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VOL. 22.

APRIL, 1897.

No. 4

- no

field of knowledge has vastly broadened within
the generation past, and yet it has been found
that the number of facts to be learned is less
rather than more. Nature interlinks her works,
and her knowledges, so that a student learns
now by principles rather than by details
longer in history the names of the popes or of
the revolutionary battles, or in geography a list
of the cities in a given state, but the general
course of events and the outline maps of the
country, into which individual facts can be fitted
as needed. This should be the key to the

THE organization in the National Educational Association of a library section marks a notable advance in the relations between schools and libraries, and a great step forward in education. A first fruit of this was the round table discussion on libraries and schools at the February meeting of the Department of Superintendence of the N. E. A. at Indianapolis, and at the general conference of the association in Milwaukee in July this section will hold its first regular annual meeting. Each year the relations between libraries and schools have become closer, until now this relationship is thus officially recog-reading work of the teacher and the specific linized. The teacher, from his point of view, has been reaching out into the library field by the aid of "supplementary reading" and like methods, while the librarian on his part has been seeking to extend his field of usefulness from the adults through the ranks of the children, large and small. Each profession naturally emphasizes its part of this joint work of education. But let not the librarian magnify his office. His work is distinctively supplementary to that of the teacher while the child is at school, and

in a wider sense supplementary of the school work after school years throughout life. Like

the profession of the teacher, the profession of the librarian is a worthy and dignified calling, needing no exaggeration of its functions to emphasize its work. Perhaps this word of caution is not unneeded, because it is only within a few years that the real worthfulness of the library calling has been appreciated, and the emphasis of its importance can easily go a bit too far. Taken together, the profession of education, which embraces both the callings of the teacher and the librarian, does so great a work in moulding the future, especially in a democratic country like our own, that the value of its work cannot be overestimated.

A QUESTION in school relations often asked is how the teacher, or the scholar, can do any more work, in reading or otherwise, in the 24 hours still allotted to the day in the order of the universe. The question is not to be stated quite in this way. The problem is one not of addition, but of selection. Ruskin says, "Do you know, if you read this, that you cannot read that?" and here is the whole solution. The

brary work in the schools. The use of tools is a large part of educational equipment, and here a knowledge of books, and of bibliography, the key to books, becomes important. If a child is taught how to get at facts, this is worth ten times as much as an attempt to crowd the brain with facts, and it can be done with one-tenth the labor and in one-tenth the time, if it be done properly.

ONE of the most valuable features, therefore,

of library education in the schools should be a knowledge of library aids by the teacher and by the scholar. It is too much to expect that such more or less costly books as the "American Catalogue," Poole's "Index," Fletcher's "A. L. A. Index,” Sonnenschein's "Best books," etc., should be in each school library, or that schools should be able to subscribe to the "Annual catalogue," the “ Annual literary index," containing the continuation of the Poole and Fletcher lists, the monthly "Cumulative index" of Mr. Brett (which indexes monthly not 30 books, as stated in error by Mr. Peoples in the February L. J., but 75), the LIBRARY JOURNAL, the Publishers' Weekly, etc. But the teacher should know and should inform his pupils just how to use these tools as found in the library. On the other hand, such publications as the List of books for girls and women" - really a select and annotated bibliography of the best books on all subjects-the annotated list of books on fine art and music, expanding one division of that work, the "Readers' guide" in political economy, the Sargent and Hewins lists of books for children, etc., etc., all of them moderate in price, should be in most school li

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braries. Moreover, the teacher directly, or by proxy of the librarian, should teach a child how to use reference books and how to browse among other books for himself, so that the "information clerk" in the library, useful as that official is, would be a "guide, philosopher, and friend," rather than a labor-saving machine. But bibliography is never to be confused with the real use of books it is only the box of tools ready at the hand of the worker, for real work.

THE "tariff on ideas," as the New York Tribune puts it, i.e., those provisions in the Dingley bill imposing a duty of 25 per cent. on books hitherto imported free, has been taken throughout the country as an affront to education and intelligence; and the authorities at Washington have already received an avalanche of protests from educational institutions of all kinds, as well as from libraries. Every library and every teacher is interested in this question, and so far as state and local associations and individuals have not yet acted, each should address some kind of protest to senators and representatives against the proposed tax on knowledge. The resolutions of members of the American Library Association, printed elsewhere, state the case fairly and fully, and furnish an excellent model or suggestion for such action.



AN appreciable saving in time, money, and duplicated effort could be made, where a large library is cataloged upon cards, if an abbreviother source or sources followed in giving the ated guide to the biography or bibliography or form to the entry, were entered upon the back of the author card.

This entry could direct intelligent users of the catalog, promptly and unfailingly, to the best biographical notice of the author; and it useless, wearisome, and disappointing labor of would save the cataloger a great deal of the search in places where a notice is presumably or possibly to be found, but where none will be found.

Is it not evident how much more securely and quickly the cataloger can progress if he knows upon what foundation his predecessor in the current catalog built, and is able to avoid duplicating his search- on the contrary, has a

marked trail before him to follow?

The librarian, in utilizing to its utmost work done, by having it once and for all recorded, and in eliminating blind or blundering repetition of search for a large percentage of new accessions, will be, in a sense, "striking from the calendar, unknown to-morrow and dead yesterday," and reducing his year to better reckoning.



Ir may seem a late appeal for a change in an adopted practice, but the usual manner of cataloging pseudonyms is open to serious criticism. Such an author-name is as indivisible as fictitious, and neither is known in any other order than that on the title-page. There is no Mr. Twain, Mr. Craddock, and so on. It is nonsense to print a directory transposition as a guide to names which exist in the thought in quite another order. It would be quite as reasonable to directory titles, and print in our catalogs "Copperfield, David"; "Feverel, Richard, The ordeal of," etc.

the title of the fiction it introduces. Both are

It is a little late to suggest such a correction, but not so late as it will be five years hence. I present it for discussion at any rate. RIDLEY PARK, PA.


IN view of the excellent work done by the Superintendent of Documents, Mr. Crandall, since under the new law he accepted that post, there should be no doubt of his retention in the public service. Mr. Crandall was not the candidate of the library people for this post, and was not supported by the LIBRARY JOURNAL, in that his appointment at the time was regarded as a political one. But he took hold of the work with such broad-minded vigor, has organized his office with such intelligence and skill, and has altogether done so well that he has proved himself the man for the place. The position is one which should not be the football of party politics, and the country would be the better served for the next four years if Mr. Crandall's experience could be utilized by keep-has made it necessary to defer the publication ing him where he is. Librarians should be quick to make known the sentiment of the profession in this matter by sending to the new Public Printer, Frank W. Palmer, prompt letters of protest against such action as now, unfortunately, seems possible.


IT is regretted that pressure of other matter

of Mr. Foster's paper on "Developing a taste for good literature" until the May number of the LIBRARY JOURNAL. Other articles in a measure supplementing the topics presented in the present School number, will also appear in later issues.



BY SAMUEL SWETT GREEN, Librarian Free Public Library, Worcester.

In the year 1879 systematic efforts were made to bring about a close connection between the public library and the grammar schools of the city of Worcester.

The objects of the efforts were twofold, namely: to afford aid to teachers and scholars in making studies more interesting and profitable, and to raise the standard of the reading of children.

For several years previous to 1879 there had been intimate relations between the library and the high school, the normal school, and collegiate institutions.

Certain obstacles have been encountered in doing school-work, but they have been overcome, and this work has grown into large proportions. To-day, during the colder months of the year, 2000 volumes belonging to the library are in use in school-rooms or homes under the supervision of teachers every day that schools are open.

There is, of course, a large use of books by children additional to the school use. The general use is looked after at the library with care. There seems to be but one opinion among the teachers of Worcester regarding the usefulness of the work. Work of this kind is facilitated and rendered large when, as is the case in Worcester, it is encouraged by the superintendent of schools.


The walls of a lecture-hall are covered at one time with photographs, etchings, etc., illustrative of the civil war, the time selected being that at which the pupils have just finished studying about the later portions of American history. The scenes in which Shakespeare moved, fac-similes of the earliest editions of his works, and views of London and its famous places in the time of Addison are shown at times when interest is alive in the works of these authors. As I am writing a notable exhibition is going on. Catlin's representations of customs among North American Indians, Moran's scenes in the Yellowstone Park, a set of plates in use in German schools to illustrate pictures in natural scenery, and Trouvelot's representations of heavenly objects as seen through the telescope, have been placed on the walls of a large room, and scholars (accompanied by teachers) from the different schoolbuildings come successive days after school, that is to say about 4:30 p.m., to see them. Such scholars come as wish to; none are obliged to come, but large numbers avail themselves daily of the privilege offered. The scholars gather in groups about the different sets of pictures, and the librarian and teachers talk with them about the scenes represented.

The Free Public Library in Worcester was a pioneer in bringing about a close connection between a public library and schools. It was sometime after it began its work before confidence was inspired in authorities in many other Besides the work done with books sent to places to undertake similar work. After a few school-houses, there is a very large use by chil-years, however, when success in doing this kind dren for school purposes of books within the library building. Pupils are there taught how to use books in getting information, and, in large numbers, make little investigations there every day.

At first books were taken by scholars to and from school houses in lined baskets provided by the school department. Now the superintendent of schools sends a wagon to every school-building once in two weeks to bring away books that are to be returned and to carry books which are wanted.

of work had become very evident and its usefulness clearly and indisputably demonstrated, attention was attracted everywhere, and all over the country town and city libraries undertook work similar to that done in Worcester, and tried, each library in its own way, to make themselves useful to teachers and scholars and effect as much as possible by working through the teachers.

It would be interesting to show how the work started in Worcester and to give particulars in regard to its conduct and results, but in such A large use is made in doing school-work of an article as this there is room only to make the exhibitions of pictures in the library building. | general statements which have been given,


when the teacher will agree with the editor of

BY FREDERICK M. CRUNDEN, Librarian Public the Springfield Republican, that "the liking for

Library, St. Louis.

THE St. Louis Public Library was, until two years ago last June, a public library only in name. The handicap of a subscription fee was particularly heavy in the work that a public library should do in the schools. Before the fee was removed, however, we furnished to schools that wished them sets of books - 50 copies of a single book, such as Franklin's “Autobiography," Scudder's "Book of folk stories" and

"Book of fables." That more was not done was owing chiefly to the fee, but also to lack of active co-operation on the part of teachers.

Since the library was made free its use by children has increased enormously. While the total number of cardholders has increased (in less than three years) from 5000 to 45,000, the enrolment of persons under 17 years has grown from about 1000 to 20,000. We send to any

school that will take them a collection of 100 or 200 books, to be exchanged as often as desired. Most of the principals, however, do not care to take upon themselves the trouble and responsibility, and prefer to rely on the delivery stations. It is therefore our policy to locate delivery stations so that each will be convenient to several large schools. We have now 29 stations, through which 14,235 volumes were issued in February. The issue shows a marked increase from month to month. It now constitutes about 1/4 of the total circulation, and of it about 60% consists of children's books.

During the last five months we have registered an average of more than 1500 names a month, which is about the average for the whole period since the library was opened free to the public. As readers have come in about as fast as we could possibly care for them, we have not found it necessary, or, indeed, had time to make special efforts in any one direction. We try, however, to serve the schools by giving every teacher who desires it a "teacher's card," on which six books can be drawn at once for school use. This is additional to the regular and the "extra" or "non-fiction" card to which every reader is entitled. This has been in operation for seven months, and 312 teachers have availed themselves of the privilege.

Our teachers, like teachers all over the country, are realizing more and more the value, the necessity of books other than text-books; and I hope to see the day when the initiative will come from the teacher, as it does now in a few cases

a good book is of vastly more importance to youth than a knowledge of equation of payments or adverbial elements of the third form." When that truth, with all it implies, has been accepted by teachers, superintendents, and school directors, the value of our schools wil! be doubled through their co-operation with the public library.

Let me add, as a postscript, that we are supplying four Sunday-schools, three Congregational and one Baptist. To three of them a stock of books 200 to one, and 100 to each of the others - was sent, to be changed from time to time;

while the fourth makes a weekly requisition for

books wanted, which are sent on Saturday. This school has asked for a stock of books to supply a branch library and reading-room, which it purposes keeping open every evening in the week.

AT CLEVELAND, O. BY LINDA A. EASTMAN, Public Library, Cleveland, O.

THE Co-operation of the library with the schools in Cleveland practically began in 1884. with the issue of teachers' cards, entitling the holder to draw five books at a time. Some three or four years later came the next important step, the issuing of books to the schools, in sets of from 20 to 50, to be reissued to the pupils; the results of this plan proved so satisfactory to the teachers, in spite of the responsibility for the books which it entailed, that almost from the beginning the demand for books by the schools has been greater than the library could meet. The best books for children are duplicated largely for this use; for instance, the shelf lists show 178 copies of " Little women," and several hundred volumes of Pratt's "American history stories."

In issuing books to the schools, the teachers are allowed to make their own selection of books, so far as is possible and advisable. In two or three districts the principals have personally overseen the work, as described by one of them, Miss Comstock, in last year's school number of the LIBRARY JOURNAL; in most instances, however, the books for each room are in charge of the teacher. This year, one principal has been furnished with 10 copies each of the books in the pupils' reading course published by the Ohio Teachers' Association, and the children of this building are being encouraged in a systematic reading of the course.

In two school districts a work has been begun which deserves more than the brief mention which it can receive here I refer to a work with the mothers in which the library is taking a part, by circulating books on child-training, housekeeping and home-making, etc., and which may go farther than any work heretofore done in the co-operation of library and school, as it brings in a third (or shall I say a first?) great power, the power of the home, and goes back of the child, to the parent as affecting the child. In the same way as to the day school, books are issued to the night schools, to a number of boys' clubs, to Y. M. C. A. classes, and to Goodrich House social settlement.

published by the library this year has added largely to the use of the library by the schools. With the expansion of our branch system, the use of the library by the children themselves has grown rapidly, as each branch is easily available to the pupils of several large school buildings. When the new South Side branch was opened a few weeks ago, such crowds of children presented themselves that it became necessary to send a notice to the schools in that part of the city, assigning to each grade one day on which the pupils of that grade and none others could be registered and given cards; so far it has been impossible to supply books fast enough to meet the demands of this branch, and repeatedly comes the word from there, "Send more juvenile books, there is not a juvenile book on the shelves."

During the holiday vacation, and again during the present spring vacation, we advertised 'Children's week at the library," with the result that many little folk have sought and found much of their vacation pleasure here. One thing which is sure to lead to a wiser and more diversified choice of reading on the part of the children has been the bringing together of all of the children's books into what is known as the juvenile alcove. This alcove has heretofore

In January, 1896, the Central High School and the library joined hands in establishing a branch library for the use of the school. The school furnishes the room and the greater number of the books, while one of the regular assistants of the library has charge of the work, which is done according to our regular methods. This branch has so grown in importance that it now contains 3500 volumes belonging to the school, and about 1000 more loaned from the library; each day, while school is in session, books are sent out from the main library to fill any temporary demand. The reports show an average daily reference attendance of over 225 through-contained only the juvenile fiction, and many of out the past term, and an average daily issue of 115 books for home use. The reading lists which the high school has published for each grade, with helpful suggestions about reading,cally lost to the children. have done much to guide the pupils in their selection of books.

the best books for young people, scattered throughout the library wherever their classification with the subject put them, were practi

A book-mark which originated, like many other good things, in Wisconsin, has appealed The normal school is looking more and more very successfully to Cleveland children with its to the library as a fruitful resource; and except- little story. The formation of the children's liing such books as may be wanted as text-brary league is our latest development for the books, the library puts no limit on the books creation of a sentiment of respect for books and sent there for actual use. Most encouraging is for careful usage of them; it is in its first inthe fact that a realization is very surely grow-fancy, but it seems to promise a worthy future. ing of the importance of a study of juvenile literature as a legitimate part of the normal school course; there yet remains to be emphasized the fact that pupils need systematic instruction in the use of books.

The teachers' reading-room, equipped with the leading school journals and a reference library of several hundred pedagogical works, has been moved from the school headquarters, owing to its overcrowded condition, into the alcove of the library, which contains the books on education, and this has tended to bring the teachers into closer touch with the library. The school holiday series of special reading lists

A plan of organizing reading committees of the teachers best qualified to pass judgment on every juvenile book put into the library has the hearty support of the school authorities, and the first steps have been taken toward putting it into operation.

The success of the plan of circulating pictures is assured by the co-operation of the superintendent and the master of drawing of the public schools and of the faculty of the School of Art.

Coming to the higher education, it may be of interest to note that books are sent by messenger from our library to the Hatch Library of

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