1 1 respecting. Agents, Insurance of; Act amended. Agriculture Act; amended. Amherst, Town of; to borrow money to Amherst, Town of: respecting annuity to Amusements, Theatres & Cinematographs . 219 74 157 51 Animals, Nova Scotia Society for the Pre- Antigonish Golf & Country Club; Act to A. P. W. Pulp & Paper Co., assessment of.. Assessment Act; amended.. Assessment Act; amended. Assessment Act; amended. Assessment Rolls, Revisers Lists & Jury Panels, 1926. Association, Graduate Nurses, of Nova Asylum for the Blind, Halifax; Act to In- 123 30 312 132 1 1 B. Baptist Denomination, Primitive, of Nova Barristers & Solicitors Act; amended. . . . . . Bonavitsky, Max; Bonavitsky, Jacob; Bon- names. Boxing & Wrestling Commission, Halifax, Branch LaHave; to Incorporate Trustees of 117 St. James Evangelical Lutheran Church 281 129 161 56 C. Canning Water Supply Act; amended. . . . . 276 114 255 101 Cape Breton Joint Expenditure Board; to Cape Breton, Municipality of; to borrow to repay Royal Bank. Cape Breton, Municipality of; to borrow for retiring debentures. Carrier, Motor, Act; amended. 135 33 Cattle Feed & Seed Grain; Supply of, to 141 40 TITLES. Children, Immigrant; Act respecting. City of Halifax; to borrow money. PAGE. CAP. 176 མྱ ཌཱུརྱ ཤྩ 62 63 City of Halifax; to refund certain temporary City of Halifax; in relation to water supply 179 City of Halifax; to provide for establish- etery... 205 65 .. 206 66 210 68 212 69 City of Sydney; to borrow money. City of Sydney; Act to Incorporate, amend- City of Sydney; Act to borrow, amended... 217 Costs & Fees Act; amended. Cumberland, Municipality of; to grant aid D. Damages for Negligence; Action for, where Dartmouth, Town of; Act relating to. 88 5 Disputes, Industrial, Investigation Act.... 57 Expenses of the Public Service of the Prov- F. Factories Act, Nova Scotia; amended..... Feed, Cattle, & Seed Grain; Supply of to 156 50 30 122 29 141 40 76 Glace Bay, Town of; to borrow money to Government Purchases Act.. 226 77 108 15 Graduate Nurses Association of Nova Scotia H. 317 139 141 40 Halifax Asylum for the Blind; Act to Incor- 312 132 Halifax Boxing and Wrestling Commission 206 Halifax, City of; to borrow money. 175 Halifax, City of; to refund certain tempor- 176 Halifax, City of; in relation to water supply 179 Halifax, City of; to provide for establish- 205 65 206 66 209 67 Halifax Fire Insurance Company; Act re- Halifax, Municipality of; relating to assess- ment of A. P. W. Pulp & Paper Co...... 263 106 Hants, West; County of; to exempt from Health, Public, Act; amended. Highways, Public, Act; amended.. Holy Cross Cemetery in the City of Halifax; Humane & Penal Institutions; Inspector of; Immigrant Children; Act respecting.... ed. . . . 92 7 123 30 |