise his official and personal correspondence relating to South American affairs.

Students of early diplomatic relations with Chile will be interested in a competent little volume, Los Primeros Años del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores (Santiago, Imprenta Universitaria, 1919, pp. 145) by Señor Alberto Cruchaga, illustrated by portraits of the ministers.

in German American Annals. I

"Deutsche Charakterblider aus der Brasilianssoner Gscribe Friedrich Sommer of Sac Patir gives ar accom * Sa Homberg.

The firm of Erneste Tornquist and Company or sen ing to furnist ful information or the economic comme cial progress of Argemma, has published m Engst a so volume of statistics mostly from official sources and presente comment. The Economic Development of the Argosti. FourLast Fifty Years Buenos Aires, 1919. p. 32...

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Noteworthy articles in periodicals: Marc de Villiers du Terrag and P. Kivet. Les Indiens du Tezas et les Expédition: Français à 25 et 1721 à la Base St. Bernard” Journal de la Socier as canistes. n. s.. XL); W. F. Dodd. Political Geography and State õr ernment American Political Science Review, Nar : G. Bradford. American Portraits 1875-1999: 1 Mark Twain: 1. Howa z dane lantic Monthly, April, May); J. B. Bishop, Theodore Roosevel and he Time, shown in his Own Letters, VIL, VIII, IX. Scribner's Magazine March. April. May); Capt. E. S. Beach, U. S. N., 'ania Ben 10: 1858 (U. S. Naval Institute Proceedings, April; Munroe Smith. Par Books by American Diplomatists (Political Science Quarterly, March': F Chartier, Le Canada d'Autrefois, 1608-1840: le Régime de la Tutche Coloniale (Revue Canadienne, April); O. D. Skelton. Life and Letters of Sir Wilfred Laurier, VL-IX. [concl] (Century Magazine, MarchJune); J. V. Eriksson, Montezumas Mexiko, en Indiansk Størstad Ymer, 1919. 1): H. Franck, The Death of Charlemagne [Charlemagne Masena Péraite, commander of Haitian bandits] (Century Magazine. May)





The names of contributors are printed in small capitals. (R) indicates that
the contribution is a review

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ABBOTT, F. F., (R) Gsell's "Histoire 'Albania, Past and Present", by C. A.
Ancienne de l'Afrique du Nord",

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Chekrezi, reviewed, 264.

Alexander II., Russia, 411, 418, 421.
Alexander III., Russia, foreign policy

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Barry Cerf, reviewed, 105.
ALVORD, C. W., (R) Wallace's "Ma-
seres Letters", 559; Unrecognized
Father Marquette Letter, 676-680.
Ambler, C: H., on committee on nomi-

nations, 386; (ed.) "Correspondence
of R. M. T. Hunter ", reviewed, 727.
"American Army in the European

Conflict", by Chambrun and Ma-
renches, reviewed, 529.

American Colonies, Slavery and the
Beginnings of Industrialism in, by
M. W. JERNEGAN, 220-240.
"American Colonization Society", by
E. L. Fox, reviewed, 726.
American Council of Learned Socie-
ties, 440-446; pre-war International
Association of Academies, 440;
Union Académique Internationale,
441-442; American representation,

442-443; organization of Council,
443-444; tasks, 445-446.
American Historical Association, "An-
nual Report", 1916, I., II., reviewed,
130, 727.
American Historical Association, Meet-
ing at Cleveland, 369-390; previous
Cleveland meeting, 369; success of
programme, 370; luncheon and din-
ner conferences, 371; organization
of American Catholic Historical As-
sociation, 372; report of committee
on History and Education for Citi-
zenship in the Schools, 373; confer-
ence of state war history organiza-
tions, 374; joint sessions with Agri-
cultural History Society, 374-375;
papers on history of science, 375;
on ancient history, 376; on British
Empire, 377; on contemporary his-
tory, 377-378; on the Far East, 378-
379; on American history, 379-382;
on Hispanic-American history, 382;
business meeting, 383; treasurer's re-
port, 383, 387-388; votes of Council,
384; amendments to constitution,
385; agreement with Agricultural
History Society, 386-387; officers
and committees, 389-390.
American Historical Association, notes
on, 146, 328, 561, 756.

"American Indian as Participant in
the Civil War", by A. H. Abel, re-
viewed, 323.

American Middle Templars, by C. E.
A. BEDWELL, 680–689.

"American Negro Slavery", by U. B.

Phillips, reviewed, 117.

AMES, H. V., (R) Scott's "James
Madison's Notes of Debates in the
Federal Convention ", 141.

"Amorites, Empire of the ", by A. T.
Clay, reviewed, 700.

Ampudia, Pedro de, Mexican general,
670, 671.

Ancient history, Boak's "Master of
the Offices", reviewed, 131; Cald-
well's "Hellenic Conceptions of
Peace", reviewed, 313; papers on,
376; GUILLAND'S German Historical
Publications, 1914-1920, 640-643;
Clay's "Empire of the Amorites",
reviewed, 700; Gsell's "Histoire

Ancienne de l'Afrique du Nord ",
reviewed, 701.

ANDERSON, F. M., (R) Hazen's "Fifty
Years of Europe ", 319.

ANDREWS, A. I., (R) Marriott's "Eu-
ropean Commonwealth ", 106.
Andrews, C: M., "Fathers of New

England", reviewed, 294; "Colonial

Folkways", reviewed, 295.

Anet, Claude, "La Révolution Russe",
reviewed, 286.

"Anglo-American Relations", by
Brougham Villiers and W. H. Ches-
son, reviewed, 715.
Anselm of Havelberg, quoted, 606.
"Anti-Slavery Crusade ", by Jesse

Macy, reviewed, 303.

Appert, General, French diplomat, 396.
Appleton, John, asst. sec. of state, 415,

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
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Mexico", 729; communication from,

Barker, J. E., "Modern Germany",
reviewed, 272.

"Baronial Opposition to Edward II.",
by J. C. Davies, reviewed, 87.
Bartlett, M. G., "Pennsylvania Politics
in the Jacksonian Period", reviewed,

Barton, W, cited, 68.

Prusse et

Basel, Treaty of, Marcère's
la Rive Gauche du Rhin ", reviewed,
BASSETT, J: S., (R) Beveridge's "Life
of John Marshall ", III., IV., 515;
"Our War with Germany ", reviewed,
Bavaria, Doeberl's "Bayern und
Deutschland im 19. Jahrhundert ",
reviewed, 138.

"Bavarian Government, Religious Pol-
icy of, during the Napoleonic
Period", by C. P. Higby, reviewed,

Beard, C: A., paper by, 381.
BECKER, CARL, (R) Adams's "Degrada-
tion of the Democratic Dogma ", 480.
Becket, Thomas, 7.

BEDWELL, C. E. A., American Middle
Templars, 680–689.

Beer, G: L., deceased, 562.

BEER, W:, (R) Renaut's “Question de
la Louisiane", 552.

"Belgium: a Personal Narrative", by
Brand Whitlock, reviewed, 107.
Bell, C. F., (introd.) "Historical Por-
traits", reviewed, 489.

Bell, H. C., paper by, 379.
Below, G. von, "Deutschland und die
Hohenzollern", 653; (ed.) "Hand-
buch der Mittelalterlichen und Neu-
eren Geschichte ", II., reviewed, 709;
"Deutsche Geschichtschreibung ", re-
viewed, 716.

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