(9) The Department of Natural Resources, presided over by the Minister of Natural Resources. amended. 3. Sub-section (4) of Section 3 of said Chapter 8 (4). 3. 9 is amended by striking out the word "or" in the eighth line thereof, and by inserting between the word "Highways" and the word "he" in the said eighth line the words "or Minister of Natural Resources". amended. 4. Sub-section (5) of Section 3 of said Chapter 9 s. 8. (5) s. 3, is amended by striking out the word "or" in the third line thereof, and by inserting between the word "Highways" and the word "resigns" in the fourth line thereof the words "or Minister of Natural Resources". 5. Section 34 of said Chapter 9 is amended by S. 34 amended. striking out the words "Provincial Secretary" in the second line thereof, and substituting therefor the words "Minister of Natural Resources". substituted. 6. Section 36 of said Chapter 9 is repealed and S. 36 repealed; the following substituted therefor: NATURAL RESOURCES. have supertion and con 36. (1) The Minister of Natural Resources shall Minister to have the supervision, direction and control of all vision, direcmatters relating to agriculture, land settlement, trol. industrial development, public health, vital statistics, and the collection and dissemination of all facts and statistics relating to the agricultural, industrial and other resources of the Province, and shall have such other powers and discharge such other duties as are conferred and imposed upon him by any Act of the Legislature of the Province, or by Order-in-Council made under the authority of any such Act. Deputy Min (2) The Governor-in-Council may appoint a per- ister may be son to be Deputy Minister of Natural Resources, appointed. who shall be paid such salary as the Governor-inCouncil determines. CHAPTER 11. Subsection added to s. 2. Sections added. An Act to Amend Chapter 9, Revised Statutes, entitled "The Public Service Act". (Passed the 15th day of March, A. D. 1926.) Be it enacted by the Governor, Council and Assembly as follows: 1. Section 2 of said Chapter 9 is amended by adding thereto the following sub-section: (10) The Department of Vendors presided over by the Provincial Secretary. 2. Said Chapter 9 is amended by inserting between section 38 and section 39 thereof the following: Department administered VENDORS. 38A. The Department of Vendors shall be adunder provis ministered under the provisions of and in accordance with the Nova Scotia Temperance Act. ions N. S. Temperance Act. Principal vendor, salary and duties. 38B. The Governor-in-Council may appoint a person to be the Principal Vendor of the Department of Vendors, who shall be paid such salary as the Governor-in-Council determines and who shall have such powers and shall exercise and perform such duties as are conferred or imposed upon him by any Act of the Legislature or by any Order-in-Council made under the authority of any such Act, and shall perform such other duties as the Governor-in-Council may prescribe. CHAPTER 12. An Act to Amend Chapter 9, Revised Statutes, 1923, "The Public Service Act." (Passed the 15th day of March, A. D. 1926.) Be it enacted by the Governor, Council and Assembly, as follows: 1. Chapter 9 of the Revised Statutes, 1923, Section added. The Public Service Act, is amended by inserting between Section 24 and Section 25 thereof, the following: public money 24A. Every payment of public money shall be Payment of made by a cheque upon a bank signed by the Pro- to be by cheque vincial Treasurer, or by such person as may be appointed by Order-in-Council, and countersigned by such other person or persons, if any, as the Governor-inCouncil may from time to time appoint. CHAPTER 13. An Act to Amend Chapter 9, Revised Statutes of (Passed the 19th day of March, A. D. 1926). Be it enacted by the Governor, Council and Assembly as follows: S.S. (2), Sec. 2 substituted. 1. Sub-section (2) of Section 2 of Chapter 9, repealed; Revised Statutes of Nova Scotia, 1923, is repealed and the following substituted therefor: (2) The Department of Lands and Forests, presided over by the Attorney-General for the time being as Minister of Lands and Forests. Sec. 14 repealed 2. Section 14 of said Chapter 9 is repealed, and the substituted. following substituted therefor: Attorney General Minis Forests. 14. The Attorney-General for the time being shall ber of Lands and be the Minister of Lands and Forests, and as such shall have the powers and perform the duties specified in "The Lands and Forests Act". Sec. 15 repealed substituted. Deputy Minister may be appointed. 3. Section 15 of said Chapter 9 is repealed, and the following substituted therefor: 15. The Governor-in-Council may appoint a person to be Deputy Minister of Lands and Forests, who shall be paid such salary as the Governor-inCouncil may determine. CHAPTER 14. An Act to Amend Chapter 10 of the Revised Statutes, 1923, "The Public Printing Act." (Passed the 15th day of March, A. D. 1926.) Be it enacted by the Governor, Council and Assembly, as follows: Sec. 15 repealed. 1. Section 15 of Chapter 10 of the Revised Statutes, 1923, "The Public Printing Act," is repealed. substituted. CHAPTER 15. An Act to Amend Chapter 11, Revised Statutes, 1923, "The Government Purchases Act". (Passed the 19th day of March, A. D. 1926.) Be it enacted by the Governor, Council and Assembly, as follows: Sec.[2 repealed, 1. Section 2 of Chapter 11, Revised Statutes, 1923, is repealed and the following substituted therefor: Interpretation. 2. In this Chapter unless the context otherwise requires: (a) the expression "Minister" shall mean the Minister. Minister of Public Works and Mines for the Province of Nova Scotia except where otherwise specifically stated in this Chapter; Committee. (b) the expression "Purchasing Committee" Purchasing shall mean the Committee constituted pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter. substituted. 2. Section 4 of the said Chapter is repealed and Sec. 4 repealed, the following substituted therefor: Purchasing 4. The Governor-in-Council on the recommenda- Committee. tion of the Minister may constitute a Committee of not more than three persons who shall be deputy heads of Government Departments or other departmental officials, and who shall, under the direction of the Minister have general supervision and control, subject to the provisions of this Chapter, of all purchases made by or on behalf of the Government. The persons so appointed shall hold office during pleasure and shall serve without remuneration, and shall be known as the Purchasing Committee of the Province of Nova Scotia. 3. Section 5 of the said Chapter is amended by Sec. 5 amended. striking out the words "General Purchasing Agent' in the second line thereof and substituting therefor the words "Purchasing Committee'. substituted. 4. Section 6 of the said Chapter is repealed and Sec. 6 repensed; the following substituted therefor: Purchasing 6. It shall be the duty of the Purchasing Com- Duties of mittee to arrange for the purchase of any and all Committee. commodities of any nature whatsoever that may be required for the use of the various departments of the public service of the Province of Nova Scotia, to include any commission or board appointed to manage any department, service, property or business of the Province, with the following exception, namely, the Department of Vendors appointed under the provisions of "The Nova Scotia Temperance Act". |