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vacancies in the offices both of Prefident and Vice-Prefident," it is provided, That electors fhall be appointed in each state for the election of a Prefident and Vice-Prefident of the United States, within thirty-four days preceding the first Wednesday of December, one thoufand feven hundred and ninetytwo, and within thirty four days preceding the first Wednesday of December in every fourth year fucceeding the last election. And whereas, The time within which the appointment of electors is to be made, and their votes given, is too short to admit of their being chofen by the people of this ftate: Therefore,

I. Be it enacted by the people of the fate of New-York, reprefented in fenate and affembly, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the fame, That electors fhall be appointed in this ftate, for the election of a Said electors how to Prefident and Vice-Prefident of the United States, in the be appointed in this state. manner provided by the conftitution of this state for appointment of delegates to reprefent this ftate in the then general congrefs of the United States of America, and that the legiflature fhall When appointed, meet for that purpofe on the firft Tuesday of November next, and the electors fhall meet and give their votes at the court houfe at Poughkeepfie, in Dutchefs county, at the time and in the manner directed in and by the faid act of congrefs, and then and there do, execute, and perform every act, matter, and thing neceffary to be done by them by virtue of the faid act.

and where to meet to execute their duties.

from the four great

II. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Said electors to be That the electors, chofen as aforefaid, fhall be taken from taken in proportion, as nearly as may be, the four great diftricts of this ftate, as near as may be, in the diftricts of this state. following proportion, that is to fay-At and after the rate of four from the fouthern, three from the middle, three from the western, and three from the eaftern diftrict, which shall continue to be the ratio until another cenfus fhall be taken under the authority of this ftate.

electors are appoint


III. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, Governor, after the That the perfon adminiftring the government of this ftate, ed, to notify them for the time being, immediately after an appointment of immediately of fuch electors, as aforefaid, fhall, by exprefs, at the expence of this ftate, caufe notice of fuch appointment to be given to each of the perfons fo appointed, and fhall alfo, on or before the day of meeting of the electors, caufe fuch lifts of the names of the electors to be delivered to them, as is directed by the faid act of congrefs.

Prefident fhall hap

IV. And be it further enacted by the authority afore aid, When an extraor- That whenever an election of a Prefident and Vice-Prefident dinary election for Prefident and Vice- fhall become neceffary, prior to the ordinary period, the pen, Governor to call perfon adminiftring the government of this ftate, for the the legislature to ap- time being, fhall, by proclamation, convene the legislature of this ftate on the firft Tuesday of November thereafter, in order that electors may be appointed for the purpose.

point electors.


An ACT for the Relief of the Indians refiding in New-Stockbridge and

Paffed 12th April, 1792.

E it enacted by the people of the State of New-York, reprefented in jenate
a daffembly, and it is hereby enaced by the authority of the fume,
That it fhall and may be lawful for the male Indians refiding in and being
inhabitants of New-Stockbridge, above the age of twenty-one years, on the
first Tuesday in May next, and on the first Tuesday of May in every year
thereafter, during the continuance of this act, to meet together, and by a plu-
rality of votes to choose a clerk, whofe bufinefs fhall be to prefide at fuch
meetings and to enter into a book by him to be kept for that purpofe, fuch
proceedings of the faid meetings as are by this act directed.

II. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful for the faid Indians fo affembled, to elect a perfon to be called a Marshal, whofe business it fhall be to execute the orders of the peace makers herein after directed to be chofen.

III. And be it further enalled by the authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful for the faid Indians fo affembled, annually to choose three perfons to be called Peace Makers, whose business it fhall be to lay out fuch parcel or parcels of land as shall be agreed on by a plurality of votes at any fuch meeting for the feparate improvement of each perfon or family, to be by the faid peace makers marked and described, and a description thereof made in writing by them, and delivered to the clerk, who is to enter the fame in his faid book,

The land allotted to

each perfon to remain to him and his legal reprefentatives.

IV. And be it further enacled by the authority aforefaid, That each perfon, having a feparate improvement allotted to him or her as aforefaid, the same shall be and remain, to fuch perfon or perfons and their legal reprefentatives without the power of alienation, and the perfon or perfons fo poflefled, may bring and maintain an action for any trefpafs committed on fuch poffeffion by any white man, Indian, or any other person whomsoever.

bring fuits for tref

V. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, Peace makers may That it fhall and may be lawful for the faid peace makers, paffes, in their own to bring actions in their own name for trefpafles committed land in New Stock- On any of the undivided lands in New Stockbridge aforefaid, bridge not particular and not by them allotted by particular perfons as aforesaid,

names on any of the

ly allotted by them. before any court of juftice having cognizance of the fame against any white perfon, Indian, or other perfon whomfoever.

habitant to come be

any treipals, debt or

VI. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, May caufe any in- That it fhall and may be lawful for the faid peace makers, on Fore them to aniwer complaint made to them by any Indian, being an inhabitant demand, give judg. Of the faid towns, against any fuch inhabitant, for any trefment thereon, &c. pass, debt or demand, the faid peace makers fhall direct the marfhal to caufe the parties to come before them with their witneffes, and after having heard them, fhall give judgment according to the beft of their underftanding, and fhall advife the parties to comply with their faid judgment, but in cafe they, or either of them, fhall neglect or refufe fo to do, the faid peace makers shall then commit their faid judgment to writing, and caufe the fame to be entered in the town book aforefaid, and the party in whofe favor fuch judgment fhall be given, may recover the fame as a judgment of record in any court having cognizance of the fame: Provided, That no fuch judgment fhall exceed the fum of five pounds.

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My call meetings

of the habitants, for

outhlands for Leparate improvement.

VII. And be it further enadled by the authority aforefaid, the purple of laying That it shall and may be lawful for the faid peace makers, as often as they fhall judge it neceflary, to call a meeting of the faid inhaitants, at fuch time and place as they shail direct, for the purpofe of determining on the laying out of the lands for Aparate improvements, or any other business which they may judge necedary in purfuance of this act."

The faid inhabit

ants inay, by a rajo

rity of votes, admit

any Indians of other

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VIII. And be it further enacled by the authority aforesaid, That it fhall and may be lawful for the faid inhabitants, at any of their faid public meetings, by a majority of votes, to tries to refide among admit any Indian or Indians of any other tribe or nation to become an inhabitant or inhabitants of the said town,to enjoy equal priviledges with the other Indians of the fame town, the votes refpecting the admiffion of fuch perfon or perfons to be first entered in the clerk's book. IX. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, Any Indian may fell That it fall and may be lawful for any inhabitant, havthe land allotted to ing lands allotted to him or her as aforefaid, to fell the im hm to any other Indian. provement thereof to any other Indian or Indians, and his or her affigns, being Indians of the faid town, which fales fhall be entered in the clerk's book of the faid town.

improvement on

out the roads in fuid

the inhabitants. to

X. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Peace-makers to lay That the faid peace-makers fhall lay out fuch roads or Towns, and to order highways in the faid town as a majority of the inhabitants work on then. at any of their public meetings fhall direct; and to order fuch of the inhabitants of the faid town, and fo many of them, from time to time, to work on the roads or highways, and for fo many days as fhall be directed by a majority as aforefaid at a public meeting. XI. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That any two of the faid peace-makers fhall be a quorum to tranfact any bufines enjoined on them by this act,

XII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful for the faid inhabitants of Brother-Town, by a majority of votes, to adjourn their annual meetings, from time to time, as they may judge proper.

XIII. And be it further enadled by the authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful for fuch juftice of the peace of the county of Herkemer, as the inhabitants of New-Stockbridge fhall invite, to prefide at their firft meeting to be held in pursuance of this act.

act or the relief of

XIV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, Part of a certain That the act entitled, "An act for the relief of the Indians tid Indians repealed. refiding in Brother-Town and New-Stockbridge," fo far as the fame relates to the faid Indians refiding in New-Stockbridge, excepting the laft claufe, be, and the fame is hereby repealed.

move all white per

in fuch manner as

XV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Governor to re- That it fhall be, and it is hereby made the duty of his Exfons from faid town, cellency the Governor, by fuch ways and means as he shall he may think pro- judge proper, to remove all fuch white perfons from Brother-Town, who refide and hold lands there by any lease or leafes, or other title from any Indian or Indians, other than fuch leafes as have been or hereafter fhall be made in pursuance of the feveral laws of this flate.


Land office to caufe Brother Town to be fur veyed.

XVI. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the commiffioners of the land-office fhall give the neceflary directions for running out the bounds of Brother-Town at the expence of this state.


An ACT for the Relief of Mary Heathcote Muirfon.

Pafled 12th April, 1792. HEREAS Mary Heathcote Muirfon, the daughter of George Muirfon, late of Suffolk county, Efquire, hath, by her petition fet forth, that The has reafon to believe, that fome part of her late father's eftate, the whole of which was forfeited to, and became vetted in the people of this flate, hath not been accounted for at the treatury of this ftate; and in her faid petition did pray that she might be enabled by law, to fue for and recover the fame to her own use; Therefore,

All the eftate of

feited, which has not been accounted for at

ed to be vented in faid


Be it enacted by the people of the fate of New-York, represented in fenate and affembly, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the fume, That all the eftate, real and perfonal, both in law and equity, ciGeorge Muirion for ther in poffeflion, reverfion, or remainder of George Muirfon, late of Suffolk county, Efquire, which was forfeited to the treasury, declar and became vefted in the people of this ftate by virtue of the Mary Heathcote Muir act, entitled, "An act for the forfeiture and fale of the eftates of perfons who have adhered to the enemies of this ftate, and for declaring the fovereignty of the people of this ftate, in refpect to all property within the fame," and which hath not come to the poffeffion of any of the commiffioners of forfeitures within this ftate, or hath not been paid into the treafury of this flate, fhall be, and the fame is hereby declared to be vefted in Mary Heathcote Muirfon, the daughter of the faid George Muirfon. And that it fhall be lawful for the faid Mary, in her own name, And that the may, and to her own ufe, to fue for and recover the fame cover the lane. in any court of law or equity within this flate. Provided, That this act shall not extend to any debts or demands remitted by the fixth fection of the act, entitled, " An act relating to the forfeited eftates." Provided alfo, That this act shall not extend to any real estate fold by the said George Muirfon, or any of his fons.

in her own name, re


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