added to. 8. Sub-section 1 of Section 49 of the said Act is S. 49, 88. 1, amended by adding thereto the following: The Governor-in-Council may from time to time prescribe the fees to be paid to the Minister for licensing operators, and where such fees are so prescribed the payment of the prescribed fee, if any, shall be a condition precedent to the issue of a license to an operator. 9. The said Act is amended by striking out the Act amended. word "Secretary" wherever the same occurs therein and substituting therefor the word "Minister". amended. 10. Sub-section 2 of Section 49 of Chapter 76, S. 49, 88. 2, Revised Statutes of Nova Scotia, 1923, is amended by striking out the words "for renewal permits" in the first line thereof. 11. Sub-section 3 of Section 49 of Chapter 76, S. 49, 88. 3, Revised Statutes of Nova Scotia, 1923, is hereby repealed. CHAPTER 33. An Act to Amend Chapter 78, Revised Statutes of (Passed the 19th day of March, A. D. 1926.) Be it enacted by the Governor, Council and Assembly, as follows: 1. Clause (b) of Section 2 of Chapter 78 of the S. 2, clause (b) repealed; subRevised Statutes, 1923, is repealed and the following stituted." substituted therefor: (b) The expression "Minister" means the Minister. Minister of Highways. 2. Section 21 of said Chapter is amended by in- S. 21 amended. serting before the word "no" in the first line of said Section the words "Except with the consent of the Minister". S. 22 repealed; substituted. Taxes payable. 3. Section 22 of said Chapter is repealed and the following substituted therefor: 22. (1) No Certificate shall be issued to any motor carrier unless such motor carrier has paid to His Majesty for the use of the Province a tax for each motor vehicle designated in the certificate, the amount of which shall be that prescribed by the Governor-in-Council, under sub-section (3) of this Section. (2) Every motor carrier holding a certificate shall on the second day of January in each year pay to his Majesty for the use of the Province a tax, the amount of which shall be that prescribed by the Governor-inCouncil under sub-section (3) of this Section, but in no case less than Ten Dollars for each motor vehicle. (3) The Governor-in-Council may from time to time prescribe the amount of the tax under sub-section 1 and sub-section 2 hereof respectively to be paid for any particular motor vehicle or for any class or classes of motor vehicles. (4) If any motor carrier makes default in paying any tax under sub-section 2 of this Section the Minister may notify the Board thereof and the Board shall thereupon revoke the certificate or certificates issued to such motor carrier. (5) Taxes imposed by this Chapter shall be payable to the Provincial Treasurer and shall form part of the Provincial Highway Fund under the provisions of The Public Highways Act. (6) Any tax imposed by this Chapter may be recovered with costs as a debt due to His Majesty by action in any Court of competent jurisdiction brought by the Provincial Treasurer, and such action shall be brought and prosecuted in and by his name of office and may be continued by his successor in office as if no change had occurred. repealed. 4. Sections 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31 Sectiona of said Chapter are repealed. amended. 5. Said Chapter is amended by striking out the Chapter word "Secretary" wherever the same occurs therein and substituting therefor the word "Minister". CHAPTER 34. An Act to Amend Chapter 80 of the Revised Statutes, 1923, entitled "Of Ferries". (Passed the 19th day of March, A. D. 1926.) Be it enacted by the Governor, Council and Assembly as follows: S. 5 repealed; 1. Section 5 of Chapter 80 of the Revised Statutes, substituted. 1923, entitled "Of Ferries" is repealed and the following substituted therefor: spect to which Council has all 5. (1) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions Ferries in reof this Chapter or of any provision of any other Act Governor-inof the Legislature of Nova Scotia, the council of powers and juany municipality shall not have any power or jurisdiction with respect to the following ferries: The Ferry from Big Bras d'Or to New Campbellton; The Ferry at Englishtown; all in the Island of Cape Breton; The Ferry from Mulgrave in the County of Guysboro to Port Hawkesbury in the County of Inverness. The Governor-in-Council shall have with respect to said ferries all the powers and jurisdiction that any Council of a Municipality has with respect to ferries. risdiction. charge and col (2) The Governor-in-Council if he deems it ex- May operate, pedient may operate and maintain any of said ferries lect ferriage. and charge and collect ferriage at such rates as he thinks proper. Operating expenses, how defrayed. Loan author ment. (3) The expenses of operating and maintaining each of the said ferries shall be defrayed out of the revenue derived from such ferry, and in case such revenue is in any year insufficient the deficiency shall be payable out of the Provincial Highway Fund. ised to provide (4) The Governor-in-Council is authorized to boat and equip raise by way of loan on the credit of the Province the sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars for the public service. The sums realized from the sale or disposal of debentures or of Nova Scotia stock issued for the purpose of raising the said sum or any part thereof shall be paid into the Provincial Treasury, and shall be used and applied for the purpose of constructing or acquiring a suitable ferry boat or suitable ferry boats and equipment, wharf or wharves, or acquiring any land necessary or convenient for any of the said ferries. amended. CHAPTER 35. An Act to Amend Chapter 83, Revised Statutes, 1923, "The Municipal Act". (Passed the 19th day of March, A. D. 1926.) Be it enacted by the Governor, Council and Assembly as follows: S. 105, ss. (1) 1. Sub-section (1) of Section 105 of the said Chapter 83, Revised Statutes, 1923, is hereby amended by striking out the word "two" in the second line thereof and substituting therefor the words "one or more". CHAPTER 36. An Act to Amend Chapter 84, of the Revised Statutes, 1923, "The Towns' Incorporation Act". (Passed the 19th day of March, A. D. 1926.) Be it enacted by the Governor, Council and Assembly, as follows: 1. Section 266 of Chapter 84 of the Revised S. 266 amended Statutes, 1923, "The Towns' Incorporation Act" is amended by striking out the word "inclusive" in the second line of said Section, and substituting therefor the word "exclusive". CHAPTER 37. An Act to Amend Chapter 86, Revised Statutes of (Passed the 15th day of March, A. D. 1926.) Be it enacted by the Governor, Council and Assembly as follows: amended. 1. Sub-section 2 of Section 82 of The Assessment 8. 82, 89. 2, Act, Chapter 86 of the Revised Statutes, 1923, is amended by striking out the word "and" in the sixth line thereof, and substituting therefor the word “or”. Second amended. 2. Form "L" in the second schedule to said Chap- Form "L", ter is amended by striking out therefrom the following Schedule. line, that is to say: "sum of twenty-five cents and costs of this warrant and the constables' fees," and substituting therefor the following: "sum of twentyfive cents, costs of this warrant and the constables' fees". |