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greedy, and hypocritical, and fifty years old, has a right to lead a guileless nature into wrong! Ah! if some of us old folks were to go to school to our children, I am sure, madam, it would do us a great deal of good. There is a fund of good sense and honorable feeling about my great grandson Tommy, which is more valuable than all his grandpapa's experience and knowledge of the world. Knowledge of the world forsooth! Compromise, selfishness modified, and doubledealing! Tom disdains a lie: when he wants a peach, he roars for it. If his mother wishes to go to a party, she coaxes, and wheedles, and manages, and smirks, and courtesies for months, in order to get her end; takes twenty rebuffs, and comes up to the scratch again smiling; and this woman is forever lecturing her daughters, and preaching to her sons upon virtue, honesty, and moral behavior!

that it may arrive for many scores of years yet to come is, I am sure, the prayer of all the contributors and all the readers of the Cornhill— and with it his Excellency Lord Estridge's grand annual fête in honor of his sovereign. A card for their ball was left at Madame Smolensk's, for General, Mrs., and Miss Baynes; and no doubt Monsieur Slyboots Walsingham Hely was the artful agent by whom the invitation was forwarded. Once more the general's veteran uniform came out from the tin-box with its dingy epaulets and little cross and ribbon. His wife urged on him strongly the necessity of having a new wig, wigs being very cheap and good at Paris-but Baynes said a new wig would make his old coat look very shabby: and a new uniform would cost more money than he would like to afford. So shabby he went de cape à pied, with a moulting feather, a threadbare suit, a tarnished wig, and a worn-out lace, sibi constans. Boots, trowsers, sash, coat, were all old and worse for wear, and "faith," says he, "my face follows suit.' A brave, silent man was Baynes, with a twinkle of humor in his lean, wrinkled face.

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Mrs. Hely's little party at the Hôtel de la Terrasse was very pleasant and bright; and Miss Charlotte enjoyed it, although her swain was not present. But Philip was pleased that his little Charlotte should be happy. She beheld with wonderment Parisian duchesses, American millionaires, dandies from the embassies, deputies And if General Baynes was shabbily attired and peers of France with large stars and wigs at the Embassy ball, I think I know a friend of like papa. She gayly described her party to mine who was shabby too. In the days of his Philip; described, that is to say, every thing prosperity Mr. Philip was parcus cultor et inbut her own success, which was undoubted.frequens of balls, routs, and ladies' company. There were many beauties at Mrs. Hely's, but Perhaps because his father was angered at nobody fresher or prettier. The Miss Black- Philip's neglect of his social advantages and inlocks retired very early and in the worst possible difference as to success in the world, Philip was temper. Prince Slyboots did not in the least the more neglectful and indifferent. The eldheed their going away. His thoughts were all er's comedy-smiles, and solemn, hypocritical fixed upon little Charlotte. Charlotte's mamina politeness, caused scorn and revolt on the part saw the impression which the girl made, and of the younger man. Philip despised the humwas filled with a hungry joy. Good-natured bug, and the world to which such humbug could Mrs. Hely complimented her on her daughter. be welcome. He kept aloof from tea-parties "Thank God, she is as good as she is pretty, then his evening-dress clothes served him for a said the mother, I am sure speaking seriously long time. I can not say how old his dress-coat this time regarding her daughter. Prince Sly- was at the time of which we are writing. But boots danced with scarce any body else. He he had been in the habit of respecting that garraised a perfect whirlwind of compliments round ment, and considering it new and handsome for about her. She was quite a simple person, and many years past. Meanwhile the coat had did not understand one-tenth part of what he shrunk, or its wearer had grown stouter; and said to her. He strewed her path with roses of his grand embroidered, embossed, illuminated, poesy: he scattered garlands of sentiment be- carved and gilt velvet dress waistcoat, too, had fore her all the way from the ante-chamber narrowed, had become absurdly tight and short, down stairs, and so to the fly which was in wait- and I dare say was the laughing-stock of many ing to take her and her parents home to the of Philip's acquaintances, while he himself, poor boarding-house. "By George, Charlotte, I simple fellow! was fancying that it was a most think you have smitten that fellow!" cried the splendid article of apparel. You know in the general, who was infinitely amused by young Palais Royal they hang out the most splendid Hely-his raptures, his affectations, his long reach-me-down dressing-gowns, waistcoats, and hair, and what Baynes called his low dress. A so forth. "No," thought Philip, coming out slight white tape and a ruby button confined of his cheap dining-house, and swaggering along Hely's neck. His hair waved over his shoulders. the arcades, and looking at the tailors' shops, Baynes had never seen such a specimen. At with his hands in his pockets. "My brown the mess of the stout 120th the lads talked of velvet dress waistcoat with the gold sprigs, which their dogs, horses, and sport. A young civilian, I had made at college, is a much more tasty smattering in poetry, chattering in a dozen lan- thing than these gaudy ready-made articles. guages, scented, smiling, perfectly at ease with And my coat is old certainly, but the brass buthimself and the world, was a novelty to the old tons are still very bright and handsome, and, in officer. fact, is a most becoming and gentlemanlike And now the Queen's birthday arrived-and thing." And under this delusion the honest

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fellow dressed himself in his old clothes, lighted | bourg St. Honoré to the Hotel of the British a pair of candles, and looked at himself with Embassy. A half-mile queue of carriages was satisfaction in the looking-glass, drew on a pair formed along the street, and of course the enof cheap gloves which he had bought, walked by trance to the hotel was magnificently illuminthe Quays, and over the Deputies' Bridge, across ated. the Place Louis XV., and strutted up the Fau

A plague on those cheap gloves! Why had

not Philip paid three francs for a pair of gloves, and never thought of him except as a partner. instead of twenty-nine sous? Mrs. Baynes had "Oh, too much happiness! Oh that this could found a capital cheap glove shop, whither poor last forever!" sighed Hely, after a waltz, polka, Phil had gone in the simplicity of his heart; mazurka, I know not what, and fixing on Charand now, as he went in under the grand illumin- lotte the full blaze of his beauteous blue eyes. ated porte-cochère, Philip saw that the gloves"Forever?" cries Charlotte, laughing. "I'm had given way at the thumbs, and that his very fond of dancing, indeed. And you dance hands appeared through the rents, as red as raw beautifully. But I don't know that I should beef-steaks. It is wonderful how red hands will like to dance forever." Ere the words are over look through holes in white gloves. "And he is whirling her round the room again. His there's that hole in my boot, too," thought Phil; little feet fly with surprising agility. His hair but he had put a little ink over the seam, and so floats behind him. He scatters odors as he the rent was imperceptible. The coat and waist- spins. The handkerchief with which he fans coat were tight, and of a past age. Never mind. his pale brow is like a cloudy film of muslin; The chest was broad, the arms were muscular and poor old Philip sees with terror that his and long, and Phil's face, in the midst of a halo pocket-handkerchief has got three great holes of fair hair and flaming whiskers, looked brave, in it. His nose and one eye appeared through honest, and handsome. For a while his eyes one of the holes while Phil was wiping his forewandered fiercely and restlessly all about the head. It was very hot. He was very hot. He room from group to group; but now-ah! now was hotter, though standing still, than young -they were settled. They had met another Hely, who was dancing. "He! he! I compair of eyes, which lighted up with glad wel-pliment you on your gloves and your handkercome when they beheld him. Two young cheeks chief, I'm sure," sniggers Mrs. Baynes, with a mantled with a sweet blush. These were Char- toss of her turban. Has it not been said that a lotte's cheeks; and hard by them were mamma's, bull is a strong, courageous, and noble animal, of a very different color. But Mrs. General but a bull in a china-shop is not in his place? Baynes had a knowing turban on, and a set of "There you go. Thank you! I wish you'd go garnets round her old neck, like gooseberries set somewhere else," cries Mrs. Baynes, in a fury. in gold. Poor Philip's foot has just gone through her flounce. How red he is! how much hotter than ever! There go Hely and Charlotte, whirling round like two opera-dancers! Philip grinds his teeth, he buttons his coat across his chest. How very tight it feels! How savagely his eyes glare! Do young men still look savage and solemn at balls? An ingenuous young English

They admired the rooms: they heard the names of the great folks who arrived, and beheld many famous personages. They made their courtesies to the embassadress. Confusion! With a great rip, the thumb of one of those cheap gloves of Philip's parts company from the rest of the glove, and he is obliged to wear it crumpled up in his hand: a dreadful mishapman ought to do that duty of dancing, of course. for he is going to dance with Charlotte, and he will have to give his hand to the vis-à-vis.

Society calls upon him. But I doubt whether he ought to look cheerful during the performance, or flippantly engage in so grave a matter.

As Charlotte's sweet round face beamed smiles upon Philip over Hely's shoulders, it looked so happy that he never thought of grudging her her pleasure: and happy he might have remained in this contemplation, regarding not the circle of dancers who were galloping and whirling on at their usual swift rate, but her, who was the centre of all joy and pleasure for him, when suddenly a shrill voice was heard behind him, cry

Who comes up smiling, with a low neck, with waving curls and whiskers, pretty little hands exquisitely gloved, and tiny feet? "Tis Hely Walsingham, lightest in the dance. Most affably does Mrs. General Baynes greet the young fellow. Very brightly and happily do Charlotte's eyes glance toward her favorite partner. It is certain that poor Phil can't hope at all to dance like Hely. "And see what nice neat feet and hands he has got," says Mrs. Baynes. “Comme il est bien ganté! A gentleman oughting, "Get out of the way, hang you!” and sudto be always well gloved."

"Why did you send me to the twenty-ninesous shop?" says Poor Phil, looking at his tattered hand-shoes, and red obtrusive thumb.

"Oh you!"-(here Mrs. Baynes shrugs her yellow old shoulders). "Your hands would burst through any gloves! How do you do, Mr. Hely! Is your mamma here? Of course she is! What a delightful party she gave us! The dear embassadress looks quite unwell— most pleasing manners, I am sure; and Lord Estridge, what a perfect gentleman!"

denly there bounced against him Ringwood Twysden, pulling Miss Flora Trotter round the room, one of the most powerful and intrepid dancers of that season at Paris. They hurtled past Philip; they shot him forward against a pillar. He heard a screech, an oath, and another loud laugh from Twysden, and beheld the scowls of Miss Trotter as that rapid creature bumped at length into a place of safety.

As he stag

I told you about Philip's coat. It was very tight. The daylight had long been struggling to make an entry at the seams. The Bayneses were just come. For what gered up against the wall, crack! went a great dance was Miss Baynes disengaged? "As hole at his back; and crack! one of his gold many as ever you like!" cries Charlotte, who, buttons came off, leaving a rent in his chest. in fact, called Hely her little dancing-master, It was in those days when gold buttons still lin

gered on the breasts of some brave men, and we have said simple Philip still thought his coat a fine one.

There was not only a rent of the seam, there was not only a burst button, but there was also a rip in Philip's rich cut-velvet waistcoat, with the gold sprigs, which he thought so handsome -a great, heart-rending scar. What was to be done? Retreat was necessary. He told Miss Charlotte of the hurt he had received, whose face wore a very comical look of pity at his misadventure he covered part of his wound with his gibbous hat-and he thought he would try and make his way out by the garden of the hotel, which, of course, was illuminated, and bright, and crowded, but not so very bright and crowded as the saloons, galleries, supper-rooms, and halls of gilded light in which the company for the most part assembled.

So our poor wounded friend wandered into the garden, over which the moon was shining with the most blank indifference at the fiddling, feasting, and parti-colored lamps. He says that his mind was soothed by the aspect of yonder placid moon and twinkling stars, and that he had altogether forgotten his trumpery little accident and torn coat and waistcoat; but I doubt about the entire truth of this statement, for there have been some occasions when he, Mr. Philip, has mentioned the subject, and owned that he was mortified and in a rage.

Well, he went into the garden, and was calming himself by contemplating the stars, when, just by that fountain where there is Pradier's little statue of Moses in the Bulrushes, let us say-round which there was a beautiful row of illuminated lamps, lighting up a great coronal of flowers, which my dear readers are at liberty to select and arrange according to their own exquisite taste-near this little fountain he found three gentlemen talking together.

The high voice of one Philip could hear, and knew from old days. Ringwood Twysden, Esquire, always liked to talk and to excite himself with other persons' liquor. He had been drinking the Sovereign's health with great assiduity, I suppose, and was exceedingly loud and happy. With Ringwood was Mr. Woolcombe, whose countenance the lamps lit up in a fine, lurid manner, and whose eyeballs gleamed in the twilight; and the third of the group was our young friend Mr. Lowndes.


"I owed him one, you see, Lowndes," said Mr. Ringwood Twysden. “I hate the fellow! Hang him, always did! I saw the great hulkin' brute standin' there. Couldn't help myself. Give you my honor, couldn't help myself. just drove Miss Trotter at him-sent her elbow well into him, and spun him up against the wall. The buttons cracked off the beggar's coat, begad! What business had he there, hang him? Gad, Sir, he made a cannon off an old woman in blue, and went into......"

Here Mr. Ringwood's speech came to an end: for his cousin stood before him, grim and biting his mustaches.

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you to overhear my conversation? Dammy, I say! I......"

Philip put out that hand with the torn glove. The glove was in a dreadful state of disruption now. He worked the hand well into his kinsman's neck, and twisting Ringwood round into a proper position, brought that poor old broken boot so to bear upon the proper quarter that Ringwood was discharged into the little font, and lighted amidst the flowers, and the water, and the oil-lamps, and made a dreadful mess and splutter among them. And as for Philip's coat, it was torn worse than ever.

I don't know how many of the brass buttons had revolted and parted company from the poor old cloth, which cracked, and split, and tore under the agitation of that beating, angry bosom. I hope our artist will not depict Mr. Firmin in this ragged state, a great rent all across his back, and his prostrate enemy lying howling in the water, amidst the sputtering, crashing oil-lamps at his feet. When Cinderella quitted her first ball, just after the clock struck twelve, we all know how shabby she looked. Philip was a still more disreputable object when he slunk away. I don't know by what side door Mr. Lowndes eliminated him. He also benerolently took charge of Philip's kinsman and antagonist, Mr. Ringwood Twysden. Mr. Twysden's hands, coat-tails, etc., were very much singed and scalded by the oil, and cut by the broken glass, which was all extracted at the Beaujon Hospital, but not without much suffering on the part of the patient. young Lowndes spoke up for Philip, in describing the scene (I fear not without laughter), his Excellency caused Mr. Firmin's name to be erased from his party lists: and I am sure no sensible man will defend his conduct for a mo


But though

Of this lamentable fracas which occurred in the Hotel Garden, Miss Baynes and her parents had no knowledge for a while. Charlotte was too much occupied with her dancing, which she pursued with all her might; papa was at cards with some sober male and female veterans, and mamma was looking with delight at her daughter, whom the young gentlemen of many embassies were charmed to choose for a partner. When Lord Headbury, Lord Estridge's son, was presented to Miss Baynes, her mother was so elated that she was ready to dance too. I do not envy Mrs. Major MacWhirter at Tours the perusal of that immense manuscript in which her sister recorded the events of the ball. was Charlotte, beautiful, elegant, accomplished, admired every where, with young men, young noblemen of immense property and expectations, wild about her; and engaged by a promise to a rude, ragged, presumptious, ill-bred young man, without a penny in the world-wasn't it provoking? Ah, poor Philip! How that little sour, yellow mother-in-law elect did scowl at him when he came with rather a shamefaced look to pay his duty to his sweet-heart on the day after


the ball! Mrs. Baynes had caused her daughter to dress with extra smartness, had forbidden the poor child to go out, and coaxed her, and wheedled her, and dressed her with I know not what ornaments of her own, with a fond expectation that Lord Headbury, that the yellow young Spanish attaché, that the sprightly Prussian secretary, and Walsingham Hely, Charlotte's partners at the ball, would certainly call; and the only equipage that appeared at Madame Smolensk's gate was a hack cab, which drove up at evening, and out of which poor Philip's well-known, tattered boots came striding. Such a fond mother as Mrs. Baynes may well have been out of humor.

As for Philip, he was unusually shy and modest. He did not know in what light his friends would regard his escapade of the previous evening. He had been sitting at home all the morning in state, and in company with a Polish colonel, who lived in his hotel, and whom Philip had selected to be his second in case the battle of the previous night should have any suite. He had left that colonel in company with a bag of tobacco and an order for unlimited beer, while he himself ran up to catch a glimpse of his beloved. The Bayneses had not heard of the battle of the previous night. They were full of the ball, of Lord Estridge's affability, of the Golconda embassador's diamonds, of the appearance of the royal princes who honored the fete, of the most fashionable Paris talk, in a word. Philip was scolded, snubbed, and coldly received by mamma; but he was used to that sort of treatment, and greatly relieved by finding that she was unacquainted with his own disorderly behavior. He did not tell Charlotte about the quarrel: a knowledge of it might alarm the little maiden; and so for once our friend was discreet, and held his tongue.

But if he had any influence with the editor of Galignan's Messenger, why did he not entreat the conductors of that admirable journal to forego all mention of the fracas at the embassy ball? Two days after the fête, I am sorry to say, there appeared a paragraph in the paper narrating the circumstances of the fight. And the guilty Philip found a copy of that paper on the table before Mrs. Baynes and the general when he came to the Champs Elysées according to his wont. Behind that paper sate Major-General Baynes, C.B., looking confused, and beside him his lady frowning like Rhadamanthus. Charlotte was in the room.





IVERS form no less striking features in the pictures of history than in the face of nature. When dignified by the passage of armies, their course runs broadening through fame. The crossing of the Rubicon by the legions of the bankrupt Roman centuries ago, has given to the rhetoric of the world a metaphor crystallized into the ordinary speech of men who never heard of the Gallic war. We never realized that the

shock of arms was coming between the Sardinian King and the Austrian Kaiser until the troops of Francis-Joseph stood on the Italian brink of the Ticino. The Danube, the Elbe, and the Po run through their ancient dominions sad with the memories of slaughter and of battles.

Hitherto the western world has had no dower of associations to link with its streams. The peaceful charms of growing opulence and advancing arts were all that hallowed our rivers after we had forgotten our vague traditions of savage ambuscade and midnight massacre. But they can never again claim that happy immunity from the red suggestions of strife. The waters of the Missouri are darkening with a tint more deep than the amber of the mountains; the Mississippi will soon become the sepulchre of heroes; and the fair ripples of the Potomac, that have never blushed before except with the dalliance of the evening sunlight streaming rosily over the Virginian hills, will henceforth flow grimly into history stained with the costliest blood of the land. As if the significance of the forward movement of the armies of the republic were not enough to stamp the crossing of the river indelibly into the mind of the world, the noblest lives in the army were sacrificed at Alexandria and Ball's Bluff, whose fame will rescue the event from all the possibilities of oblivion. The boast of Virginians becomes justified, and the ground becomes "sacred soil," when hallowed by blood like that of Elmer Ellsworth and Edward Dickinson Baker. These heroic men, falling gloriously on the southern shore of the dividing river, call eloquently to their countrymen who, pressing on to avenge them, are too busy to weep for them. Not now shall their history be written. When the storm is overpast, and peace brings leisure for eulogy, it will be time to tell the story and educe the lessons of their lives. To posterity, therefore, we will intrust the work of worthily honoring the dead Senator. At present we can only snatch from forgetfulness the simple facts of his life, and say what manner of man we have lost. The scattered garlands which affection to-day is casting upon his grave shall be hereafter gathered and woven into unfading chaplet of enduring fame. "Forget not the faithful dead" was the pathetic adjuration of the dying warrior-poet Körner; and it is ill for a republic when its martyrs begin to be forgotten.

EDWARD DICKINSON BAKER, United States Senator from Oregon, who died in battle near Conrad's Ferry on the 21st day of October, 1861, was born in the city of London on the 24th day of February, in the year 1811. His father, Edward Baker, was a man of education and refinement. His mother was the sister of Captain Thomas Dickinson of the British navy, an officer of great ability and distinction, who fought under Collingwood at Trafalgar. When Edward was four years of age his family came to America and lived for about ten years in the city of Philadelphia. He always fondly remembered his residence in Philadelphia, and his citizenship

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