the prohibition of 18 U.S.C. 208 as being too remote or too inconsequential to affect the integrity of an employee's services in a matter: the policy holdings in an insurance company and the stock or bond holdings in a mutual fund, investment company, or bank which owns an interest in an entity involved in the matter: Provided, that in the case of a mutual fund, investment company, or bank the fair value of such stock or bond holding does not exceed 1 percent of the value of the reported assets of the mutual fund, investment company, or bank. In addition, the prohibitions of section 208(a) shall not apply if the employee obtains advance clearance in accordance with the requirements of section 208. (d) Section 209, in general, prohibits regular Government employees from receiving salary or supplementation of salary as compensation for their Government service from any source other than the United States. The statutory provisions described in this section are intended to call each employee's attention to problem areas and are not intended as a comprehensive description or interpretation of statutory prohibitions or the exceptions thereto. Employees who need guidance concerning the scope and application of the conflict-of-interest laws and their exceptions should consult a deputy counselor. (a) Any employee who is engaged or is planning to engage in outside employment, business, professional, or other such activities has a positive obligation to inform himself fully concerning the requirements of this subpart and any laws, orders, regulations, or standards applicable to such activities. An employee shall request clearance from the head of his administration, bureau, or office as to whether such planned or current activities are prohibited: (1) When such activities raise a substantial question of conflict with this subpart or any applicable laws, orders, regulations, or standards; (2) When applicable laws, orders, regulations, or standards require clearance of such activities; or (3) When the employee is specifically so required by the individual responsible for clearance in order to avoid possible conflict with applicable laws, orders, regulations, or standards. The clearance request shall be in writing and shall include, at a minimum, the identity of the employee, a statement of the nature of the employment or activity, and the amount of time to be devoted to the employment or activity. The head of the employing administration, bureau, or office may require the employee to furnish such other information as may be appropriate in considering the clearance request. He may grant clearance only when he believes such activities would be consistent with applicable laws, orders, regulations, and standards. He shall consult fully with the Solicitor where appropriate. If clearance is not granted, the employee shall not commence or continue the outside employment or activity. (b) The Secretary or his designee will handle requests for clearance by the heads of administrations, bureaus, offices, Presidential appointees, members of boards or commissions appointed by the Secretary, employees in the immediate Office of the Secretary. Clearance matters involving other employees in the Office of the Secretary will be handled by the head of the employing subdivision within such office which is not a part of a larger subdivision. (c) The requirements set forth in this subpart are separate from and in addition to any provision under Subpart E of this part requiring an employee to submit a statement of employment and financial interests or any other requirements of that subpart. Subpart D-Gifts, Fees, Entertainment, and Favors § 0.735-14 Acceptance of gratuities generally. No employee shall solicit, accept, or agree to accept any direct or indirect favor, gift, loan, free service, gratuity, entertainment, or other item of economic value if the donor has or is seeking to obtain contractual or other business or financial relations with the Department, has interests that may be substantially affected by the performance or nonperformance of official duties, is attempting to reward or influence the employee's official actions, or if acceptance of such item could affect the employee's impartiality, or give that appearance. An employee shall not accept a gift, present, decoration, or other thing from a foreign Government unless authorized by Congress as provided by the Constitution and in 5 U.S.C. 7342. No regular Government employee may receive any salary or supplementation of salary from a private source as compensation for services to the Government. § 0.735-15 Payments, expenses, reimbursements, entertainment, etc., from non-Government sources. (a) In general, Decision B-128527 of the Comptroller General dated March 7, 1967, restricts receipt of reimbursement for travel, subsistence, or other expenses from private sources by an employee on official business under agency orders. This decision or other regulations in this part do not restrict acceptance of contributions, awards, travel, subsistence, and other expenses from nonprofit organizations authorized by 5 U.S.C. 4111 and regulations issued thereunder; Provided, That an employee may not, without the written permission of the head of his employing administration, bureau, or office, or other person responsible for clearance of outside activities under § 0.735-13 (except as allowed by § 0.73517(a)(6)), accept from nongovernmental sources any payments, expenses, reimbursements, entertainment, or other item of economic value incident to training, attendance at meetings of any kind, or other activities, if such training, meetings, or activities are attended or performed wholly or partially within periods when he is on duty or at such times as the Department pays any expenses incident thereto in whole or in part. Such authorization may not be granted where prohibited by law or Decision B-128527 of the Comptroller General and may only be granted if acceptance of the contribution, award, or payment: (1) Would not reflect unfavorably on the ability of the employee to carry out his official duties in a fair and objective manner; (2) would not compromise the honesty and integrity of the Government programs or of Government employees and their official actions or decisions; (3) would be compatible with the Code of Ethics for Government Service expressed in House Concurrent Resolution 175, 85th Congress, second session; (4) would otherwise be proper and ethical for the employee concerned under the circumstances in his particular case; and (5) if the contribution, award, or payment is not a reward for services to the organization prior to the training or meeting. Authorization shall be limited to (a) The prohibitions in this subpart do not preclude: (1) Acceptance of unsolicited advertising or promotional material of nominal intrinsic value; a (2) Acceptance of an award for meritorious public contribution given by charitable, religious, professional, social, fraternal, nonprofit educational, recreational, public service, or civic organization; (3) Acceptance of gifts resulting from obvious family or personal relationships when the circumstances make clear that it is those relationships rather than the business of the persons concerned which are the motivating factor; (4) Acceptance of loans from banks, or other financial institutions on customary terms to finance proper and usual activities; (5) Acceptance of scholarships, fellowships, and similar forms of assistance which are incident to education or training pursued by an employee on his own time and his own initiative; (6) Acceptance, without permission, of food, entertainment, and refreshments of nominal value on infrequent oссаsions in the ordinary course of a meeting, inspection tour, or training situation in which the employee is properly in attendance. (b) Notwithstanding any reference to generally permissible gifts in this subpart, employees are expected to avoid any conflict or apparent conflict between their private interests and those of the Department and to observe the other standards of conduct set forth in Subpart B of this part. Subpart E-Statements of Employ ment and Financial Interests § 0.735-18 Regular employees required to submit statements. The following regular employees are required to submit to the head of the employing administration, bureau, or office statements of employment and financial interests on forms approved by the Solicitor and furnished to the employees. Such forms must be completed in accordance with instructions applicable thereto. Forms shall be submitted not later than 90 days after the effective date of the regulations in this part, if employed on or before that effective date or 30 days after his entrance on duty, but not earlier than 90 days after the effective date if appointed after the effective date. (a) Employees paid at a level of the Executive Schedule in subchapter II of chapter 53 of title 5, United States Code; except the Secretary of Labor who is subject to separate reporting requirements under section 401 of Executive Order 11222; (b) The Deputy Under Secretary, Deputy Assistant Secretaries, Deputy Solicitor, and all Assistants and all grades GS-13 and above executive or special assistants to the Secretary, Under Secretary, Assistant Secretaries, or the Solicitor; (c) The heads of all administrations, bureaus, and offices, as defined in § 0.735-1. The heads of all bureaus and offices within an administration which are not a part of a larger administrative subdivision within such administration; (d) The heads of all subdivisions within the Office of the Secretary which are not a part of a larger administrative subdivision within that Office; (e) Employees in hearing examiner positions as defined by § 930.202(c) of the Civil Service Commission regulations (5 CFR 930.202(c)); (f) Employees, grade GS-13 and above occupying the following positions: OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Executive Secretary, Intra-Departmental Eco- Office of the Assistant Secretary for Office of Financial Management and Admin istration: Director. Chief, Division of Audit. Auditors. Office of Administrative Services: Director. Procurement Officer. Office of Employee Utilization and Develop ment: Director. Executive Development Officer. Office of Program and Budget Review: Assistant Director for Budget Review. Assistant Director for Compliance Operations. Assistant Director for Program Policy. Office of Information, Publications, and Deputy Director. OFFICE OF THE SOLICITOR Associate Solicitors. Deputy Associate Solicitors. Chief Trial Attorney. Counsel for Regional Litigation. Division of Interpretations and Opinions: Counsel for Construction Wage Standards. Division of Wage Determinations: Deputy Associate Administrator. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS Deputy Commissioner. Director, Office of Administrative Management. Deputy Director, Office of Administrative Management. Chief, Division of Fiscal Management and Services. WAGE AND LABOR STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION Deputy Administrator. Bureau of Labor Standards Deputy Director. Veterans Employment Service: Chief. Assistant Chief. U.S. Employment Service, D.C.: Director. Deputy Director. Office of Farm Labor Service: Deputy Director. Chief, Division of Farm Labor Opera tions. Chief, Branch of Recruitment and Compliance. Chief, Division of Research and Wage Activities. Chief, Division of Labor Contractor Activities. Field Offices: Regional Administrators. Assistant Regional Administrators. Bureau of Work Training Programs Office of Planning and Evaluation: Deputy Director. Office of Operations: Deputy Director. Regional Offices: Deputy Directors. (g) Additions to, deletions from, and other amendments of the list of positions in paragraph (f) of this section may be made from time to time as necessary to carry out the purpose of the law, Executive Order 11222, and Part 735 of the Civil Service Commission regulations (5 CFR Part 735). Such amendments are effective upon clearance by the Solicitor and actual notification to the incumbents. The amended list shall be submitted annually for publication in the FEDERAL REGISTER. (h) Any employee who believes that his position has been improperly included under this subpart as one requiring the submission of a statement of employment and financial interests shall have the opportunity for review of such inclusion under the grievance procedures of the Department of Labor. § 0.735-19 Supplementary statements, regular employees. Chief, Division of Research and Publicacations. Office of Manpower Training Operations. Changes in, or additions to the information contained in the regular employee's statement of employment and financial interests shall be reported in a supplementary statement as of September 30 each year. If there are no |