Gambar halaman

of chosen


hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That it shall and may be lawful for the board The boards of chosen freeholders of each and every county freehold. of this state, to institute a market, once or ers may oftener in every year, at any place or places markets within the said county, which in the opinion for the sale of the said board, may be most convenient for of live stock, the sale of live stock, namely, horses, cattle, sheep, and hogs, from the hour of eight in the morning until four in the afternoon, of any number of successive days, not exceeding four, which the said board may appoint; which time and place shall be advertised in three of the most public places in the county, at least thirty days previous to the time appointed for holding the said market.

and pass

2. And be it enacted, That it shall and may bye-laws be lawful for the said board of chosen free- and ordiholders to pass ordinances and bye-laws, for nances for the regulation of said markets; Provided, That the same. regulating the same be not repugnant to the constitution Proviso. and laws of the United States, or of this state, and that the powers hereby granted to the chosen freeholders of any county, shall not extend to or interfere with the powers granted to the corporation of the city of New-Brunswick, by an act entitled "An act to institute a market at the city of New-Brunswick for the sale of live-stock," passed the twenty-third day of November, eighteen hundred and two.

A supplement to the act entitled "An act for sup. porting Ideots and Lunatics, and preserving their estates."

Passed March 1, 1804.

Sec. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the coun

Comp. 87.



cil and general assembly of this state, and it is Cases of hereby enacted by the authority of the same, Ideocy and That all cases of ideocy and lunacy, shall be how to be determined by an inquest on a commission of determin. ideocy or lunacy issued by the chancellor, and [Rev. 125] the proceedings thereon shall in all respects be conducted, in the manner heretofore practised; Chancellor and the said chancellor is hereby directed to to transmit transmit or cause to be transmitted, to the orphans court of the county in which such ideot or lunatic may reside, a certified copy of all to the or- proceedings which may be had thereon, within two months after such proceedings are had, the county which shall be forthwith recorded and filed, in the surrogate's office in the said county; and

a copy of

the proceedings


court of

the said orphans court is hereby directed and Said court, required, on proper application for that puron proper pose, to appoint a guardian or guardians, who application shall have the care and provide for the safeto appoint a guardian. keeping of such ideot or lunatic, his or her lands, tenements, goods and chattels, in the

and chat

ideot or

may be

manner and under the provisos and restrictions prescribed in and by the act to which this a supplement, any thing therein contained to the contrary notwithstanding.

2. And be it enacted, That if any such ideot. The goods or lunatic is justly indebted to any person or tels, lands, persons, or where the income and profits of &c.of such their lands and tenements, shall be insufficient lunatic for their support, and that of their household, if any they have, it shall and may be lawful for sold to pay the orphans court of the county, who are hereor to sup- by required, upon application and due proof port him. thereof to them made, to appoint a guardian or guardians to sell and convey in his or their own name or names, so much of the goods and chattels, lands and tenements, of such ideot or lunatic, as shall be sufficient to discharge

his debts

his or her just debts, or for the support of his or her household, if any they have, any law to the contrary notwithstanding; which conveyances shall set forth at large the order of the said orphans court, and shall vest in the purchaser or purchasers as good and perfect an estate in the premises therein mentioned, as the said ideot or lunatic was seized of or entitled to, at the time of making such order.

tice shall

it shall be

3. And be it enacted, That the guardian or guardians, who may be authorized to sell any lands, tenements, hereditaments, or real estate, What noof any ideot or lunatic, shall give notice by be given of advertisements, signed by him or them, and such sale, set up at five or more of the public places in the and how county, of the time and place of selling the conducted premises, at least two months before the time appointed for selling them, and shall at the time and place so appointed, between the hours of twelve and five, in the afternoon, expose said lands, tenements and hereditaments, and real estate, to sale, by public vendue, and strike off the same to the highest bidder; and the guardian or guardians making the said sale, shall report in writing all proceedings thereon to the next orphans court, after such sale; Provided always, That the said guardian or guardians may adjourn the said sale, from time to time, not exceeding two months in the whole.

4. And be it enacted, That every person ap

pointed guardian as aforesaid, shall before he Guardian enters upon the duties of his appointment, en- to give ter into bond unto the state of New-Jersey, with bond with two or more sureties, being freeholders, in such sureties. sum as shall be approved of by the orphans court of the county, in which such ideot or lunatic may reside, conditioned that the said

guardian shall well and truly, and according to the true intent and meaning of the direction of the said orphans court sell and dispose of the estate of such ideot or lunatic, or such part thereof, as shall be directed by the said orphans court to be sold, and appropriate the money thence arising to the discharge of the debts of the said ideot or lunatic, and the support of his or her household, if any they have, and that he will render a just and true account to the orphans court of the said county, of all sales and monies thence arising, in the same manner that administrators are by law directed to account; which bond shall, by the surrogate, be transmitted to the register's office to be filed.

Clerks of


not to prac

AN ACT to prohibit clerks of the courts of common pleas, and general quarter sessions of the peace, from practicing as attornies at law in the counties of which they are clerks.

Passed March 1, 1804.

Sec. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the counhereafter cil and general assembly of this state, and it is to be ap- hereby enacted by the authority of the same, pointed That the clerks of the courts of common pleas tice as at- and general quarter sessions of the peace, heretornies in after to be appointed, shall not be allowed to practice or act as attornies at law in any of the which they counties of this state, in which they may be so pointed. appointed.

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are ap

2. And be it enacted, That if any clerk shall practice or act contrary to the prohibition aforesaid, for each offence he shall be liable to the Penalty. penalty of fifty dollars, to be recovered in an

action of debt by any person who shall prose-
cute for the same,
in any court where the same
may be cognizable, with costs of suit, and
shall also be liable to be removed from office
by impeachment.

Á Supplement to the act, entitled, "An act making provision for the carrying into effect the act for the punishment of crimes."

Passed March 1, 1804.




Sec. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the coun- The incil and general assembly of this state, and it is may liberhereby enacted by the authority of the same, ate prisonThat every person who hereafter may be sen- ers at the expiration tenced to hard labor only, in the state-prison, of the term shall on the expiration of the term for which of their such person was imprisoned, and every person who hath heretofore been sentenced, in like manner, and whose term of confinement hath expired, be forthwith discharged by the keeper thereof, any debts which such person may owe provided to the institution notwithstanding; Provided, prisoners That it shall appear to the inspectors of the said have laprison, or a majority of them, that the person dustriousso confined and entitled to his or her liberation, ly, &c. hath labored industriously, and as far as his or her health and other circumstances would permit, during his or her confinement; And provided also, That no person or persons shall be entitled to the benefit of such discharge, until he or she shall make satisfactory proof to the inspectors of the state-prison, or a majority of not suffi them, that he or she hath not property suffi- cient procient to discharge said debt nor any part thereof. perty.

This law is intended to supply the provision made


bored in

and have

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