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In the pages following the various periodical publications issued by the foreign departments and bureaus of labor are listed and the table of contents given. This list includes all the periodical publications received during July and the first week of August, 1915. Some countries, it will be noticed, are not represented by any publication. Since the beginning of the European war most of these publications have been somewhat irregular in their appearance, and in certain cases it will be noticed that the issues of several months have been postponed or consolidated.

Argentina. Departamento Nacional. Boletin del Trabajo. Buenos Aires.

No. 29-Dec. 31, 1914.-Reports from the department: Reports from the division of inspection; Spread of labor legislation; Collaboration by the workmen in inspection, etc.; Industrial establishments; Infractions of the law and prosecutions; Sunday rest; Application of the labor law; The cooperative kitchens; Home labor; Grain elevators; Caisson workers; Emigrant agencies; Agricultural laborers; Labor conditions in Upper Parana. Quarry workers. Oil prospecting. Free courts for laborers. Employment agencies. Division of statistics: Strikes and lockouts. Home labor in the Federal capital. Unemployment. Accident prevention during 1913. Division of legislation.

Canada.-Department of Labor. The Labor Gazette. Ottawa.

July, 1915.-Industrial and labor conditions during June, 1915. Special a cles on- -The industrial disputes investigation act, 1907; Wholesale prices in Canada during 1914; Annual convention of the Canadian Manufacturers Association; Labor disputes in Germany, 1914; New York State Industrial Commission; Statement of dispute between the Davie Shipbuilding & Repairing Co. of Levis, Quebec, and its employees. Statistical returns on Wholesale and retail prices, June, 1915; Trade disputes and industrial accidents during June, 1915; Emigration and colonization; Building permits during June. Reports of departments and bureaus. Recent legal decisions affecting labor.

Denmark.-Statistiske Efterretninger, udgivet af det Statistiske Departement. Copenhagen.

June 14, 1915.-Special census of farm animals, May 15, 1915.

June 30, 1915.-Hotels, restaurants, and public houses, 1914. Retail prices, June 1, 1915. Imports and exports of flour, grain, etc., 1914. Deaths by accidents, 1914. Divorces, 1914. Population of Sweden and Norway, July 12, 1915. The crop outlook, July 7, 1915. Imports of products from eastern markets, 1914. Population of Denmark, July 1, 1915. Index numbers of the Economist.

Finland.-Industristyrelsen. Arbetsstatistisk Tidsrift. Helsingfors.

No. 3, 1915.-Activities of the employment offices, 1914. Maximum prices of food products and of clothing and leather products fixed by Government order. Finnish employers' association, 1914. Reports from foreign countries. Retail prices, first quarter, 1915.

France. Bulletin du Ministère du Travail et de la Prévoyance Sociale. Paris.

January, February, March, April, 1915.—(Single issue for four months.) Social movement: France: Inquiry concerning industrial and commercial activities, August, 1914, to January, 1915; Mine labor, December, 1914, to February, 1915; Strikes from January to April, 1915; Unemployment in France during the first seven months of 1914; Report of the national unemployment fund, 1914; Free public employment offices, 1914; Economic situation expressed in index numbers, third quarter, 1914; Reports of operations on the old age retirement laws for industrial and agricultural laborers; Trade associations, January 1, 1914; Promotion of cooperative societies; Providing wages and normal hours of labor in the building trades in Paris, in 1913. International: Strikes and lockouts during 1912 and 1913. Foreign countries: Review of labor conditions in Germany; Cost of living in Berlin, December, 1914, to January, 1915; Measures adopted to combat unemployment in Germany; Unemployment in trade unions in Austria, May to November, 1914; Cost of living in Vienna, January, 1915; Austrian census of occupations, 1910 (preliminary figures); Reports of labor conditions in Great Britain, strikes and lockouts, January to February, 1915; Wages, cost of living, and employment exchanges, 1914; Labor conditions in Italy during the last six months of 1914; Conditions of labor in the Netherlands, 1914; Legislation in Portugal concerning hours of labor in the employment of children; Public employment offices in Sweden, 1902-1912. Miscellaneous: Reports from the industrial courts (Conseils de Prud'hommes), fourth quarter, 1914; Export trade of France, 1913-1914, first three months of 1915; Production of sugar and alcohol; Current prices, January to March, 1915; and prices of bread. Laws, decrees, orders, circulars relative to industrial accidents, labor contracts, wages, public employees, subsidies to mutual benefit societies, housing of workingmen, trade unions, etc.

Germany.-Reichs-Arbeitsblatt, Herausgegeben vom Kaiserlichen Statistischen Amte, Abteilung für Arbeiterstatistik. Berlin.

June, 1915.-Labor market in Germany, May, 1915. Conditions in Berlin, May, 191. Labor markets in foreign countries (Great Britain, Netherlands, Switzerland, and British colonies). Legislation: Prussian law on noncommercial employment exchanges. Employment offices and unemployment. War measures: Measures taken in France to combat unemployment; Maternity benefits. Labor conditions: Membership and wage statistics in the Magdeburg sickness insurance fund; Limitations upon attachment of wages. Social insurance: Results of German accident insurance during 1913; Sickness insurance reports from the miners' funds, 1913. Labor market statistics.

Great Britain.-The Board of Trade Labor Gazette. London.

June, 1915.-Employment chart. The labor market in May. Special articles on Employment in Germany in April; Retail food prices in the United Kingdom at 1st June; Food prices in Berlin in April; Retail food prices in Vienna in April; Rise in cost of living in Sweden; Regulation of food prices in Spain; Organization in coal mines to increase output; Changes in wages of agricultural laborers; Labor disputes in Germany. Conciliation and arbitration cases. Government work: committee on production. Reports on employment in the principal industries. Labor in the Dominions and in foreign countries. Board of trade labor exchanges. Statistical tables: Prices of bread, wheat, and flour; Trade disputes; Changes in rates of wages; Sliding scale changes in wages; Women's employment bureaus; Unemployment insurance; Diseases of occupations; Fatal industrial accidents; Pauperism; Foreign trade; Cooperative wholesale societies, quarterly sales; Distress committees; Passenger movement to and from the United Kingdom; Immigration to and emigration 4418°-15-6

from United States; Emergency grants to trade unions. Legal cases, official notices,


July, 1915.-Employment chart. The labor market in June, Special articles on Employment in Germany in May; Employment in Denmark in May. Retail food prices: United Kingdom on July 1; Berlin in May; Vienna in May. Farm servants wages in Scotland. Employment of soldiers at harvest. Produce of crops in the United Kingdom in 1914. Munitions work bureaus. Danish labor arbitration court. Conciliation and arbitration cases. Commonwealth of Australia; quarterly statistics. Reports on employment in the principle industries. Labor in the Dominions and in foreign countries. Board of trade labor exchanges. Statistical tables: Prices of wheat, flour, and bread; Trade disputes; Changes in rates of wages; Building plans; Distress committees; Women's employment bureaus; Diseases of occupations; Fatal industrial accidents; Unemployment insurance; Pauperism; Foreign trade; Passenger movement to and from the United Kingdom; Emergency grants to trade unions. Legal cases, official notices, etc.

Italy.-Bolettino dell' Ufficio del Lavoro, Ministero di Agricoltura, Industria e Com mercio. Rome. (Semimonthly.)

June 1, 1915.-Investigations and provisions relative to unemployment; Notices of public works under construction; Labor market, by locality and by industries; Labor disputes; Retail prices, April, 1915; Employers' and employees' associations; Congresses and conventions; Activities of the labor offices; International association on unemployment; Legislation relating to labor.

June 16, 1915.-Investigations and provisions relative to unemployment; Notices of public works under construction; Labor market, by localities; Labor disputes; Employers' and employees' associations; Congresses and conventions; Activities of the labor offices; Social insurance; Legislation and decisions of courts relating to matters of interest to labor.

July 1, 1915.-Investigations and provisions relative to unemployment; Notices of public works under construction; Labor market, by locality and by industries; Labor disputes; Retail prices, May, 1915. Employers' and employees' associations, Congresses and conventions; Activities of the labor offices; International association on unemployment; Legislation relating to labor.

Netherlands.- Manndschrift van het Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek. The Hague.

May, 1915.-Review of the labor market, 1915 and for May, 1915 (harbors and fishing); Labor market conditions in the briquette industry during the winter of 1914-15. Labor exchanges, April, 1915. Unemployment and unemployment insurance, April, 1915. Unemployment in the building trades. Strikes and lockouts April, 1915; Strike of the woodworkers at Zaandam, Westzaan, and Zaandijk. Wholesale and retail prices. Miscellaneous reports of social and economic import (population, housing, harbor inspection, pensions, industrial accidents, war measures, truck system, etc.). Foreign countries and the war (Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland). Foreign countries: Labor market; Employment offices; Strikes and lockouts; Wholesale and retail prices, etc. Statistical tables: Employment exchanges, April, 1915; Building and housing inspection, April, 1915; Factory licenSES, April, 1915; Number and occurrence of industrial diseases, April, 1915; State revenues, April 1914 and 1915. Laws and official documents concerning industrial accidents, wages of public employees, etc.

June, 1915.-Introductory note. Review of the labor market, May, 1915. Labor market, June, 1915 (harbors and fishing); Labor market conditions in beet sugar factories, 1914. Employment offices, May, 1915. Unemployment, and unemploy ment insurance, May, 1915. Strikes and lockouts, May, 1915. Wholesale and retail

prices. Miscellaneous information (housing, harbor inspection, old-age pensions, industrial accidents, war measures, trades unions activities, January, 1915, labor contract, etc.). International: War measures in foreign countries (Germany, France, Italy, Austria, Belgium, Spain); Unemployment in certain foreign countries during the war (Australia, Denmark, Germany, Great Britain, and Ireland, Norway, Austria, New York State, and Sweden); Discount rates on letters of exchange in different countries. Foreign countries: Review of the labor market; Employment offices; Strikes and lockouts; Wholesale and retail prices; Miscellaneous information. Statistical tables: Employment offices, May, 1915; Building and housing inspection, May, 1915; Factory licenses, May, 1915; Number and occurrence of industrial diseases, May, 1915; State finances, May, 1915. Laws and official documents concerning railroad employees, housing, emigration, etc.

New South Wales.-Department of Labor and Industry. The New South Wales Industrial Gazette. Sydney.

May, 1915.-Introductory matter. The industrial situation, April, 1915: Industrial arbitration and the war; Emergency legislation; Dislocations in industries and unemployment. Statistical review of annual returns from employers under the workmen's compensation act for the year 1914. Special rules under the coal mines regulation act, 1912. Proclamations of shopping districts under the early closing acts. Awards continued under the industrial arbitration act, 1912, from March 1 to April 30, 1915. Judicial and quasi-judicial proceedings: Court of industrial arbitration, April, 1915; Report of the Industrial Registrar, April, 1915; Proceedings before magistrate courts, April, 1915, under the early closing acts and the factory and shops acts. Reports from the chief factory inspector's office, labor exchanges, etc., April, 1915. Reports relating to industrial boards (Constitution and dissolution, appointments, resignations, cost and time records), April, 1915. Industrial awards and agreements listed and filed, April 8 to May 12, 1915. Abridgment of records. Supplement, relating to the work of the labor exchanges, May, 1915.

New Zealand. Journal of the Department of Labor. Wellington.

May, 1915.-Labor. Conditions of employment and trade. Women's employment branches (reports). Unions' reports. Recent legal decisions: Shops and offices act; Workers' compensation act; Wages protection and contractors' liens act, 1908. Statistical: Persons assisted to employment, April, 1915; Accidents in factories reported up to April 27, 1915; Unions registered under the industrial conciliation and arbitration act, 1908; Current retail prices, April 30, 1915. Special articles on wage boards in Australia; Retail food prices in the United Kingdom July, 1914, to January 1, 1915; Food prices in Berlin; Employment of Belgian refugees; Employment in Germany as reported from the British Board of Trade Labor Gazette.

June, 1915.-Labor. Conditions of employment and trade. Women's employment branches (reports). Unions' reports. Recent legal decisions under the shops and offices act. Recent legal decisions affecting labor in Great Britain. Statistical: Persons assisted to employment during May, 1915; Cooperative works in New Zealand; Accidents in factories reported up to May 25, 1915; Accidents reported under the scaffolding inspection act; Unions registered and canceled under the industrial conciliation and arbitration act, 1908; Retail prices May 31, 1915, and 1891-1914. Labor and the war (reprinted from contemporary review).

Norway. Sociale Meddelelser utgit av Socialavdelingen under Departementet for Sociale Saker, Handel, Industri og Fisheri. Christiania.

No. 2-3, 1915.-Labor market in Norway, 1914; Public employment offices, 1914; Labor market in Norway, December, 1914, to March, 1915; Retail prices, 1914; Retail prices, January to March, 1915; Retail prices, October to December, 1914; Sickness

insurance law; Accident insurance for industrial workers, etc.; Accident insurance for seamen and fishermen; Sale of bread by weight; Price and weight of bread in Norwegian cities; Operations of local sick funds, 1913; Emigration legislation; Labor market in Great Britain and Ireland, 1914; Learning new trades in England; Prices of necessities in Germany; Bill for the legal regulation of employment exchanges in Germany; German war insurance; Trade agreements in Germany.

Spain. Boletin del Instituto de Reformas Sociales, Publicacion Mensual. Madrid.

June, 1915.-Report of the secretary's office and of the special divisions. Statistics: Accidents; Strikes Retail prices and cost of living, etc. Conventions and congresses. Current legislation, bills, and decrees, etc. Reports from foreign countries: Strikes and lockouts in France and Italy.

Sweden.-Socialstyrelsen, Sociala Meddelanden. Stockholm.

No. 5, 1915. State and municipal measures pending the war (Reports of the State unemployment commission and the commission on food prices). Labor market during the first quarter, 1915. Unemployment among trade unions, January 1, February 1, March 1, 1915. War measures in foreign countries (Austria). State subventions to tobacco workers. Municipal building activity, 1913. Proposed new poor relief law. Analysis of the causes of poverty. Proposed form of instruction in and outside the public schools concerning the benefits of total abstinence. Activities of the factory inspectors January to March, 1915. Reports of the factory inspectors on fatal industrial accidents. Brief notices concerning collective agreements in Germany, 1913, and in Austria, 1912; Strikes and lockouts in Austria, 1913; Danish sick benefit law, 1914; Reports from the state insurance institute, January to April, 1915; Labor market in England, March, 1915; Labor market in Germany during March and up to the middle of April, 1915; Unemployment in Denmark, 1914; Cooperation in Denmark; Housing and rents in Stockholm, 1915; Retail prices in England, March, 1915. Public employment offices in Sweden, April, 1915. Retail prices, April, 1915, and summary from 1904 to April, 1915. Prices of farm animals in Sweden, 1904 to April, 1915, and February to April, 1915. Fish prices in Stockholm from March, 1914, to April, 1915. Reports from the Royal Pension Bureau. No. 6, 1915.-State and municipal measures pending the war (Reports of the State unemployment commission). War measures in the foreign countries (Germany). Retail prices in certain European countries since the outbreak of the war. Social questions before the parliamentary session of 1915 (health and safety of employees, unemployment, small holdings and housing, prohibition, pension legislation, taxes and subsidies). Accidents in loading and unloading of ships, 1914. Labor disputes in Sweden, 1914. Judicial aspects of collective agreements. Royal notification concerning state subsidies to labor exchanges. Pension legislation. Reports of the factory inspectors on fatal industrial accidents. Brief notices: Labor disputes in Germany, 1914; Compulsory arbitration in Norway; Activities of the State insurance institute, January to May, 1915; New Danish sick benefit law; Sickness insurance in Germany, 1913, and invalidity and survivors insurance, 1914; Labor market in England, April, 1915, and in Germany, April to May, 1915; Apprenticeship among factory employees, and housing in certain cities in Sweden. Public employment offices in Sweden, May, 1915. Retail prices, May, 1915, with summary from 1904 to May, 1915. Prices of farm animals in Sweden, March, 1915, to May, 1915. Fish prices in Stockholm, April, 1914, to May, 1915. Reports from the Royal Pension Bureau.


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