CHAPTER 70. An Act to Validate and Legalize Assessment Rolls, of the City of Sydney. (Passed the 19th day of March, A. D. 1926) Be it enacted by the Governor, Council and Assembly as follows: Rolls and 1. The assessment rolls and Registrar of Voters' Assessment lists for the City of Sydney for the year 1926 are Voters Lists hereby legalized and confirmed. legalized and confirmed. arrears of taxes confirmed. 2. All sales of land within the municipality of the Sales of land for City of Sydney made prior to the 31st day of Decem-validated and ber, 1923, purporting to be made by the corporation of the said City of Sydney for arrears of taxes due said City in respect of lands so sold are hereby validated and confirmed and all deeds of lands so sold, executed by the Mayor and Clerk of the said City of Sydney purporting to convey any lands so sold to the purchaser thereof or his assigns, shall have the effect of vesting the land so sold and conveyed and the same are hereby vested in the purchaser or his assigns and his and their heirs and assigns as the case may be, in fee simple, free and clear of and from any and all right, title and interest, whatsoever of the owners thereof at the time of such sale, or their heirs and assigns, or anyone claiming under them and of all charges and encumbrances thereon except taxes accrued after those for non-payment of which said lands were sold. litigation 3. Nothing herein contained shall affect any pend- Pending ing litigation in respect to any of the matters referred unaffected. to in Section 2 hereof. CHAPTER 71. 28 repealed; election of Mayor and Aldermen. An Act to Amend Chapter 174 of The Acts of 1903, (Passed the 19th day of March, A. D. 1926.) Be it enacted by the Governor, Council and Assembly, as follows: Chapter 174 of the Acts of 1903 entitled "An Act to Incorporate the City of Sydney," is amended as follows: Sections 22 and 1. Sections 22 and 28 of said Chapter 174 of the Acts of 1903 as amended, are hereby repealed, and the election of the Mayor and Aldermen shall hereafter be held on the second Tuesday in January in each year. All provisions regarding the date of holding the elections for Mayor and Aldermen, and all proceedings appertaining to or dependent on same whereever same occur, shall be changed to correspond with the altered date for holding the said elections. S.S. 3. Section 27, amended. Section 240 amended. over properties 2. Sub-section 3 of Section 27 is amended by striking out the word March in the third line thereof and substituting the word January, and adding the words "Provided that where the first Tuesday in January falls on the New Year's Day, the said nomination papers shall be delivered to the City Clerk on Monday, December 31st." 3. Section 240 is amended by striking out the word "annually" in the first line thereof. Council to take 4. The City Council is hereby authorized to held by Housing take over all properties held in the name of the Commission. Sydney Housing Commission, and erected by such Commission under the provisions of the Nova Scotia Housing Act, 1919. Council to take over administration of Housing Commission Act; Agreements of Sale. 5. The provisions of the said Act shall after such transfer be administered by the officials of the City under the supervision of the City Council; and the Agreements of sale existing between the said Housing Commission and the purchasers of property under the provisions of the said Nova Scotia and exist between the said purchasers and the said cise all such powers and privileges as were held and exercised by the said Commission. mission to con to City by deed. 6. The said Housing Commission shall when Housing Comrequested by the City Council convey to the said vey properties City, by good and sufficient deed all such properties as are now registered in the name of such Commission, and a deed duly executed by the Chairman and Secretary or Acting Chairman and Acting Secretary shall be sufficient for a good and valid conveyance of all properties, and shall pass the title of all such properties to the City of Syd ney. deeds upon payments. 7. All such properties shall be taken subject to City to give such Agreements of Sale, and upon the completion completion of of payments under same, the City shall give a good and sufficient deed to such purchaser, it being the meaning and intent of this Act that hereafter the City shall stand in the place and stead of the said Housing Commission. CHAPTER 72. An Act to Amend Chapter 89 of the Acts of 1925, Sydney to Borrow Money." (Passed the 19th day of March, A. D. 1926.) Be it enacted by the Governor, Council and Assembly as follows: I. Section 4 of Chapter 89 of the Acts of 1925, Section 4 entitled "An Act to Enable the City of Sydney to Borrow Money," is repealed. 3. Said Chapter 89 shall be read and construed Chapter 89 as if Section 4 had not been enacted. how read and construed. CHAPTER 73. Purpose of borrowing. Promissory note. Principal and interest charge upon Town. Repayment. Annual Instalments to be assessed and levied. An Act to Authorize the Town of Amherst to Borrow (Passed the 19th day of March, A. D. 1926.) Be it enacted by the Governor, Council and Assembly as follows: 1. The Town of Amherst is hereby authorized to borrow or raise by way of loan on the credit of the Town, the sum of Twenty-five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00) for the purpose of paying off an indebtedness already incurred and to be incurred for repairing damage to the Winter Fair Buildings at the Town of of Amherst, caused by recent storms. 2. The said money for the purposes aforesaid, may be borrowed by a resolution of the Town Council by a promissory note which shall be signed by the Mayor and Town Clerk on behalf of the Town of Amherst, and said note to be made payable within a period of five years from the date of said note, with interest not exceeding six per cent. and the said Mayor and Town Clerk may sign renewals for said note. 3. The principal sum and interest thereon shall be a charge upon the property, funds and revenues of the Town of Amherst. Such money to be borrowed as aforesaid shall be repaid out of the revenues of the town in five equal annual instalments with interest at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum, payable yearly, beginning in the year 1926. 5. The Town Council shall annually add to the amount to be assessed and levied on the Town for general purposes, a sum sufficient to pay such annual instalments as they shall become due, together with interest accruing on the unpaid principal money borrowed under the authority of this Act. CHAPTER 74. An Act Respecting the Payment of an Annuity to (Passed the 15th day of March, A. D. 1926.) Whereas W. Frederick Donkin has served the Town Preamble. of Amherst in the office of Town Clerk for a period of upwards of thirty-six years; And Whereas the said W. Frederick Donkin has agreed to resign the said office on the 31st day of December, 1926, upon the understanding that this Act providing for a retiring allowance be enacted; Be it enacted by the Governor, Council and Assembly as follows: 1. After the retirement of W. Frederick Donkin Annuity. on the 31st day of December, 1926, from the office of Town Clerk of the Town of Amherst the sum of Eight Hundred Dollars ($800.00) shall be paid annually to him out of the funds of the said Town during his life time; Provided that the said W. Frederick Donkin shall not be paid the retirement allowance provided by this Act unless and until he retires from the office of Town Clerk of the Town of Amherst on the 31st day of December, 1926. in estimates. 2. The Town Council of the said Town in To be included making up the annual estimate of expenditures in the town shall include in the said estimate the said sum. |