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It appears that groceries are supplied from the Ohio river to nearly twice the value of those forwarded from the lakes to the interior of Ohio. From consideration of these facts, it appears that the line of general separation may be drawn through Piqua, Miami county, Urbana, Champaign county, Columbus, Franklin county, Newark, Licking county, Zanesville, Muskingum county, and whence diverging to the northeast it terminates in the neighborhood of Steubenville.

If the same inquiry be extended to the exports of domestic produce from the interior of Ohio, the line of separation will be found to run nearer to the Ohio river, but across nearly the same tract of country. The following are aggregates of the receipts, in leading articles of domestic produce, at the lake and river ports.

[blocks in formation]

In reference to the public works of Ohio, therefore, the greater quantity of flour and grain is exported from the lake ports; but the larger proportion of live stock, animals, provisions, and whiskey pass through the river ports. As hogs are chiefly driven to Cincinnati, the above table expresses but a very small portion of the animal food received from the interior at the ports of Cincinnati and Portsmouth. The export trade of Cincinnati will be shown in another table. By examination of the arrivals and clearances of domestic produce on the Miami canal, it appears that flour and other products are shipped to Cincinnati from l'iqua or its vicinity-about 100 miles to the northward. The line of separation, in regard to the productions of Ohio, will, therefore, be found very near to the centre of the State. Nothing: of domestic produce, in the immediate Ohio valley, except, perhaps,. tobacco, wool, and manufactured articles, go to the lake ports. In the articles of tobacco and wool the trade almost altogether tends lakewards.

The following table of the imports of lumber, from the exterior to the interior ports, will show the tendency of that article at the present date. It must be observed, however, that the amount is a mere fraction of the whole, because the lumber imported into southern Ohio is almost exclusively brought from the Alleghany region, down the Ohio; though recently lumber has found its way through Toledo and Cleveland.

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It seems from this that six-sevenths of the lumber imported into the State by the public works for the use of the interior comes in by the lake ports.

It follows, then, from the above facts, that two-thirds the coffee and six-sevenths of the lumber passing over the public works for consump tion in Ohio are imported through the lake ports; but that three-fourths the sugar and molasses, and nearly all the tobacco, are imported through the river ports. Sugar and molasses, the products of Louisiana, are distributed from Cincinnati through the Northwest, even to the shores

of the lakes.

Of the produce of Ohio, three-fourths of the flour and grain are exported through the lake ports, but more than three-fourths of the pork, lard, and whiskey through the ports of the Ohio river, as will be seen by reference to the principal exports of Cincinnati, as connected with the above canal receipts.

Should the question now arise as to the comparative value of the exports of Ohio, it appears from the foregoing tables that the exports of flour, and wheat reduced to flour, amount to 2,067,029 barrels, or, reduced to grain, 10,335,145 bushels of wheat. But the exports from Sandusky, derived from a very fertile region of country, and from Milan, have in some years amounted to 600,000 barrels, including wheat reduced to flour; while there are also large exports of grain by the Pennsylvania and Ohio canal, and from various small ports on the Ohio river. The total export of wheat may therefore be set down as equivalent to fifteen millions of bushels, or to three millions of barrels of flour. In the years 1850 and 1851, the wheat crop of Ohio was equal, in the aggregate, to 65,000,000 bushels. The consumption of


two millions of people, at seven bushels each, is fourteen millions annum. We have, then, as the result of these two years:



Stock on hand.




28,000,000 bushels. 30,000,000 7,000,000 66


It is possible that the quantity consumed may exceed, and the stock on hand fall short of, the figures assumed; but there is no time when, with an average crop of wheat and corn in Ohio, there is not a large surplus on hand to meet the demands of an export trade. If the above export of flour and wheat be compared with the results of our exports to foreign countries in 1850, it will be seen that the State of Ohio alone exports a quantity of wheat and flour equal to double the whole foreign export of 1850. On an average of seasons, Ohio now exports an amount nearly equal to the entire export of the United States!

The flour exported by the lakes is largely consumed by the manufacturing population of the Eastern States, the amount received in New England from the West being about equivalent to a million of barrels per annum.

Of corn, Ohio probably exports five millions of bushels, and of oats also a large quantity.

Of animal provisions, the following table exhibits a general summary, viz:

Pork, of all descriptions


300,000 barrels.

100,000 66

30,000 66

50,000 66

Considering the agricultural or strictly domestic produce of Ohio exported as a whole, the annexed table very nearly exhibits the entire exports of the most important articles for 1851:

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The market value of the above articles amounts, in round numbers, to twenty-five millions of dollars. The smaller articles, not enumerated, would bring up the total to full thirty millions. The manufactures of

Cincinnati and other towns exported to foreign countries may be set down at ten millions in addition. So that the aggregate export of things produced wholly within the State, and sold abroad, may be safely estimated at full forty millions per annum. The trade of a State, however, consists not only of its own produce, but likewise of all the articles imported, and of all the local trade from port to port. The aggregate trade of the various towns and ports of Ohio, import and export, probably amounts to one hundred and twenty millions per annum. Some idea of this may be attained by consideration of the following table of exports in the most material articles for the port of Cincinnati:

Exports of Cincinnati for 1845 and 1850, with the per cent. of increase.

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This table demonstrates that the export trade of Cincinnati has increased more than two hundred per cent. in the last five years. Its power and tendency to increase no less rapidly for many years to come is undoubted. There are many smaller articles not included in the above. The total value of exports from Cincinnati is therefore estimated at above thirty millions of dollars, and the aggregate value of its trade to be sixty millions per annum.

Of the exports from Cincinnati, a large part are manufactured articles,

in which Cincinnati exceeds, proportionably to its population, any town of the United States. The following table of manufactures in Cincinnati for 1840 and 1850, with their increase per cent., will show what a mass of products there are there which afford a surplus for other markets:

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The above classification does not include the merely mechanical work, such as carpentering, bricklaying, painting, &c., where the result is wholly local. It includes only those manufactures of which part may be exported.

At Cincinnati, the destination of the principal articles of export is as follows:

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