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Twenty-Third Annual Meeting

of the

New York State Bar Association

At Albany

Tuesday and Wednesday, Jan. 16 and 17, 1900

WALTER S. LOGAN, President.


L. B. PROCTOR, Cor. Secretary.

HENRY A. PECKHAM, Treasurer.

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Tuesday, January 16, 1900 (afternoon).

The meeting will be called to order on Tuesday, January 16, 1900, at two o'clock in the afternoon, by Walter S. Logan, Esq., President, in the Common Council Chamber in the City Hall, Albany, N. Y.


-The Very Rev. Wilford L. Robbins, Dean of All Saints Cathedral.

Annual Address of the President - Subject," The Limitation of Inheritances."

The order of business will then be proceeded with as laid down in subdivision II, of the by-laws, as follows:

I. Reading of the minutes of the preceding meeting.
Nominations for membership.


3. Report of Executive Committee.

4. Report of Treasurer.

5. Report of Committee on Admissions.

6. Election of members.

7. Election of officers.


Reports of other standing committees. 9. Reports of other special committees.

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Among the questions up for discussion by the members will be the following, proposed by the Committee on Law Reform, in connection with the report of the committee:

First Is it desirable that the Northern District of New York be divided and an additional Federal district created?

Second-What action should be taken by this Association with reference to the present condition of statutory revision?

Third-What method should be adopted to obtain proper consideration by the Bar of the State of the proposed revision of the Code prepared by the Statutory Revision Commission?

At six o'clock P. M. the meeting will adjourn to meet in the Assembly Chamber, Capitol, at eight P. M., to listen to the anniversary address.

Tuesday, 8 P. M. (Assembly Chamber, Capitol).

Music Parlati's Orchestra.

Anniversary Address "The Liberty of the Press," Mr. Justice Brown, of the Supreme Court of the United States.

Music Parlati's Orchestra.

9.30 P. M.- Reception to Mr. Justice Brown at the Fort Orange Club.

Wednesday Morning, January 17, 1900.

The Association will meet in the Common Council Chamber in the City Hall, at IO A. M.

Order of business according to by-laws.

During the progress of the meeting the following papers will be read:

Hon. James Alston Cabell, of the Bar of Richmond, Va.; subject, "The Trial of Aaron Burr."

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Hon. Felix Brannigan, of the Department of Justice, Washington, D. C.; subject, " On the Legal Aspects of the Philippine Question."

Professor E. W. Huffcut, of the College of Law, Cornell University, on " Constitutional Aspects of the Federal Control of Corporations."

Wilbur Larremore, Esq., of the New York Bar, on the "Constitutional Regulation of Contempt of Court."

Simon Fleischmann, Esq., of the Buffalo Bar, on "A Correct Basis for Corporate Taxation."

Walter S. Jenkins, Esq., of the Buffalo Bar, on “Taxable Transfers, Inter Vivos."

Professor Charles F. Bostwick, of the University Law School, New York city, on “Corporate Finance in Law."

J. Newton Fiero, Esq., "On the Taxation of Corporate Franchises."

7.30 P. M.-Annual banquet of the Association, held at the Ten Eyck.


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