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now invested, I appoint you a Provost and Judge over all the workmen and their works of the temple; and, as such, I ornament you with this golden key, suspended to a red ribbon, which you are to wear as a collar. Your apron is lined with the same colour, as an emblem of the ardour and zeal of the masters. The pocket in the middle is intended to keep the keys of the plans. The sign of this degree is to carry the two first fingers of the right hand to the lips, the thumb under the chin forming a square. The pass-word is Tito!-The token is, to enterlace the little finger, of each others right-hand, and, with the middle finger, to strike each other on the palm of the hand seven times.-The words are seven fold Civi, Ky, Jua, Stolkin, Hiram, Geometras, Architect and Xinxy.-The grand word is Jachinai. On the flap of the apron a key is painted, being the Jewel of this degree. Catechism.

Q. Are you a Provost and Judge.

A. I distribute justice to all workmen impartially.

Q. How did you gain admittance into the lodge of Provost and Judge.

A By striking four knocks quick and one slow.

Q. What do you mean by four quick and one slow.

A. The four first are emblematical of the four fronts of the Temple and the fifth of the unity of God, whose temple it is, and to whom we owe homage.

Q. What did you meet with on your entrance.

A. A warden who conducted me to the west part of the lodge.

Q. Then what became of you.

A. The Senior Warden made me kneel on my knee and pronounce the word Civi.

Q. What answer did the illustrious master make you.

A. He pronounced the word Ky.

Q. What did the Thrice Puissant do next.

A. He constituted me Provost and Judge.

Q. What did he give you.

A. A golden key to distinguish me as a member of this degree, and with it a sign, token and word, by which I am known. Q. What is the use of the key.

A. To open a small ebony box, where all the plans for the construction of the temple are kept.

Q. What do you mean by this.

A. I mean that we are only entrusted with a secret to know where the heart of our respectable Hiram Abiff is deposited. Q. What is your

A. Tito.


Q. What does it signify.

A. It was the name of the first grand warden, He was a

Prince of Harodim, the oldest of the Provosts and Judges, and Inspector of the three hundred architects of the temple.

Q. What was the intention of Solomon in creating this degree.

A. It was necessary to establish order and regularity among such a number of workmen. For this purpose, Solomon created Tito Prince of Harodim*, Adoniram was created chief of the Provosts and Judges, and the King's favourite, Jeabert, was theninitiated into the mysteries of this degree. To him the key was given, to open the ebony box, that contained all the plans of the buildings, such as you have in the degree of secret master.

This box was hung under a rich canopy. Joabert was so much struck with admiration, that he fell on his knees and pronounced the word Civi. Solomon seeing him in his attitude, pronounced the word Ky, and then put the seals into his hand, by which his knowledge daily increased..

Q. What did you perceive in the lodge.

A. A fringed curtain with a canopy under it, to which was suspended the ebony box containing the plans.

Q. Did you see anything else.

A. A pair of scales, which are the emblems of rectitude, with which we should execute the duties of this degree, as we are appointed Judges to decide all disputes that may occur among the workmen of the temple.

Q. Where is his heart interred.

A. In a golden urn, which is shut up in the obelisk.

Q. What means the two letters X and I, which appear in this draft.

A. Xinxy and Jachinai. The first signifies the seat of the soul, and the second is one of the names of the grand architect of the universe.

Q. What means the letters I. H. S.

A. The letter I, signifies Jua. The H signifies Hiram, King of Tyre. And the S signifies Stolkin, the name of him who found the body of Hiram Abiff under the sprig of Cassia.

Q. What do the letters M. B. mean.

A. Mahabone, who found the Jewel of our respectable master, Hiram Abiff.

Q. Where were you placed.

A. In the middle chamber.

Q. Have you done any remarkable work, since you have been Provost and Judge.

A. I have ornamented the tomb of the respectable Hiram Abiff.

* As Harodim is a mountain in Scotland, how would Solomon know any thing about it? And what honour to be prince of such a mountain? The plans, scenery, anachronisms and dramatic arrangements of this masonry are contemptible and detestable. R. C.

Q. With what did the Thrice Illustrious and Puissant Master ornament you, when you were received into this degree.

A. With a white apron, lined with red, upon which were white and red roses, and a pocket in the middle of it.

Q: What is the intention of the pocket.

A. The eldest of the Provosts and Judges made use of it, to put the plans in which he communicated to the master, who drew them out on the tressel board.

Q. What do white and red roses mean.

A. The red is an emblem of the blood spilt from the respectable master, Hiram Abiff; and the white denotes the candour and fidelity of the masters.

Q. How old are you.

Form of closing.

A. Four times sixteen.

Q. From whence came you.

A. I come and go every where.

Q. What is the clock.

A. Break of day eight, two, seven o'clock.

Q. Why so.

A. Because a Perfect Master or Provost and Judge should be every where at all times or hours, so as to be at hand to administer justice.

The master, wardens. and all the brethren strike four quick and one slow, and the lodge is closed,


THE origin of this degree is deduced from the tower of Babel, or from a son of Noah.-The officers are,

1st. A Grand Commander,

2nd. A Knight of Introduction.

3rd. A Knight of Eloquence.

4th. A Knight of Finances.

5th. A Knight of Chancery, and

6th. A Knight of Defence.

The members are denominated Knights or Prussian Masons. The mysteries for the initiation are only to be celebrated when the moon is at its full. None to be admitted but Masons.-At the time of the crusades, the Knights of various nations were confederated in Palestine and mutually communicated their secrets in masonry. The Prussian Knights initiated the Christian Princes and their attendants who were Masons.

The apartment in which the reception takes place must not * It happens that no such a country as Prussia or people as Prussians were known at that time. As a nation, they are of modern origin. Nothing can equal, for ignorance, the ignorant historical blunders of these R. C.



be in a confined situation, as the only light permitted is from the The members of this degree wear their swords, apron and gloves trimmed with yellow, and their Jewels pendant by a black ribbon to a button of their waistcoats. The form is triangular and an arrow with its point towards the earth is the symbol. The members should be ranged on each side forming an avenue. The grand Commander in the front facing the moon.

The Chapter opened by the G. C. striking thrice with the blade of his sword and returning it to the scabbard. He then raises his hands towards the moon, the brethren doing the same, and, in this posture, declares that the Chapter is lighted. The Knights examine the drawing until the candidate is properly prepared for introduction. He is to be uncovered, without a sword, and to wear a white apron and gloves. The drawing is to be divided into two apartments. The ground of one is blue, a silver moon and golden stars are to be depicted on it. The other is black, with a triangle and a golden arrow delineated.

he knight of Introduction, who precedes the candidate, strikes thriee; and the Knight of Defence, whose department it is to take care of the avenues, announces him by one on the inside, opens the door and demands the secret of the order, which is delivered and reported to the Grand Commander; who replies.The worthy knight is at liberty to enter, if he be alone; but if accompanied, it remains for him to be acquainted with the motives that induce his companion to wish for admittance. This is an

swered, that it is a master who is desirous of being admitted a Prussian Mason.-G. C. Let him enter and be examined.-The Knights draw their swords and present the points to the candidate.

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G. C. I declare, brave knights, that he is worthy of your countenance, Give me your assent, (which is done). Brother Noodle, will you renounce pride all the days of your life.

Noodle. I promise so to do.

G. C. Example is far superior to precept, commence your career with an act of humility.

Noodle is led to the Feet of the Grand Commander, by three reverences on his left knee, and being prostrate before him, is commanded to kiss the pommel of his sword. Before he is permitted to rise, the Knight of Eloquence addresses him on the subject of vanity and draws his conclusions on the evil consequences attending it from the example of Peleg and Solomon.

G. C. Do you promise upon the faith of a mason, to keep the secrets with which I shall entrust you, on the conditions, first, that you will never reveal to any of the children of Adam, the mysteries of our order :-second, that you will associate with us in future: third, that you will never suffer at the peril of your life any man to wear the Jewel of this order, unless he makes himself known to you as a Prussian Mason.

Noodle. Lengage myself to fulfil the prescribed conditions. G. C. Knight of Eloquence, you are at liberty to make known the history of our excellent order.

K. E. To every Prussian Mason be it known, notwithstanding the recent vengeance which the Deity had taken upon mankind for their iniquities by causing a universal deluge, notwithstanding the Deity had given the rainbow as a sign of reconciliation, vouchsafing that favour had declared, that the world should not be again destroyed by waters, that the descendants of Noah, from their want of faith in the divine prediction, being apprehensive of a second deluge, said:-Let us build a city whose top may reach the heavens, and let us make a name lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the earth. To accomplish their designs, they began to erect a high tower in the plain of Shinar; but this enterprize being displeasing in the eyes of their maker, as tending to frustrate or delay the execution of his design, that mankind should not always continue together, he obliged them to discontinue the project, by confounding their language, so that one could not understand another. From this circumstance, the city took its name of Babel, which signifies confusion: and a dispersion of the people and a planting of nations ensued. It was on the night of the full moon that the Lord worked this wonder, in remembrance of which, the Noahites hold their lodges at this season. The architect was named Peleg. At least, it was he who gave the idea of this building. As a punishment for his contumacy and the presumption of his brethren, he was deprived his speech; and to avoid the outrages of his companions, who considered him as the cause of the failure of their design, he travelled into countries remote from Shinar, and from thence only by moonlight, as he was fearful of massacre if his person were recognized. His place of retirement was Prussia, where, having erected a triangular dwelling, he, by humiliation and contrition for the part he had taken in the plain of Shinar, obtained remission for his sins and had his speech restored to him. This dwelling of Peleg's was discovered fifteen cubits deep from the surface of the earth, in the year 553. In it was found a stone of white marble, on which was inscribed the particulars I have related in the Hebrew tongue, and adjacent was the following epitaph :-Here repose the ashes of the Grand Architect of the Tower of Babel. The Lord had pity on him because he became humble.

Thus we communicate our grand secret to you, unknown to every one but ourselves. We entrust it to you with pleasure. Misfortune to you, if you are weak enough to transcribe it. Be circumspect and for that purpose, practise humility after the example of our grand architect.

The knights sheath their swords and Noodle is invested with his. The Jewel is tied to the button of his waistcoat. His apron

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