Gambar halaman
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Smithsonian Institution

Social Security Administration

Soil Conservation Service

Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, Bureau of
State Department

Agency for International Development
Federal Procurement Regulations System
Statistical Reporting Service, Agriculture Department
Subversive Activities Control Board

Tariff Commission, United States
Telecommunications Management, Director of
Tennessee Valley Authority

Trade Negotiations, Office of Special Representative
Transport Mobilization Staff, Interstate Commerce Commission

32A, IX

29, III

49, II

20, II

43, I

32, XIV


42, III

33, IV

31, IV

17, II

32, XVI

13, I

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Secretary of the Treasury, Office of

United States and Canada, International Joint Commission
United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency

United States Information Agency

United States Soldiers' Home

United States Tariff Commission

Urban Mass Transporation

Veterans Administration

Federal Procurement Regulations System

Wage and Hour Division

Water Resources Council

Water Resources Research, Office of

Welfare-Pension Reports, Office of Labor-Management and

Wildlife, Bureau of Sport Fisheries and

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Chapter IV of Title 29 was reorganized, 28 F.R. 14380, Dec. 27, 1963. The existing regulations of Chapter IV became Subchapter A, with no change in part numbers. Section 2.11 of Subtitle A was renumbered Part 460 and with renumbered Chapter XI were transferred to Chapter IV as Subchapter B.

The following table shows the structure of the reorganized Chapter IV:

Chapter IV-Office of Labor-Manage-
ment and Welfare-Pension Reports,
Department of Labor


No change in Part Numbers

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The following table shows the relationship between the regulations of the Department of Labor formerly codified in Title 48 and subsequently transferred to Title 29 Subtitle A-Office of the Secretary of Labor, 33 F.R. 20049, Dec. 31, 1968.

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List of Sections Affected

All changes in this volume of the Code of Federal Regulations which were
made by documents published in the FEDERAL REGISTER since January 1, 1964,
are enumerated in the following list. Entries indicate the nature of the changes
effected. Page numbers refer to FEDERAL REGISTER pages. The user should consult
the entries for chapters and parts as well as sections for revisions.

For the period before January 1, 1964, see the "List of Sections Affected, 1949-
1963," which is published in a separate volume.

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