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§ 1.14 Review by Wage Appeals Board.

Any interested person may appeal to the Wage Appeals Board for a review of a determination of wage rates by the Solicitor under this part, or any findings and conclusions made on the record of any hearings held under § 1.3(c). Any such appeal may, in the discretion of the Wage Appeals Board, be received, accepted, and decided in accordance with such procedures as the Board may establish.

§ 1.15 Public information.

Papers and documents containing information furnishing the basis for any determination of wage rates shall be available for public inspection under the procedure prescribed in § 70.4 of this subtitle. Copies of such papers and documents may be obtained without regard to the procedure prescribed in § 70.6 of this subtitle. The application of these procedures shall ensure that disclosure of the relevant information will be made in a manner which will not be detrimental to the public interest or to any person voluntarily submitting information who requested that such information be held confidential.



2.1 Employees attached to regional offices. 2.2 Employees attached to Washington office. 2.3 Consent of the Secretary.

2.4 Bureau of Labor Statistics.

2.5 Claims under the Federal Tort Claims Act for loss of or damage to property or for personal injury or death.

2.6 Claims collection.

AUTHORITY: The provisions of this Part 2 issued under 5 U.S.C. 301, unless otherwise noted.

SOURCE: The provisions of this Part 2 appear at 32 F.R. 11035, July 28, 1967, unless otherwise noted.

§2.1 Employees attached to regional


No person who has been an employee of the Department and attached to a Regional office of any bureau, board, division, or other agency thereof, shall be permitted to practice, appear, or act as attorney, agent, or representative before the Department or any branch or agent thereof in connection with any case or administrative proceeding which was

pending before such Regional office during the time of his employment with the Department, unless he shall first obtain the written consent thereto of the Secretary of Labor or his duly authorized representative.

§ 2.2 Employees attached to Washington office.

No person who has been an employee of the Department and attached to the Washington office of any bureau, board, division, or other agency thereof, shall be permitted to practice, appear, or act as attorney, agent, or representative before the Department or any branch or agent thereof, in connection with any case or administrative proceeding pending before such bureau, board, division, or other agency during the time of his employment with the Department, unless he shall first obtain the written consent thereto of the Secretary of Labor or his duly authorized representative.

§ 2.3 Consent of the Secretary.

The consent of the Secretary or his duly authorized representative may be obtained as follows:

The applicant shall file an application in the form of an affidavit. Such application, directed to the Secretary should: (a) State the former connection of the applicant with the Department;

(b) Identify the matter in which the applicant desires to appear, and

(c) Contain a statement to the effect that the applicant gave no personal consideration to such matter while he was an employee of the Department.

The application will be denied if the statements contained therein are disproved by an examination of the files, records, and circumstances pertaining to the matter, or if, in the opinion of the Secretary or his duly authorized representative, the public interest so requires. If the Secretary or his duly authorized representative is satisfied that the applicant gave no personal consideration to the matter in question while employed by the Department, and if he is satisfied that it is lawful and consistent with the public interest to do so, he may grant his consent, in writing, to the request of the applicant, subject to such conditions, if any, as he deems necessary and desirable. Any function of the Secretary under this section may be performed by the Under Secretary of Labor.

§ 2.4

Bureau of Labor Statistics.

(a) No investigator, statistician, economist, or other officer or employee of the Bureau of Labor Statistics shall testify on behalf of any party at any cause pending in any court or before any board, commission, or other administrative agency of the United States or of any State, Territory or the District of Columbia, with respect to any information, facts or other matter entrusted to him in confidence in such a manner as to reveal the identity of the person, firm, or corporation to whom the information, facts or other matters pertain, whether in answer to a subpoena or otherwise.

(b) Whenever any subpoena shall have been served upon any such investigator, statistician, economist, or other officer or employee of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, he will, unless otherwise expressly directed, appear in court in answer thereto and respectfully decline to give the testimony called for, on the ground of being prohibited therefrom by the regulations of the Labor Department.

(c) No exceptions will be made without the written consent of the Secretary.

§ 2.5

Claims under the Federal Tort Claims Act for loss of or damage to property or for personal injury or death.

(a) Filing of claims. Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 2672, any claim under the Federal Tort Claims Act for money damages for loss of or injury to property, or for personal injury or death, caused by the negligent or wrongful act or omission of any employee of the Department of Labor while acting within the scope of his office or employment, under circumstances where the United States, if a private person, would be liable to the claimant for such loss, injury, or death in accordance with the law of the place where the act or omission occurred, may be presented to the Office of the Solicitor of Labor, 14th Street and Constitution Avenue, Washington, D.C. 20010, or to any regional or branch office of the Office of the Solicitor of Labor, at any time within 2 years after such claim has accrued. Such a claim may be presented by a person specified in 28 CFR 14.3, in the manner set out in 28 CFR 14.2 and 14.3, and shall be accompanied by as much of the appropriate information specified in 28 CFR 14.4 as may reasonably be obtained.

(b) Action on claims. The Deputy Solicitor shall have the power to consider, ascertain, adjust, determine, compromise, and settle any claim referred to in, and presented in accordance with, paragraph (a) of this section. Any exercise of such power shall be in accordance with 28 U.S.C. 2672 and 28 CFR Part 14, and shall be subject to the general direction and supervision of the Solicitor.

(c) Payment of awards. Any award, compromise, or settlement in an amount of $2,500 or less made pursuant to this section will be paid by the Secretary of Labor out of appropriations available to the Department of Labor. Payment of an award, compromise, or settlement in an amount in excess of $2,500 made pursuant to this section will be obtained in accordance with 28 CFR 14.10.

(28 U.S.C. 2672) [34 F.R. 9033, June 6, 1969] § 2.6

Claims collection.

(a) Authority of Department; incorporation by reference. The regulations in this section are issued under section 3 of the Federal Claims Collection Act of 1966, 31 U.S.C. 952. They incorporate herein and supplement as necessary for Department operation all provisions of the Joint Regulations of the Attorney General and the Comptroller General set forth in 4 CFR, Ch. II, which prescribe standards for administrative collection of civil claims by the Government for money or property, for the compromise, termination, or suspension of collection action, with respect to claims not exceeding $20,000, exclusive of interest, and for the referral of civil claims by the Government to the General Accounting Office, and to the Department of Justice for litigation.

(b) Designation. The Assistant Secretary for Administration, and such heads of the Administrations and Offices of the Department of Labor as he may designate for such purpose, is authorized to perform all of the duties and exercise all of the authority of the Secretary under the Federal Claims Collection Act of 1966, the aforementioned Joint Regulations of the Attorney General and the Comptroller General, and the regulations in this section.

(Sec. 3, 80 Stat. 309; 31 U.S.C. 952) [34 F.R. 9122, June 10, 1969]



3.1 Purpose and scope. Definitions.









Weekly statement with respect to payment of wages.

Submission of weekly statements and the preservation and inspection of weekly payroll records.

Payroll deductions permissible without application to or approval of the Secretary of Labor.

Payroll deductions permissible with
the approval of the Secretary of

Applications for the approval of the
Secretary of Labor.

Action by the Secretary of Labor upon

Prohibited payroll deductions. 3.10 Methods of payment of wages. 3.11 Regulations part of contract.

AUTHORITY: The provisions of this Part 3 issued under R.S. 161, sec. 2, 48 Stat. 848; Reorg. Plan No. 14 of 1950, 64 Stat. 1267; 5 U.S.C. 301, 133z-15 note; 40 U.S.C. 276c.

SOURCE: The provisions of this Part 3 appear at 29 F.R. 97, Jan. 4, 1964, unless otherwise noted.

§ 3.1 Purpose and scope.

This part prescribes "anti-kickback" regulations under section 2 of the Act of June 13, 1934, as amended (40 U.S.C. 276c), popularly known as the Copeland Act. This part applies to any contract which is subject to Federal wage standards and which is for the construction, prosecution, completion, or repair of public buildings, public works or buildings or works financed in whole or in part by loans or grants from the United States. The part is intended to aid in the enforcement of the minimum wage provisions of the Davis-Bacon Act and the various statutes dealing with Federally-assisted construction that contain similar minimum wage provisions, including those provisions which are not subject to Reorganization Plan No. 14 (e.g., the College Housing Act of 1950, the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, and the Housing Act of 1959), and in the enforcement of the overtime provisions of the Contract Work Hours

[blocks in formation]

As used in the regulations in this part: (a) The terms "building" or "work" generally include construction activity as distinguished from manufacturing, furnishing of materials, or servicing and maintenance work. The terms include, without limitation, buildings, structures, and improvements of all types, such as bridges, dams, plants, highways, parkways, streets, subways, tunnels, sewers, mains, powerlines, pumping stations, railways. airports, terminals, docks, piers, wharves, ways, lighthouses, buoys, jetties, breakwaters, levees, and canals; dredging, shoring, scaffolding, drilling, blasting, excavating, clearing, and landscaping. Unless conducted in connection with and at the site of such a building or work as is described in the foregoing sentence, the manufacture or furnishing of materials, articles, supplies, or equipment (whether or not a Federal or State agency acquires title to such materials, articles, supplies, or equipment during the course of the manufacture or furnishing, or owns the materials from which they are manufactured or furnished) is not a "building" or "work" within the meaning of the regulations in this part.

(b) The terms "construction," "prosecution," "completion," or "repair" mean all types of work done on a particular building or work at the site thereof, including, without limitation, altering, remodeling, painting and decorating, the transporting of materials and supplies to or from the building or work by the employees of the construction contractor or construction subcontractor, and the manufacturing or furnishing of materials, articles, supplies, or equipment on the site of the building or work, by persons employed at the site by the contractor or subcontractor.

(c) The terms "public building" or "public work" include building or work for whose construction, prosecution, completion, or repair, as defined above, a Federal agency is a contracting party, regardless of whether title thereof is in a Federal agency.

(d) The term "building or work financed in whole or in part by loans or grants from the United States" includes building or work for whose construction, prosecution, completion, or repair, as defined above, payment or part payment is made directly or indirectly from funds provided by loans or grants by a Federal agency. The term does not include building or work for which Federal assistance is limited solely to loan guarantees or insurance.

(e) Every person paid by a contractor or subcontractor in any manner for his labor in the construction, prosecution, completion, or repair of a public building or public work or building or work financed in whole or in part by loans or grants from the United States is "employed" and receiving "wages," regardless of any contractual relationship alleged to exist between him and the real employer.

(f) The term "any affiliated person" includes a spouse, child, parent, or other close relative of the contractor or subcontractor; a partner or officer of the contractor or subcontractor; a corporation closely connected with the contractor or subcontractor as parent, subsidiary, or otherwise, and an officer or agent of such corporation.

(g) The term "Federal agency" means the United States, the District of Columbia, and all executive departments, independent establishments, administrative agencies, and instrumentalities of the United States and of the District of Columbia, including corporations, all or substantially all of the stock of which is beneficially owned by the United States, by the District of Columbia, or any of the foregoing departments, establishments, agencies, and instrumentalities.

$3.3 Weekly statement with respect to payment of wages.

(a) As used in this section, the term "employee" shall not apply to persons in classifications higher than that of laborer or mechanic and those who are the immediate supervisors of such employees.

(b) Each contractor or subcontractor engaged in the construction, prosecution, completion, or repair of any public building or public work, or building or work financed in whole or in part by loans or grants from the United States, shall furnish each week a statement with respect to the wages paid each of its employees engaged on work covered by this Part 3 and Part 5 of this chapter during the preceding weekly payroll period. This statement shall be executed by the contractor or subcontractor or by an authorized officer or employee of the contractor or subcontractor who supervises the payment of wages, and shall be on form WH 348, "Statement of Compliance", or on an identical form on the back of WH 347, "Payroll (For Contractors Optional Use)" or on any form with identical wording. Sample copies of WH 347 and WH 348 may be obtained from the Government contracting or sponsoring agency, and copies of these forms may be purchased at the Government Printing Office.

(c) The requirements of this section shall not apply to any contract of $2,000 or less.

(d) Upon a written finding by the head of a Federal agency, the Secretary of Labor may provide reasonable limitations, variations, tolerances, and exemptions from the requirements of this section subject to such conditions as the Secretary of Labor may specify.

[29 F.R. 97, Jan. 4, 1964, as amended at 33 F.R. 10186, July 17, 1968]

§ 3.4 Submission of weekly statements and the preservation and inspection of weekly payroll records.

(a) Each weekly statement required under § 3.3 shall be delivered by the contractor or subcontractor, within seven days after the regular payment date of the payroll period, to a representative of a Federal or State agency in charge at the site of the building or work, or, if there is no representative of a Federal or State agency at the site of the building or work, the statement shall be mailed by the contractor or subcontractor, within such time, to a Federal or State agency contracting for or financing the building or work. After such examination and check as may be made, such statement, or a copy thereof, shall be kept available, or shall be transmitted together with a report of any violation, in accordance with applicable procedures prescribed by the United States Department of Labor.

(b) Each contractor or subcontractor shall preserve his weekly payroll records for a period of three years from date of completion of the contract. The payroll records shall set out accurately and completely the name and address of each laborer and mechanic, his correct classification, rate of pay, daily and weekly number of hours worked, deductions made, and actual wages paid. Such payroll records shall be made available at all times for inspection by the contracting officer or his authorized representative, and by authorized representatives of the Department of Labor.

§ 3.5 Payroll deductions permissible without application to or approval of the Secretary of Labor.

Deductions made under the circumstances or in the situations described in the paragraphs of this section may be made without application to and approval of the Secretary of Labor:

(a) Any deduction made in compliance with the requirements of Federal, State, or local law, such as Federal or State withholding income taxes and Federal social security taxes.

(b) Any deduction of sums previously paid to the employee as a bona fide prepayment of wages when such prepayment is made without discount or interest. A "bona fide prepayment of wages" is considered to have been made only when cash or its equivalent has been advanced to the person employed in such manner as to give him complete freedom of disposition of the advanced funds.

(c) Any deduction of amounts required by court process to be paid to another, unless, the deduction is in favor of the contractor, subcontractor, or any affiliated person, or when collusion or collaboration exists.

(d) Any deduction constituting a contribution on behalf of the person employed to funds established by the employer or representatives of employees, or both, for the purpose of providing either from principal or income, or both, medical or hospital care, pensions or annuities on retirement, death benefits, compensation for injuries, illness, accidents, sickness, or disability, or for insurance to provide any of the foregoing,

or unemployment benefits, vacation pay, savings accounts, or similar payments for the benefit of employees, their families and dependents: Provided, however, That the following standards are met: (1) The deduction is not otherwise prohibited by law; (2) it is either: (i) Voluntarily consented to by the employee in writing and in advance of the period in which the work is to be done and such consent is not a condition either for the obtaining of or for the continuation of employment, or (ii) provided for in a bona fide collective bargaining agreement between the contractor or subcontractor and representatives of its employees; (3) no profit or other benefit is otherwise obtained, directly or indirectly, by the contractor or subcontractor or any affiliated person in the form of commission, dividend, or otherwise; and (4) the deductions shall serve the convenience and interest of the employee.

(e) Any deduction contributing toward the purchase of United States Defense Stamps and Bonds when voluntarily authorized by the employee.

(f) Any deduction requested by the employee to enable him to repay loans to or to purchase shares in credit unions organized and operated in accordance with Federal and State credit union statutes.

(g) Any deduction voluntarily authorized by the employee for the making of contributions to governmental or quasi-governmental agencies, such as the American Red Cross.

(h) Any deduction voluntarily authorized by the employee for the making of contributions to Community Chests, United Givers Funds, and similar charitable organizations.

(i) Any deductions to pay regular union initiation fees and membership dues, not including fines or special assessments: Provided, however, That a collective bargaining agreement between the contractor or subcontractor and representatives of its employees provides for such deductions and the deductions are not otherwise prohibited by law.

(j) Any deduction not more than for the "reasonable cost" of board, lodging, or other facilities meeting the requirements of section 3(m) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, as amended, and Part 531 of this title. When such a de

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