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Mr. Thompson, from the Committee on Resolutions, presented the following, which were severally disposed of as indicated:*

Resolved, That the thanks of the California State Teachers' Institute be tendered to the California Steam Navigation Company; to the Sacramento Valley Railroad Company; to the Agents of the steamer "Petaluma ;" to the Agents of the steamer "Princess;" to the Agents of the Suisun steamer "C. N. Webber ;" to the Agents of the steamer "Rambler;" to Messrs. Vogan & Green, of Sacramento; to Messrs. Dooly & Company, of Stockton; and to Messrs. Hall & Randall, of Sacramento, for their liberality and courtesy in giving free passes over their lines to the members of this Institute.


[EDITOR'S NOTE.-The above resolution was evidenty designed by the Committee on Resolutions to name all the lines from which courtesies had been received; but if, in any instance, other lines have also given free passes to the members, let it be understood the Institute desired to include them also in the thanks hereby offered.]

Resolved, That the hearty thanks of the Institute be tendered to Messrs. Dyer & Hardenburg, proprietors of the "Russ House," in San Francisco, for their generous hospitality in extending a free table to the members of this Institute, regardless of numbers; and that it is the hope of the Institute that the pockets of Messrs. Dyer & Hardenburg may be as well filled as their hotel has been during the week now closing.


Resolved, That the thanks of the Institute be tendered to the proprietors of the "What Cheer House," of the "International Hotel," of the "American Exchange," and of the "Tehama House," for courtesies extended to members of the Institute.


Resolved, That the thanks of the Institute be returned to Roman & Co., to H. H. Bancroft & Co., and to Kenney & Alexander, for their liberality in furnishing books, maps, charts, and School apparatus to the Institute for examination.

Resolved, That the cordial thanks of the Institute be tendered to the Mercantile Library Association, the San Francisco Olympic Club, and the Academy of Natural Sciences, for their courteous invitations extended to the Institute members.


Resolved, That the heartfelt thanks of the Institute be returned to the School Trus

*These resolutions were not presented as a whole, but as suitable ones were offered to the Committee they were passed up one by one, with their indorsement, to be acted upon by the Institute.

tees of all those numerous districts who have placed their Teachers under pay during the week of the Institute.


Resolved, That we regard our system of Free Public Schools as the palladium of our liberties, and the surest safeguard of our National Government.


Resolved, That our Public Schools have not only disseminated useful knowledge among the people, but have proved themselves to be the grand nurseries of patriotism.


Resolved, That we, Teachers in the Public Schools of this State, regard it as a sacred duty and a welcome task, to instil in the minds and hearts of the young an undying love for their country, and an unwavering devotion to our National flag.


Resolved, That the Teachers of our country who are battling for the unity and perpetuity of our National Government, are entitled to all honor, and we bid them Godspeed in the work of suppressing a rebellion which is opposed alike to the cause of popular education and the spirit of modern civilization.


Resolved, That on the last School day preceding the Twenty-Second of February, and also on the Fourth of July, we read, annually, to our Schools," Washington's Farewell Address," and the " Declaration of Independence."


Resolved, That the thanks of Teachers and all other friends of education in this State are due the members of our last Legislature for their not illiberal appropriations for the support of Public Schools, and their favorable legislation in regard to our general School interests.


Resolved, That the history of the present war has demonstrated the necessity of having military tactics taught in the Public Schools wherever it may be found practicable.


Resolved, That this Institute most urgently request the next Legislature of this State to make an appropriation of at least three thousand dollars for defraying the current expenses of our next State Teachers' Institute.


Resolved, That the School officers of this State, who may allow compensation to

Teachers during their attendance at this Institute, be considered as Educational Reformers, and be entitled to the thanks of all friends of our Public Schools.


Resolved, That it is the sense of this Institute that, in connection with the art of penmanship, the elements of bookkeeping and business forms should form an essential branch of study in all our Common Schools.


WHEREAS, We believe the State Normal School to be one of the necessities of our State, and that its efficiency for the end designed is our only hope of continued or increased support from the State; and whereas, we believe it has not thus far received a proper encouragement from Teachers

Resolved, That it is the imperative duty of all Teachers and School officers to use their efforts to secure the maximum attendance allowed by law from every county of the State.


Resolved, That while we, as Teachers, strive to educate and cultivate the minds and the bodies of our pupils, we should give great importance and constant attention to the cultivation of the affections and moral capacities of their hearts.


Resolved, That we, the Teachers representing the different portions of the State in this Institute, cordially and sincerely tender our thanks to the Teachers of San Francisco, for their courtesies extended to us during our sojourn in the city.


Resolved, That the cordial thanks of this Institute be tendered the public lecturers before this Institute; and also to our Superintendent of Public Instruction, for the able, impartial, and energetic manner in which he has presided over our deliberations. Adopted.


Mr. Collins was introduced as the Superintendent of Public Instruction from Nevada Territory. He said he had been called upon by surprise, but was happy to inform them that the people of Nevada were earnestly interested in their Public Schools. The Chair was wrong in alluding to him as Superintendent of Nevada. He had not that honor, but represented Storey County, which embraced more than half of the wealth, as well as the children, of the Territory. They had Schools in the county that they felt very proud of, which took first rank outside of San Francisco, and it was their aim to make them equal to San Francisco. They meant to aim high, let the arrow fall

where it may. Their School Tax under the law of last winter would produce thirty-five thousand dollars or forty thousand dollars. In Virginia City there were three Schools-one Grammar School, and two Primaries—each large enough to give another grade. Mr. Melville, Principal of the Grammar School, was present. Two Institutes were required to be held in the year, and the salaries of Teachers were continued during the time these Institutes were in session. "Good pay and good teaching" was their motto. The general feeling was that the Schools should be Free and independent of rate bills. Although their Institutes could never be attended by many, there was a large amount of educational talent afloat in the Territory. Persons with families had no need of holding back from coming there in consequence of the absence of educational facilities. One of the best things that this Institute had done for them, and for Oregon and Washington as well, was the establishment of the California Teacher. It would benefit not only Teachers, but scholars, parents, and School Trustees. He hoped sincerely it would succeed. [Applause.]

The President said as they had now listened to the head of the School System in Nevada, he trusted the Institute would also be favored with some remarks from a high private who had subscribed twenty-five dollars for the Teacher. He called upon Mr. Melville.

Mr. Melville said he duly appreciated the compliment, but he begged to be excused, as Mr. Collins had given so full a report. The President insisted upon a short speech. [Applause.]

Mr. Melville said he felt amply repaid for the tediousness of the journey hither by the benefits he had derived from his attendance upon the Institute. Although he had been engaged in the East as a Teacher for some ten or twelve years, most of the time in Connecticut, he had nowhere met with so hearty co-operation and such wholesale encouragement as from the patrons of Public Schools and the friends of education in Nevada Territory. Their prospects were exceedingly flattering. It was at first apprehended that there might be difficulty in the discipline of those rough boys from across the Plains, who had been some time away from School; but he felt satisfaction in being able to state that he had succeeded in keeping a good healthy discipline without resorting, in a single instance, to corporal punishment. [Applause.]


On motion of Mr. Sparrow Smith, the name of J. C. Pelton was added to the list of Contributing Editors of the California Teacher, to represent San Francisco.

The President stated that Mr. Smith, who was on the Managing Committee, was perfectly insatiable in the matter of the educational journal. He was very much like the half starved boy, Oliver Twist, who was always asking for more. [Laughter.] He therefore suggested that a ten dollar subscription be started immediately after the adjournment. Mr. Tait, he said, headed the list with ten dollars, and the Secretary was authorized to add the name of the President of the Convention for ten dollars.

A large number followed the example of Messrs. Tait and Swett, without waiting till after the adjournment. The names given in were as follows, for.

[blocks in formation]

GEORGE TAIT, City Superintendent, E. J. SHELLHOUS, Placer County.

San Francisco.

JOHN SWETT, Superintendent of Public
Instruction, San Francisco.

J. E. STEVENS, County Superintendent,
Sutter County.

SPARROW SMITH, Sacramento.
ROBERT THOMPSON, County Superin-
tendent, Calaveras County.
JAMES STRATTON, San Francisco.
J. C. PELTON, San Francisco.
T. J. ALLEY, Sonoma County.

A. H. GOODRICH, County Superintend-
ent, Placer County.

S. A. WHITE, San Francisco.
ROBERT DESTY, Shasta County.
ELLIS H. HOLMES, San Francisco.
AHIRA HOLMES, San Francisco.
C. S. PEASE, County Superintendent,
Tuolumne County.

W. C. CROOK, County Superintendent,
San Mateo County.

T. S. MYRICK, San Francisco.
M. A. LYNDE, County Superintendent,
El Dorado County.

H. P. STONE, Santa Cruz County.
Miss NELLIE D. SKINNER, Santa Clara

Mrs. A. A. HASKELL, Sonoma County.
JOHN GRAHAM, Tuolumne County.
B. MARKS, San Francisco.
JOHN A. COLLINS, County Superintend-
ent, Storey County, Nevada Territory.

Nevada Territory.

Mrs. L. A. CLAPP, San Francisco.
Miss M. A. E. PHILLIPS, San Francisco.
G. W. BONNELL, San Francisco.
G. W. MINNS, San Francisco.

JOSEPH HOLDEN, San Joaquin County. SAMUEL I. C. SWEZEY, San Francisco.

Mr. Pelton said he was authorized to pledge one hundred dollars to the fund in case no advertisements were attached to the covers. [Applause.] The offer came from a very responsible house in this city.

Mr. Sparrow Smith said that Mr. Collins, of Nevada Territory, had offered to hold himself responsible for a large pro

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