Chap. Title 49-Transportation-Continued II Federal Railroad Administration, Department of Transportation III Federal Highway Administration, Department of Transportation IV Coast Guard, Department of Transportation V National Highway Safety Bureau, Department of Transportation VI Urban Mass Transportation Administration, Department of Transportation X Interstate Commerce Commission Title 50-Wildlife and Fisheries I Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior II National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and Atmos pheric Administration, Department of Commerce III International Regulatory Agencies (Fishing and Whaling) IV Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior Secretary of Commerce, Office of Special Representative for Trade Negotiations, Office of Committee on Purchases of Blind-Made Products Commodity Credit Corporation Commodity Exchange Authority Commodity Exchange Commission Community Facilities Comptroller of the Currency, Bureau of Consumer and Marketing Service Contract Appeals, Board of Copyright Office, Library of Congress Credit Union Administration, National 7, XXIV 37, II 45, III 19, I 24, VII Federal Labor Relations Council and Federal Service Impasses 5, XIV 379 16, I 50, I, IV 21, I 7, II 7, XV 31, V 45, V 15, X 15, IV 36, II 4, I, II 41, 1, 5, 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D 41, 101, 105 30, II 24, IV 46, III 49, I 45, Subtitle A 42, II 45, I 41, 3 41, 103 21, I 42, I 42, II; 45, II, IV, IX 42, III 23, I; 49, III 20, III 23, II Chapter Reference Indian Claims Commission Intergovernmental Relations, Advisory Commission on Federal Procurement Regulations System Federal Property Management Regulations System Fish and Wildlife Service Geological Survey Indian Affairs, Bureau of Indian Arts and Crafts Board Land Management Bureau Mine Operations Appeals, Board of Mines, Bureau of National Park Service Oil Import Administration Reclamation, Bureau of Secretary of the Interior, Office of Water Resources Research, Office of Inspector General, Office of the Internal Revenue Service International Agricultural Development Service International Commerce, Bureau of International Development, Agency for International Joint Commission, United States and Canada 49, X 32A, VIII 24, V 28, I 8, II 4, II 28, III 8, I 21, II 20, I 20, IV 41, 60 41, 29, 50 29, IV 29, II 29, XIII 20, V 41, 50 29, Subtitle A 1 |