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" ... limited to those relating to pensions, compensation, hospitalization, military pay and allowances, education, loan guarantees, retired pay, or other benefits based on military service) shall accrue to any person to whom an Exemplary Rehabilitation... "
Miscellaneous Bills: Hearing. Eighty-ninth Congress, Second Session ... - Halaman 18
oleh United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Armed Services - 1966 - 37 halaman
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Hearings ... on Sundry Legislation Affecting the Naval and ..., Masalah 10-32

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Armed Services - 1961 - 1334 halaman
...accrue to any person to whom an Exemplary Rehabilitation Certificate is issued under subsection (d) unless he would be entitled to those benefits under his original discharge or dismissal. Except as otherwise provided in this section or section 1552 of this title, no Exemplary Rehabilitation...
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Hearings, Reports and Prints of the House Committee on Armed ..., Masalah 66-89

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Armed Services - 1966 - 1082 halaman
...accrue to any person to whom an Exemplary Rehabilitation Of rtificate is issued under section 1072 unless he would be entitled to those benefits under...employment placement "The Secretary of Labor shall accord to any individual who has been discharged or dismissed under conditions other than honorable...
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The JAG Journal, Volume 21-22

1966 - 308 halaman
...figures do not lend themselves to probing analysis; 21. 81 Slat. 221 (1967), 29 rSCA 605 (Snpp. 19(7). "The Secretary of Labor shall require that the national system of public employment office* MtablUhed under the Act of June 6, 1933, chapter 49. ai amended, accord . . . special counseling...
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Hearings Before and Special Reports Made by Committee on Armed Services of ...

1072 halaman
...United States shall accrue to any iterson to whom an exemplary rehabilitation certificate is issued unless he would be entitled to those benefits under his original discharge or dismissal. Mr. BLANDFORD. Yes. Mr. AViLsoN. Now what if he gets later a changed discharge? Mr. BLANDFORD. Then...
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