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call there were 1,006 delegates. William J. Bryan, of Nebraska, was nominate for President on July 10 on the first ballot, receiving 892 votes, to 59% fo George Gray, of Delaware, and 46 for John A. Johnson, of Minnesota. Eigh delegates did not vote.

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John W. Kern, of Indiana, was nominated by acclamation for Vice-President.

The Platform.

The platform, adopted unanimously on July 10, was as follows:

We, the representatives of the Democrats of the United States, in national co vention assembled, reaffirm our belief in and pledge our loyalty to the principles the party.

We rejoice at the increasing signs of an awakening throughout the country. T various investigations have traced graft and political corruption to the representativ of predatory wealth, and laid bare the unscrupulous methods by which they ha debauched elections and preyed upon a defenceless public through the subservie officials whom they have raised to place and power.

The conscience of the nation is now aroused to free the government from t grip of those who have made it a business asset of the favor seeking corporations; must become again a people's government, and be administered in all its departmen according to the Jeffersonian maxim, "Equal rights to all and special privileges none."

"Shall the people rule?" is the overshadowing issue which manifests itse in all the questions now under discussion. The Republican Congress in session just ended has made appropriation amounting to $1,008,000,000, exceeding the total expenditures of the last fisc year by $90,000,000, and leaving a deficit of more than $60,000,00 Economy in Ad- for the fiscal year. We denounce the needless waste of th ministration. people's money which has resulted in this appalling increase a shameful violation of all prudent conditions of government, no less than a crime against the millions of working men and women, from who earnings the great proportion of these colossal sums must be extorted through e cessive tariff exactions and other indirect methods. It is not surprising that, in t face of this shocking record, the Republican platform contains no reference to ec nomical administration or promise thereof in the future. We demand that a st be put to this frightful extravagance, and insist upon the strictest economy in eve department compatible with frugal and efficient administration.

Coincident with the enormous increase in expenditures is a like addition the number of officeholders. During the last year 23,784 were added, costin $16,156,000, and in the last six years of the Republican administr Officeholders. tion the total number of new offices created, aside from many con missions, has been 99.319, entailing an additional expenditure nearly $70,000,000, as against only 10,279 new offices created under the Cleveland a McKinley administrations, which involved an expenditure of only $6,000,000. denounce this great and growing increase in the number of officeholders as not on unnecessary and wasteful, but also as clearly indicating a deliberate purpose on t part of the Administration to keep the Republican party in power at public expens by thus increasing the number of its retainers and dependents. Such procedure

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ess dangerous and corrupt than the open purchase of votes at the Representatives was designed by the fathers of the Constitution branch of our government, responsive to the public will.

The House of Representatives, as controlled in recent years by the Republican party, has ceased to be a deliberative and executive body, responsive to the will of a majority of its members, but has come under the absolute domination of the entire control of its deliberations and powers of legislation. wed with amazement the popular branch of our federal government either the consideration or enactment of measures desired by a mbers.

ernment becomes a failure when one member, in the person of the owerful than the entire body.

at the House of Representatives shall again become a deliberative a majority of the people's representatives and not by the Speaker, selves to adopt such rules and regulations to govern the House as will enable a majority of its members to direct its delibera=gislation.

as a violation of spirit of our institutions the action of the cutive in using the patronage of his high office to secure the mination of one of his Cabinet officers. A forced succession in e Presidency is scarcely less repugnant to public sentiment than ife tenure in that office. No good intention on the part of the ecutive and no virtue in the one selected can justify the estabasty. The right of the people to freely select their officials is not be delegated.

deral legislation forever terminating the partnership which has porations of the country and the Republican party under the expressed or implied agreement that in return for the contribution of great sums of money, wherewith to purchase, elections, they should be allowed to continue substantially unmolested in their efforts to encroach upon the rights of doubt as to the existence of this relation has been forever dis testimony of witnesses examined in the insurance investigation e open admission, unchallenged by the Republican National Comndividual, that he himself, at the personal request of the Repubthe Presidency, raised over $250,000 to be used in a single state ours of the last campaign. In order that this practice shall be we demand the passage of a statute punishing with imprisoncorporation who shall either contribute in behalf of or consent by a corporation of any money or anything of value to be used ction of a President or Vice-President of the United States, or ongress thereof.

action of the Republican party, having the complete control of ent, for its failure to pass the bill, introduced in the last Conpublication of the names of contributors and the amounts conaign funds, and point to the evidence of their insincerity, when solutely irrelevant and impossible amendment to defeat the pass a further evidence of their intention to conduct their camcontest with vast sums of money wrested from favor-seeking attention to the fact that the recent Republican National Conefused, when the plank was presented to it, to declare against emocratic party to the enactment of a law preventing any corto a campaign fund and any individual from contributing an nable minimum, and providing for the publication before elecibutions above a reasonable minimum.

Jefferson, in "the support of the state governments in all ost competent administration for our domestic concerns and rest bulwark against anti-republican tendencies," and in ɔreservation of the general government in its whole constial vigor as the sheet anchor of our peace at home and the abroad," we are opposed to the centralization implied in frequently made, that the powers of the general government judicial construction.


ht zone between the nation and the state in which exploiting ige from both, and it is as necessary that the federal governpowers delegated to it as it is that the state governments reserved to them, but we insist that federal remedies for the commerce and for the prevention of private monopoly shall be ed for, state remedies


We favor the election of United States Senators by direct vote of the people, and regard this reform as the gateway to other National reforms. belated promise of tariff reform now affected by the Rely recognition of the righteousness of the Democratic posi

tion on this question, but the people cannot safely intrust the executio Tariff. of this important work to a party which is so deeply obligated to th highly protected interests as is the Republican party. We call attentio to the significant faet that the promised relief was postponed until after the comin election-an election to succeed in which the Republican party must have that sam support from the beneficiaries of the high protective tariff as it has always heretofo received from them, and to the further fact that during years of uninterrupted pow no action whatever has been taken by the Republican Congress to correct the a mittedly existing tariff iniquities.

We favor the immediate revision of the tariff by the reduction of import dutie Articles entering into competition with trust-controlled products should be place upon the free list, and material reductions should be made in the tariff upon t necessaries of life, especially upon articles competing with such American manufac ures as are sold abroad more cheaply than at home, and graduate reductions shoul be made in such other schedules as may be necessary to restore the tariff to a revent basis.

Existing duties have given to the manufacturers of paper a shelter behind whic they have organized combinations to raise the price of pulp and of paper, thus im posing a tax upon the spread of knowledge. We demand the immediate repeal the tariff on pulp, print paper, lumber, timber and logs, and that these articles placed upon the free ist. We favor an income tax as part of our revenue system, and we urge the sub mission of a Constitutional amendment specifically authorizing Co Income Tax. gress to levy and collect a tax upon individual and corporate in comes, to the end that wealth may bear its proportionate share the burdens of the Federal Government. A private monopoly is indefensible and intolerable. We therefore favor th vigorous enforcement of the criminal law against guilty trust magnates an officials, and demand the enactment of such additional legislation as ma Trusts. be necessary to make it impossible for a private monopoly to exist in th United States. Among the additional remedies we specify three-first, law preventing a duplication of directors among competing corporations; second, license system, which will, without abridging the right of each state to creat corporations or its right to regulate as it will foreign corporations doing busines within its limits, make it necessary for a manufacturing or trading corporatio engaged in interstate commerce to take out a federal license before it shall permitted to control as much as 25 per cent of the product in which it deals, th license to protect the public from watered stock and to prohibit the control by suc corporation of more than 50 per cent of the total amount of any product consume in the United States, and, third, a law compelling such licensed corporations to se to all purchasers in all parts of the country on the same terms, after making du allowance for cost of transportaion,

We assert the right of Congress to exercise complete control over interstat commerce and the right of each state to exercise like control over commer within its borders. We demand such enlargement of the powers Railroad the Interstate Commerce Commission as may be necessary to comp Regulation. railroads to perform their duties as common carriers and prever discrimination and extortion.

We favor the efficient supervision and rate regulation of railroads engaged interstate commerce; to this end we recommend the valuation of railroads by th Interstate Commerce Commission, such valuation to take into consideration th physical value of the property, the original cost and cost of reproduction and all ele ments of value that will render the valuation made fair and just.

We favor such legislation as will prohibit the railroads from engaging in busines which brings them into competition with their shippers, also legislation which wi assure such reduction in transportation rates as conditions will permit, care bein taken to avoid reductions that would compe' a reduction of wages, prevent adequa service, or do injustice to legitimate investments. We heartily approve the law prohibiting the pass and the rebate, and we favor any further necessary legislatio to restrain, control and prevent such abuses.

We favor such legislation as will increase the power of the Interstate Commer Commission, giving to it the initiative with reference to rates and transportatio charges put into effect by the railroad companies, and permitting the Interstate Com merce Commission, on its own initiative, to declare a rate illegal and as being mo than should be charged for such service; that the present law relating thereto inadequate by reason of the fact that the Interstate Commerce Commission without power to fix or investigate a rate until complaint has been made to it b the shipper.

We further declare that all agreements of traffic or other associations of railws agents affecting interstate rates, service or classification shall be unlawful unle filed with and approved by the Interstate Commerce Commission.

We favor the enactment of a law giving to the Interstate Commerce Commissio the power to inspect proposed railroad tariff rates or schedules before they shall ta effect, and if they be found to be unreasonable to initiate an adjustment thereof. We pledge the Democratic party to the enactment of a law to regulate th rates and services of telegraph and telephone com Telegraph and Telephone. panies engaged in the transmission of messages b tween the States, under the jurisdiction of the Inte state Commerce Commission.

The panic of 1907, coming without any legitimate excuse, when the Republican party had for a decade been in complete control of the federal government, furnishes additional proof that it is either unwilling or incompetent to Banking. protect the interests of the general public. It has so linked the country to Wall Street that the sins of the speculators are visited upon the whole people. While refusing to rescue wealth producers from spoliation at the hands of the stock gamblers and speculators in farm products, it has deposited Treasury funds, without interest and without competition, in favorite banks. It has used an emergency for which it is largely responsible to force through Congress a bill changing the basis of bank currency and inviting market manipulation, and has failed to give to the 15,000,000 depositors of the country protection in their savings. We believe that in so far as the needs of commerce require an emergency currency such currency should be issued, controlled by the federal government, and loaned on adequate security to national and state banks. We pledge ourselves to legislation under which the national banks shall be required to establish a guarantee fund for the prompt payment of the depositors of any insolvent national bank under an equitble system which shall be available to all state banking institutions which wish to use it.

We favor a postal savings bank if the guaranteed bank cannot be secured, and that it be constituted so as to keep the deposited money in the communities where It is established. But we condemn the policy of the Republican party in proposing postal savings banks under a plan of conduct by which they will aggregate the deposits of rural communities and redeposit the same while under government charge in the banks of Wall Stret, thus depleting the circulating medium of the producing regions and unjustly favoring the speculative markets.

The courts of justice are the bulwark of our liberties, and we yield to none in our purpose to maintain their dignity. Our party has given to the bench a long line of distinguished judges, who have added to the respect and conLabor and fidence in which this department must be jealously maintained. We Injunctions. resent the attempt of the Republican party to raise issues respecting the judiciary. It is an unjust reflection upon a great body of our citizens to assume that they lack respect for the courts.

It is the function of the courts to interpret the laws which the people create, and if the laws appear to work economic, social or political injustice it is our duty to change them. The only basis upon which the integrity of our courts can stand is that of unswerving justice and protection of life, personal liberty and property. judicial processes may be abused, we should guard them against abuse.


Experience has proved the necessity of a modification of the present law relating to injunctions, and we reiterate the pledge of our national platforms of 1896 and 1904 in favor of the measure which passed the United States Senate in 1896, but which a Republican Congress has ever since refused to enact, relating to contempts in federal courts and providing for trial by jury in cases of indirect contempt.

Questions of judicial practice have arisen, especially in connection with industrial disputes. We deem that the parties to all judicial proceedings should be treated with rigid impartiality, and that injunctions should not be issued in any cases in which Injunctions would not issue if no industrial dispute were involved.

The expanding organization of industry makes it essential that there should be no abridgement of the right of wage earners and producers to organize for the protection of wages and the improvement of labor conditions, to the end that such labor organizations and their members should not be regarded as illegal combinations in restraint of trade.

We favor the eight-hour day on all government work.

We pledge the Democratic party to the enactment of a law by Congress, as far as the federal jurisdiction extends, for a general employers' liability act, covering Injury to body or loss of life of employes.

We pledge the Demcoratic party to the enactment of a law creating a Department of Labor, represented separately in the President's Cabinet, which department shall include the subject of mines and mining.

We condemn the experiment in imperialism as an inexcusable blunder, which has involved us in an enormous expense, brought us weakness instead of strength, and laid our Nation open to the charge of abandoning a fundaThe Philippines. mental doctrine of self-government. We favor an immediate declaration of the Nation's purpose to recognize the independence of the Philippine Islands as soon as a stable government can be established, such independence to be guaranteed by us as we guarantee the independence of Cuba until the neutralization of the islands can be secured by treaty with other powers. In recognizing the independence of the Philippines our government should retain such land as may be necessary for ccaling stations and naval bases.

Water furnishes the cheapest means of transportation, and the National Government, having the control of navigable waters, should improve them to their fullest capacity. We earnestly favor the immediate adoption of a Waterways. liberal and comprehensive plan for improving every watercourse in the Union, which is justified by the needs of commerce, and to secure that end we favor, when practicable, the connection of the great lakes with the navigable rivers and with the Gulf through the Mississippi River, and the navigable rivers with each other, and the rivers, bays and sounds of our coasts with each other by artificial canals, with a view to perfecting a system of inland waterways, to be navigated by vessels of standard draught.

We favor the co-ordination of the various services of the Government connecte with waterways, in one service, for the purpose of aiding in the completion of suc a system of inland waterways; and we favor the creation of a fund ample for con tinuous work. which shall be conducted under the direction of a commission of ex perts to be authorized by law.

The Navy.

their rights may be in jeopardy.

We believe in the upbuilding of the American and mer Merchant Marine. chant marine without new or additional burdens upon th people and without bounties from the public Treasury. The constitutional provision that a navy shall be provided and maintaine means an adequate navy, and we believe that the interests of thi country would be best served by having a navy sufficient to defen the coasts of this country, and protect American citizens whereve We pledge ourselves to insist upon the just and lawful protection of our cit zens at home and abroad, and to use all proper methods to secure for them, whethe native born or naturalized, and without distinction of rac Protection of or creed, the equal protection of law and the enjoyment of a American Citizens. rights and privileges open to them under our treaty; and i under existing treaties, the right of travel and sojourn denied to American citizens or recognition is withheld from American passports b any countries on the ground of race or creed, we favor prompt negotiations with th governments of such countries to secure the removal of these unjust discriminations. We demand that all over the world a duly authorized passport issued by th government of the United States to an American citizen shall be proof of the fa that he is an American citizen and shall entitle him to the treatment due him such.

We believe that where an American citizen holding a patent in a foreig country is compelled to manufacture under his patent withi Foreign Patents. a certain time, similar restrictions should be applied in th country to the citizens or subjects of such a country,

Civil Service.

The laws pertaining to the Civil Service should be honestly an rigidly enforced to the end that merit and ability shall be th standard of appointment and promotion rather than services ren

dered to a political party. Pensions.

We favor a generous pension policy, both as a matter of justice t the surviving veterans and their dependents, and because it tends t relieve the country of the necessity of maintaining a large standing arm] We advocate the organization of all existing national public health agencie into a national bureau of public health, with such power over sanitary conditior connected with factories, mines, tenements, child labor, and suc Health Bureau. other subjects as are properly within the jurisdiction of th Federal Government and do not interfere with the power of th

states controlling public health agencies.

Agricultural and

Mechanical Education.

chanical colleges in the several states.


Arizona and
New Mexico.


The Democratic party favors the extension of agr cultural, mechanical and industrial education. We ther fore favor the establishment of district agricultural e periment stations, the secondary agricultural and m We welcome Oklahoma to the sisterhood of states, an heartily congratulate her on the auspicious beginning of a grea The National Democratic Party has for the last sixteen years labored for th admission of Arizona and New Mexico as separate states of th Federal Union, and, recognizing that each possesses every qualifica tion to successfully maintain separate state governments, we favo the immediate admission of those territories as separate states. We demand for the people of Alaska and Porto Rico the full enjoyment of th rights and privileges of a territorial form of govern Alaska and Porto Rico. ment. The officials appointed to administer the govern ment of all our territories and the District of Columbi should be thoroughly qualified by previous bona-fide residence. We favor the application of principles of land laws of the United States t our newly acquired territory, Hawaii, to the end that the publi lands of that territory may be held and utilized for the benefit of bona fide homesteaders.


Post Roads.

We favor Federal aid to state and local authorities in the con struction and maintenance of post roads.

We repeat the demand for internal development and for the conservation our natural resources contained in previous platforms, the enforcement of whic Mr. Roosevelt has vainly sought from a reluctant party, an Natural Resources. to that end we insist upon the preservation, protection an replacement of needed forests, the preservation of the publi domain for homeseekers, the protection of the national resources in timber, coal iron and oil against monopolistic control, the development of our waterways fo navigation and every other useful purpose, including the irrigation of arid lands, th reclamation of swamp lands, the clarification of streams, the development of wate power, and the preservation of electric power generated by this natural force from

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