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An ACT for the Relief of John Van Renfelser and others. Pafled 11th April, 1792. J. E it enacted by the people of the fate of New-York, reprefented in fenate and affembly, That it fhall and may be lawful for the treasurer of this ftate, and he is hereby required, on making a fettlement with the faid John Van Renflelaer, to give him credit for the amount of fuch certificates, as fhall appear to the faid treasurer, to have been delivered by the faid John Van Renflelaer or his agents, to the militia of the regiment commanded by colonel Peter Yates, and of which he was lieutenant-colonel in the late war, for which he fhall produce receipts or affidavits of fuch delivery or payment having been made, upon his entering into bond with fufficient fecurity to the faid treasurer,in fuch fum as the faid treasurer fhall deem fufficient,conditioned, that the faid John Van Rensselaer shall fave and keep harmless this state, from any demands which fhall or may be made against the faid treafurer, for any fervices by him or them done as officers or privates, in the militia belonging to the faid regiment, and for which, the faid John Van Renflelaer received the certificates as aforefaid.

II. And be it further enaded, That the relief intended by the preceding fection of this act, to the faid John Van Renflelaer, fhall be, and is hereby extended to Philip P. Schuyler, late a colonel of militia in the county of Albany.

III. And be it further enacted, That the faid treasurer fhall, and is hereby required to ftay further proceedings against the faid Jon Van Renffelaer and Philip P. Schuyler for the term of fix months, from the time of the paffing

of this act.

IV. And whereas, It is reprefented to the legiflature, that Philip Pelton, Benjamin Pelton and Daniel Pelton purchafed from the commiflioners of forfeitures for the middle diftrict, a parcel of land in Dutchess county, fuppofed to have become forfeited by the conviction of Tertullus Dickinson, and that it has been fince difcovered, that he never was convicted, and that fuits have been brought and are now depending for the recovery of the faid lands: Therefore, Be it further enacled, That the attorney-general fhall be, and hereby is directed to examine into the matters aforefaid, and if he shall find, that the people of this ftate had no right to the faid lands, he fhall give a certificate thereof, and upon producing fuch certificate to the treasurer, and conveying the right under the faid conveyance from the faid commiftioners to the people of this ftate, and delivering the fame to the treasurer, he fhall pay to the prefent proprietor, who now holds under the flate the fum received by the faid commiffioners upon the faid fale, together with the cofts accrued in the defence of the faid fuits.

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An ACT for the Relief of Bass Chard, Samuel Hatch, ando'hers. Pafled 11th April, 1792. HEREAS Bafs Chard, Samuel Hatch, William Lawrance, William Richardfon, Pliney Moore, Stephen Kidder, David Colver, Samuc] Fofter, Shadrick Doty, and John Commell, have, by their petition, pre fented to the legislature, fet forth, that they did, with clafs right certificates, locate the Ifle La Mott, in Lake Champlain, late in the county of Washing

ton, containing four thousand eight hundred and eighty-three acres, for which location letters patent, under the great feal of this ftate, iflued the twenty-leventh day of June, one thousand feven hundred and eighty-fix : And whereas, The faid Ifle La Mott is now ceded by this ftate to the flate of Vermont, and the title thereof become of no effect: Therefore,

1. Be it enacted by the people of the state of New-York, represented in fenate and affembly, That the commiflioners of the land office are hereby authorifed and required to grant letters patent to the faid BafsChard, Samuel Hatch, William Lawrance, William Richardfon, Pliney Moore, Stephen Kidder, David Colver, Samuel Fofter, Shadrick Doty, and John Commell, or their affigns, for four thoufand eight hundred and eighty three acres of any of the unappropriated land belonging to the people of this ftate, in lieu of the faid Ifle La Mott, and in cafe they, or either of them, fhall have fold and aliened the fame, then to the perfon or perfons to whom the fame fhall have been fold, and to his or their heirs and afligns; and, in order that the fame may be known, public notice fhall be given by the faid perfons above named, in the newspaper of the printer to this flate, printed in the city of New-York, and in one other newfpaper printed in the city of Albany, for ten weeks fucceffively, notifying all perfons, of an application for fuch patent, in lieu of the lands included in the faid Ifle La mott; and fuch patent, as is directed in and by this act, fhall not iffue until fuch publication fhall have been regularly made as aforefaid. Provided, That the perfons entitled to any part of the faid lile La Mott, under the faid letters patent, fhall refpectively, in due form of law, convey to the people of the state of New-York all his and their right, title, intereft, claim, and demand, of, in, and to the faid Ifle La Mott, and depofit all the conveyances for the fame in the office of the fe cretary of this ftate, before any letters patent fhall iflue to them refpectively.

in virtue of this act.

II. And whereas, It appears to the legiflature, that John Reghtmire and Chriftian Petrie, did purchafe from the Indian proprietors, a certain tract of land, previous to the late war, on which they have made improvements, and now refide, for which lands they have no title: Therefore, Be it enalt ed by the people of the ftue of New-York, reprefented in senate_and_assembly, That the commiffioners of the land office are hereby authorised and required to iûue letters patent to the faid John Reghtmire and Chriftian Petrie, and to their respective heirs and affigns, as tenants in common for all the land fo purchased, and now by them actually poffeffed, not exceeding five hundred acres. Provided, That the faid John Reghtmire and Chriftian Petrie pay to the faid commiffioners, for the ufe of the people of this ftate, the fum of one fhilling per acre.

III. And be it further enacted, That it fhall and may be lawful for the commiffioners of the land-office, to grant in fee fimple by letters patent to Jellis D. Van Vorft, late a foldier in the regiment commanded by Seth Warner, the like quantity of bounty lands, as has been granted to foldiers in the troops of the line of this flate, lately ferving in the army of the United States.

IV. And be it further enabled, That the treafurer pay fuch accounts as hall be audited by the auditor for this ftate, for a fupply of Indian corn to the fix nations of Indians,and for blankets and clothing furnished to certain of the Oneida Indians, in purfuance of concurrent refolutions of the fenate and aflembly, in their present feffion.

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An ACT for the better Support of the H fpital in the City of New-York.
Pafled 11th April, 1792.

BE it enacted by the people of the fate of New-York, represented in Jenate
and affembly, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the fame, That
it fhall and may be lawful, for the treafurer of this ftate, for the time being,
and he is hereby directed to pay to the treafurer for the time being, of the
fociety of the hofpital in the city of New-York, in America, for the use of
that corporation, out of any monies then in the treafury of this flate, not
otherwife appropriated, the fum of two thousand pounds annually, for and
during the term of five years, to be computed from the firft day of February
laft, which fum of two thousand pounds, fo to be paid, fhall become
chargeable upon the duty laid, or to be laid on fales at vendue or auction.


An ACT to permit certain Perfons to return to and refile within this State
and to repeal a Claufe of the At therein mentioned.
Paffed 11th April, 1793.

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Eit enacted by the people of the fate of New-York, reprefented in fenata and affembly, That the feveral perfons named in the act, entitled, "An act for the forfeiture and fale of the eftates of perfons, who have adhered to the enemies of this ftate, and for declaring the fovereignty of the people of this ftate, in respect to all property within the fame," and who have been banished from this flate, by virtue of the fecond fection of the faid act, fhall be, and hereby are permitted to return to, and refide within this ftate, any thing in the faid act to the contrary notwithflanding. Provided always, That fuch permiffion fhall not be confirued in any wife to affect the title of the people of this ftate, to any property vefted in them by virtue of fuch banishment, or by virtue of any forfeiture under the faid act.

II. And be it further enacled, That the twenty-fixth fection of the act, entitled," An act for regulating elections," fhall be and hereby is repealed.


An ACT to encourage Literature,by Donations to Columbia College, and is the feveral Acadamies in the State.

Paffed 11th April, 1792.

WHEREAS it has been reprefented to the legislature, that the funds

of Columbia college in this ftate, have, in confequence of events which took place during the late war, been fo far dimifhed, as to render it impracticable for the trustees to defray certain neceflary expences which have accrued to the college, in confequence of the alterations in the ftreets of the city of New-York, and to repair the lofles which the college fuftained during the late war, with refpect to its library, and to incur fuch further expenfes as would render the feminary more extenfively ufeful, without pecuniary aid from the legislature: For remedy whereof,

I. Be it enacted by the people of the fate of New-York, reprefented in fenate and affembly, That there fhall be allowed and paid to the truffees of Columbia The certain fums College, or their order, for the ufe of the inftitution, the fun herein mentioned, to of fifteen hundred pounds, for the purpofe of enlarging its me the trustees of faid library, and the sum of two hundred pounds for a chemical

be allowed and paid

college, for certain purpofes.

apparatus; and the fum of twelve hundred pounds for the purpofe of building a wall neceflary to fupport the grounds of the college, and the further fum of five thousand pounds for the purpose of erecting a hall and an additional wing to the college, pursuant to the original plan of the inftitution; and the treafurer is hereby authorised to pay the faid refpective fums out of fuch monies as may be or may come into the treafury, of the annual revenue of the ftate, and which may not be appropri ated for the purpose of supporting government, or fatisfying claims againft the ftate, or for completing the fum of two hundred thousand pounds to be loaned in the feveral counties of this ftate, by virtue of the act, entitled, “ An act for loaning monies belonging to this ftate."

II. And be it further enacted, That the treasurer fhall anTreaturer to pay nually pay out of the like monies as above described, as fhall the regents of the university 1,500l. annu- or may come into the treafury, the fum of fifteen hundred aily for five years. pounds to the regents of the univerfity, or their order, for the term of five years, unless otherwife directed by the legislature, for the purpofe of being by them diftributed among fuch and fo many of the feveral acadamies as now are or hereafter may be erected in this ftate, during the faid terms in fuch proportions, and to be appropriated in fuch manner as they fhall judge moft beneficial, for the feveral acadamies, and moft adventageous to literature.

trustees of Columbia

for five years.

III. And be it further enalled, That the treasurer fhall anTreasurer to pay nually, for five years, unless otherwife directed by the lecollege, 7501. annually giflature, pay to the trustees of Columbia college, or their order, out of the like monies as above described, the fum of feven hundred and fifty pounds, to be applied to the payment of the falaries of fuch additional profeffors in the faid college, as the faid truftees shall think proper to appoint.


An ACT relative to Lands in the Town of Chemung.

Pafled 11th April, 1792.

BE it enacted by the people of the flate of New-York, reprefented in fenate

and assembly, That it fhall and may be lawful for the commiffioners of the land-office, and they are hereby authorised and required, to grant unto any perfon or perfons, or their legal reprefentatives, the lands to which they are respectively entitled by the act, entitled, "An act for granting certain lands in the town of Chemung. Provided, That the perfon applying for fuch grant, hath already paid into the treasury of this ftate, the money or certificates, which by the faid act was required to be paid therefor.


An ACT to grant an additional Compenfation to the Loan-Officers for the
Counties of Albany and Montgomery, and relating to the Loan-Officers of
the faid Counties.
Paffed 11th April, 1792.



E it enacted by the people of the ftate of New-York, reprefented in fenate and affembly, That the loan officers of the county of Albany, appointed in pursuance of the act, entitled, « An act for emitting the fum ་་

of two hundred thousand pounds in bills of credit, for the purpofes therein mentioned, fhall, from and after the paffing of this act, annually retain in their hands, each, the additional fum of ten pounds, out of the intereit monies paid to them, as compenfation for their additional fervices occafioned by the divifion of the faid county.

II. And be it further enadied, That the loan officers of the county of Montgomery, appointed in purfuance of the act aforefaid, fhall, from and after the pafling of this act, annually retain in their hands, each, the fum of ten pounds, of the intereft monies paid to them, as a compenfation for their additional fervices occafioned by the divifion of the faid county; any thing contained in the act aforefaid to the contrary notwithstanding.

III. And be it further enaded, That it fhall and may be lawful for the fupervifors of the counties of Renflelaer, Saratoga, Columbia, Otfego, and Herkemer, at each and every of their annual meetings, in their respective counties, to appoint one or more of the fupervifors of the refpective counties above mentioned (whofe duty it fhall be) to attend at any of the meetings directed by the twenty-eighth and twenty-ninth fections of the act, entitled, "An act for emitting the fum of two hundred thousand pounds in bills of credit, for the purpotes therein mentioned," for infpecting and examining the mortgages, minutes, and accounts of the loan officers appointed in the counties of Albany and Montgomery refpectively, under the act aforefald. And that one of the judges, and the fupervisor or fupervitors fo nominated and appointed as aforefaid, of each refpective county, fhall be futficient for the purposes in faid fections of the act above mentioned; any law to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithstanding.

IV. And be it further enacted, That the fupervifor or fupervifors, fo nominated and appointed as aforefaid, in cate of his or their non-attendance, shall be fubject to the like penalties as in and by the said sections of the act laft mentioned, they are made liable to refpectively; and it shall and may be lawful for the judges who fhall attend, inttead of ifining their faid precept for convening all the judges and supervisors in the faid counties, and it is hereby declared fufficient for the judges aforefaid, to caufe one of the fupervilors, and one judge, in each of the faid new counties, to be fummoned in manner as is directed in and by the faid two fections of the act aforefaid, and under the like penalties; and a majority of the fupervifors, and one of the judges in the counties of Albany and Montgomery, together with one fupervifor, and one of the judges, of each of the other counties refpectively, to do and form every act and thing relating to the examining and fettling the accounts of the loan officers in the faid counties of Albany and Montgomery respectively, as fully and effectually, to all intents and purpofes, as if the whole number, or a majority of fuch fupervisors and judges in the faid new couties had been prefent.



An ACT for appointing Electors in this State, for the Elc&on of a Pr.fident and Vice-President of the United States of America. Pafled 12th April, 1792.

WH HEREAS, by an act of the Congress of the United States, entitled,

"An act relative to the election of a Prefident and Vice-President of the United States, and declaring the officer who fhall act as Prefident in cate of Vol. II.


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