CHAPTER 108. "An Act to Enable the Municipality of Inverness to Conduct an Audit and to Defray the Expenses Thereof." (Passed the 19th day of March, A. D. 1926.) Be it enacted by the Governor, Council and Assembly, as follows: Chartered Ac 1. The Municipal Council of the Municipality May employ of Inverness is hereby authorized and empowered to countant to secure the services of a Chartered Accountant to fully report. examine, inquire into, audit and report: (a) The accounts of the Treasurer of said Municipality from the second day of May, 1898, up to and including the twenty-ninth day of January, 1926; (b) The accounts, receipts and expenditures of and in connection with the Inverness County Asylum and the Maintenance and up-keep thereof from the sixteenth day of January, 1912, up to and including the thirty-first day of December, 1925, as well as all accounts, receipts and expenditures relating to and concerning the present Inverness County Asylum building, and the erecting, furnishing, and equipment thereof; (c) The accounts of the several Inspectors appointed in and for said Municipality by said Council under and by virtue of The Nova Scotia Temperance Act, and the collection, disposition and application of all fines imposed under and by virtue of said Chapter in said Municipality; (d) All other accounts of the said Municipality and all accounts in which said Municipality is concerned and which in the opinion of said Chartered Accountant, or in the opinion of the AttorneyGeneral, require examination and report. audit and may examine Said Accountant shall have at all times during Accountant such examination, inquiries and audits the power of witnesses under summoning before him any persons as witnesses, and oath, etc. May enforce attendance of duction of documents, etc. of requiring them to give evidence on oath orally or in writing (or on solemn affirmation if they are entitled to affirm in civil matters) and to produce such documents and things as the said Accountant deems requisite to the full investigation of the matters into which said Accountant is appointed to enquire under or by virtue of this Act. 3. Said Accountant shall have the same power witnesses, pro- to enforce the attendance of persons as witnesses and to compel them to give evidence and produce documents and things as is vested in the Supreme Court or a Judge thereof in civil cases, and the same privileges and immunities as a Judge of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia. Accountant to 4. furnish account and report. remuneration Said Chartered Accountant shall furnish to said Council and to the Warden of said Municipality and to the Provincial Secretary on or before the thirtyfirst day of October, 1926, a full and detailed account and report of such examinations, inquiries and audits and his findings with respect to all and singular the same. Agreement and 5. The Warden and Clerk of said Municipality are of Accountant. hereby authorized and empowered to enter into a formal and binding agreement on behalf of said Council and Municipality with such Chartered Accountant in regard to all and singular said examinations, inquiries, audits, accounts and report and services and the remuneration to be made to said Chartered Accountant for all and singular the same by said Municipality. Municipality may borrow and expenses. 6. The Treasurer of said Municipality is hereby sum for costs authorized and empowered to borrow on the credit of said Municipality a sum not exceeding four thousand dollars for a period not exceeding ten years at a rate of interest not exceeding six per cent. per annum, to be applied towards the payment of said Chartered Accountant for his said services and towards the payment (in so far as the said Municipality may be liable therefor) of the costs and expenses of and incident to said agreement and the preparation thereof and to said examinations, inquiries, audits, accounts and report. CHAPTER 109. An Act Relating to the Assessment of MacLeod Pulp and Paper Company, Limited, within the Municipality of Queens County. (Passed the 19th day of March, A. D. 1926.) WHEREAS the Council of the Municipality of Queens County at its annual meeting on the 13th day of January, A. D., 1926, unanimously passed the following Resolution: "RESOLVED, that all or any real or personal property now owned by the MacLeod Pulp and Paper Company Limited, or hereafter owned and acquired by the said Company, its successors or assigns, within the Municipality of Queens, shall not be assessed at a value greater than the present assessment upon real and personal property, within the period of twenty years from this date; provided however, that this Resolution shall not apply to residences or merchandising establishments;" Be it therefore enacted by the Governor, Council and Assembly as follows: Preamble. ment to stand All or any real or personal property now owned by Present assess the MacLeod Pulp and Paper Company Limited, or for 20 years. hereafter owned and acquired by the said Company, its successors or assigns, within the Municipality of Queens, shall not be assessed at a value greater than the present assessment upon such real and personal property, within the period of twenty years from this date; provided, however, that this. limitation shall not apply to residences or merchandising establishments. CHAPTER 110. An Act to Amend Chapter 157, Acts of 1917, Entitled (Passed the 19th day of March, A. D. 1926.) Be it enacted by the Governor, Council and Assembly as follows: amended, I. Section 1 of Chapter 157 of the Acts of 1917 Sec. 1, as as amended by Chapter 128 of the Acts of 1919 and repealed: Chapter 144 of the Acts of 1921, is repealed, and the following substituted therefor: 1. The Municipality of the County of Richmond is authorized to borrow a sum of money not exceeding fifteen thousand dollars in each and every of the years 1926, 1927, 1928, 1929 and 1930, for the purpose of advancing payment of the Municipal School Fund to School Sections. substituted. CHAPTER 111. An Act to Amend Chapter 66, Acts of 1862, respecting Victoria. (Passed the 19th day of March, A. D. 1926.) Be it enacted by the Governor, Council and Assembly as follows: Acts 1862, 1. Section 2 of Chapter 66, Acts of 1862, is Sec. 2. Ch. 66. amended by striking out the words "Barasoi Brook" amended. wherever they appear in the said section and substituting therefor the words "Barrachois Bridge. Acts 1877, 2. Section 2 of Chapter 62, Acts of 1877, is Sec. 2. Ch. 62 amended by striking out the words "Barasois River" amended. wherever they appear in the said section and substituting therefor the words "Barachois Bridge." CHAPTER 112. An Act to Enable the Municipality of West Hants to Exempt from Assessment. (Passed the 19th day of March, A. D. 1926.) Be it enacted by the Governor, Council and Assembly as follows: plant etc. for power or electric current, The Municipal Council of the Municipality of West May exempt Hants is hereby authorized and empowered to exempt development of from assessment beyond the sum of Twenty-five generation of Thousand Dollars for ten years any buildings, dams etc. or plant which during two years next hereafter shall be built, erected, placed or established at any place within the Municipality of West Hants for the development of power or the generation of electric current or for manufacturing or operating from such current or otherwise in connection therewith. CHAPTER 113. An Act to Incorporate Digby County Power Board. (Passed the 19th day of March, A. D. 1926.) WHEREAS the incorporated Town of Digby, Village of Weymouth and Municipality of the District of Digby, respectively, have made or are about to make provision for generation, or purchase and sale, of electrical power and energy in the County; AND WHEREAS, it is considered advisable for the purpose of reducing overhead expenses and delays, and to facilitate the generation, purchase and distribution and sale of electrical power and energy, that a Board be appointed representing the said respective incorporated Town and Village and the Municipality of the District of Digby; Be it enacted by the Governor, Council and Assembly, as follows: Preamble. |