[Form I] CERTIFICATE. NOVA SCOTIA, County of... I hereby certify that.... ..of.... ...in the County of..........has made before me this day an affidavit, under the provisions of the Forests and Game Act, with respect to a moose alleged in such affidavit to have been killed by him at or near .in the County of..... ...on the.... day of. .19...., and that such affidavit is in the form required by the said Act; and I certify also that I have examined the skull and antlers, with the skin of the neck and head attached thereto, and the skins of the four legs exhibited to me by the said .as the skull and antlers and skins of the neck and head and four legs of such moose; that the skins of the four legs have beeen delivered to me, and that in my opinion there has been no violation of the law in respect of taking and killing of such moose. Dated at.... 19.... the.......... day of.... A Justice of the Peace in and for the County of..... [Form J.] INFORMATION. NOVA SCOTIA, County of... The information of...... . . . . of . . . . . . ....in the County of.... .in the Province of Nova Scotia (yeoman), who says that he has reason to suspect, and does suspect, that [insert the object, whether meat, skins, horns or birds, or parts thereof] was (or were) [describe the offence, as killed in close season, or killed by dogs] in the County of.... by some person or persons unknown, [or name the person] and are concealed in and upon the premises or property of... in the [here insert the cause of such suspicion]. Wherefore he prays that a search warrant be granted to search such property or premises for the same. Sworn (or affirmed) before me this... of..... County of.. day .A. D., 19. . . . . . . . at. . . . .in the WHEREAS... . . of. . . . . . . . in the County of........has this day made oath before me, the undersigned, that he has reason to suspect, and does suspect that [describe the object, whether meat, skins, horns or birds, or parts thereof] was (or were) [describe the offence as killed in close season or killed by dogs] in the County of..... ..by some person or persons unknown, [or naming the person or persons] and are concealed in or upon the premises or property of.... ...in the said County of.. These are therefore to require you in His Majesty's name, with proper assistance, diligently to search such property or premises in the day time for the said [describe the object, whether meat, skins, horns of birds, or parts thereof] and if you find the same, or any part thereof, to bring the same to me, or some other Justice of the Peace or Stipendiary Magistrate, to be dealt with according to law. Preamble. Title. putes Investi plicable. CHAPTER 5. An Act Respecting the Investigation of Industrial (Passed the 15th day of March, A. D. 1926.) WHEREAS the provisions of the "Industrial Disputes Investigations Act, 1907", Chapter 20 of the Acts of the Parliament of Canada, 1907, do not apply to industrial disputes which are within the exclusive legislative jurisdiction of any Province of Canada; AND WHEREAS it was enacted by Chapter 14 of the Acts of the Parliament of Canada, 1925, entitled "An Act to amend the Industrial Disputes Investigation Act, 1907", that the said Act shall apply to, inter alia, "any dispute which is within the exclusive legislative jurisdiction of any Province and which by the legislation of the Province is made subject to the provisions of this Act"; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient, in view of the amendment recited above, that the provisions of the said Act shall be made to apply to industrial disputes of the nature defined in the said Act which are within the exclusive legislative jurisdiction of the Province; Be it therefore enacted by the Governor, Council and Assembly as follows: 1. This Act may be cited as the "Industrial Disputes Investigation Act (Nova Scotia)". Industrial Dis- 2. The provisions of the "Industrial Disputes gation Act ap-Investigation Act", Chapter 20 of the Acts of the Parliament of Canada, 1907, and amendments thereto, shall apply to every industrial dispute of the nature therein defined which is within or subject to the exclusive legislative jurisdiction of the Province. Amendments hereafter enact 3. The Lieutenant-Governor may by Proclamaed apply upon tion apply the provisions of any amendment to the proclamation. said Act which may hereafter be enacted by the Parliament of the Dominion to every industrial dispute of the nature in said Act defined which is within or subject to the exclusive legislative jurisdiction of the Province, whereupon those provisions shall apply accordingly. 4. Chapter 1 of the Acts of 1925, "The Industrial Industrial Peace Act, 1925," is repealed. Peace Act, CHAPTER 6. An Act Respecting the Collection of Statistics. (Passed the 15th day of March, A. D. 1926.) Be it enacted by the Governor, Council and Assembly, as follows: 1. This Chapter may be cited as "The Statistics Title. Act". 2. In this Chapter, unless the context otherwise Interpretation. requires: (a) "Minister" means the Minister of Natu- Minister. ral Resources; (b) "Schedule" means any schedule prepared Schedule. instructions for facts and 3. The Minister, or any person deputed by him Schedules and for that purpose, shall distribute such schedules and collection of instructions as may from time to time be prescribed statistics. by the Governor-in-Council for the collection of facts and statistics relating to the agricultural, fishing, lumbering, milling, mining, quarrying, manufacturing and other interests and resources of the Province, which shall contain, among other things, when completed, the value of the products thereof, and of the plant and real estate, the number of persons employed therein, and the amount of wages |