Owner may pay by instalments Collection of instalments. Act not applic the filing of such plan and list, constitute and be a lien upon such property and shall be collected in the same manner and with the like remedies as ordinary taxes upon real estate under the provisions of the Assessment Act. 10. Notwithstanding anything herein contained the Town Council may by resolution determine that the half of the costs to be borne by the owner or owners in any particular case or in all cases may be paid by annual and equal payments to be consecutive, the total to be extended over a period not exceeding three years and to bear interest at six per cent. 11. Every payment together with interest thereon determined under the next preceding section shall be collectable in the same manner and with the like remedies as ordinary taxes upon real estate under the provisions of the Assessment Act. able to ordinary 12. Nothing contained in this Act shall be conrepairs or main- strued to apply to any work of ordinary repair or maintenance of any sidewalk whether the same shall have been reconstructed hereunder or otherwise. tenance. Appeals. Regulations and By-laws. Any person aggrieved thereby may nevertheless appeal to the Town Council of said Town, which shall sit at any time within one month after the date of filing of the said plan and list. The person appealing shall give at least five days notice of the date of the hearing of the said appeal and of the grounds thereof to all persons affected thereby. A memorandum of the decision of the Town Council shall be made upon the said plan and list on said appeal. The said plan and list shall as altered and noted by the said Town Council be final and conclusive evidence as aforesaid. 13. The Town Council may make all regulations and by-laws that it may deem necessary or advisable for effectually carrying out the provisions of this Act and performing all matters and things incidental thereto. CHAPTER 89. An Act to Enable the Town of Windsor to Borrow (Passed the 19th day of March, A. D. 1926.) WHEREAS by Chapter 116 of the Acts of 1919, the Preamble. Town of Windsor was authorized to borrow a sum not exceeding Forty Thousand Dollars and for that purpose issued certain Debentures and has accumulated a Sinking Fund under the provisions of the said Act and it is now desired to redeem the said debentures; Be it therefore enacted by the Governor, Council and Assembly as follows: borrow. 1. The Town of Windsor is authorized to borrow Authority to or raise by way of loan on the credit of the Town a sum not exceeding Thirty-five Thousand Dollars to be applied with the said Sinking Fund for the purpose of redeeming debentures to the amount of Forty Thousand Dollars issued July 1st, 1919, under the provisions of the said Act. The said Debentures shall bear interest at such rate as the Town Council shall determine not exceeding five per cent. per annum payable half yearly and shall be redeemable on July 1st, 1939. and Interest. 2. Where any money is borrowed or raised by the Sinking fund issue and sale of debentures of the Town of Windsor under this Act and the Municipal Debentures' Act the Council of the said Town shall provide for a Sinking Fund with respect to such Debentures, provided that the amount to be paid annually into such Sinking Fund shall not be less than Four per cent. of the aggregate amount of such debentures and shall not be more than the Council deems sufficient to provide for the payment of debentures when the same are payable. The first payment into such Sinking Fund shall be made within one year from the date of the debentures. Every sum required for (a) Interest on such debentures; (b) The Sinking Fund so provided; other than the sums provided for by the preceding subsection shall be held to be sums required for the ordinary lawful purposes of the said Town and shall be raised, levied and collected in the same manner and in all respects as other sums required for the ordinary lawful purposes of the said Town are raised, levied and collected. Authority to borrow. Sinking Fund. Interest and Sinking Fund lawful charges. CHAPTER 90. An Act to Authorize the Town of Windsor to Borrow (Passed the 19th day of March, A. D. 1926.) Be it enacted by the Governor, Council and Assembly as follows: I. The Town of Windsor is authorized to borrow or raise by way of loan on the credit of the Town a sum not exceeding Fifty Thousand Dollars for the purpose of extending the water works system and of improving the water supply. 2. Where any money is borrowed or raised by the issue and sale of debentures of the Town under this Act and the Municipal Debentures Act the Council of the Town shall provide for a sinking fund with respect to such debentures. The amount to be paid annually into the sinking fund shall be an amount which the Council deems sufficient to provide for the payment of the debentures when the same are payable, but which shall not be less than three per centum of the aggregate amount of such debentures, and the first payment into such sinking fund shall be made within one year from the date of the debentures. shall be held to be sums required for the ordinary lawful purposes of the Town, and shall be raised, levied and collected in the same manner and in all respects as other sums required for the ordinary lawful purposes of the town are raised, levied and collected. 4. Such debentures shall be payable in twenty years from the date thereof, and shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding five per centum per annum, provided, however, that such debentures may be redeemed by the Town at any time after the expiration of five years from the date thereof, upon giving six months' notice in the form of Appendix "A" to Chapter 116 of the Acts of 1919, in a newspaper circulated in the Town. Debentures. enter into 5. The Town of Windsor is hereby authorized Town may within two years from this date to enter into an agree- agreement. ment with William H. Chase, the Avon River Power Company, Limited, or any person or body corporate (hereinafter called "The Company") whereby the Town of Windsor shall agree with the Company inch water (a) To instal a ten inch water main from the To instal ten twelve inch water main at Water Street to "Is- main. land Home;" clusive use by water. (b) To permit the Company to use exclusively To permit exthe water passing through the present ten inch company of water main, and through the said ten inch water main to be installed, as aforesaid, for the manufacturing purposes of the Company for such time and upon such terms as may be agreed upon bebetween the Company and the Town Council of the Town of Windsor; To extend 12 (c) To extend the present twelve inch water inch water main to a point at or near Scott's Corner in the main. Town of Windsor and make all connections for municipal and industrial purposes therewith; To instal 12 inch water (d) To instal a twelve inch water main from a point at or near Scott's corner to Water Street main. connecting it with the said extended twelve inch water main; To increase depth of water in reservoir. To supply cross connections, meters, etc. Company to erect print paper mill To furnish bond guaranteeing repayment of sums expended by Town. To regulate use and maintain main in reasonable condition. (e) To raise the present dam at the water reservoir and erect all back dams sufficiently to increase the depth of the water of the reservoir three feet and to acquire all flowage rights for this purpose; (f) To supply and place all necessary and proper cross connections, meters and control apparatus. 6. The Town of Windsor shall nevertheless not enter into the same agreement until the Company, (a) Has satisfied the Town Council that it will within the time to be agreed upon erect within the Town of Windsor a Print Paper Mill, manufacturing at least forty tons of print paper per day and will continue to operate the same for a period of ten years as continuously and efficiently as is usual with print paper mills of this capacity in Canada, or that it will erect within the said Town and continue to operate for the said period as continuously as is usual an industry employing a like number of men within the Town of Windsor to that which would be employed by the said print paper mill; (b) Has furnished to the Town by bond or otherwise an assurance and guarantee satisfactory to the Town Council that the Company will by sinking fund or otherwise within twenty years by equal annual payments or within a lesser time repay all sums expended by the Town of Windsor in carrying out the said agreement, together with interest thereon at the rate paid thereon by the Town of Windsor and will permit the Town of Windsor in case of fire the instant and exclusive use of all water in the said ten inch water main; (c) Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary agrees to so regulate its use of the water as not to reduce the level of the reservoir beyond a point two feet below the present spillway of the mill lake dam (so-called) and to maintain the present ten inch main in a reasonable condition regard being had to its age and use. |