Gambar halaman

fhall be deemed, confidered, and adjudged to have vefted in the respective grantees, and their heirs and aligns respectively, on the twenty-seventh day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand feven hundred and eightythree: And all grants, bargains, fales, devifees, and other difpofitions made by any of the faid grantees, or their heirs or affigns, of the faid land fo to be granted to them relpectively, or any part thereof, between the faid twentyfeventh day of March, in the year laft aforefaid, and the date of such letters patent refpectively, fhall be as good and effectual, as if the faid letters patent had been granted on the faid twenty-feventh day of March, in the year last aforefaid.

VI. And be it further enaffed by the authority aforefaid, That inftead of the balloting directed to be performed in and by the third and fifth clauses of the act herein firft recited, the fame shall be done and performed in manner following: The faid commiffioners, after having determined how many townships will contain lands fufficient to fatisfy the claims of all fuch perfons who are entitled to bounty and gratuity lands by the faid concurrent refolutions, and by the eleventh clause of the faid act, pafled the eleventh day of May, one thousand feven hundred and eighty-four, and fhall have numbered the fame, from number one progreffively, the faid commiffioners fhall then caufe one hundred ballots or tickets to be made and numbered, from number one to one hundred, and marked alfo with the words, township number one, and fhall alfo caufe a like number of ballots or tickets to be made and numbered, and marked for township number two, and fo on, until ballots or tickets in like manner are made, numbered and marked, as aforefaid, for each of the townships fet apart for fatisfying the faid bounties of gratuities, and after having caufed the faid ballots or tickets to be rolled up, fhall then caufe the whole of the faid ballots or tickets to be put into a box, and whenever they fhall have determined that any particular perfon applying for bounty and gratuity lands as aforefaid, is entitled to the fame, they fhall caufe one ballot or ticket to be drawn out of the faid box, or as many ballots or tickets to be drawn out, as fuch perfon applying fhall be entitled to fhares of fix hundred acres, and the lots in each township fo drawn, shall be the feparate and diftinct share of such perfon, or of his heirs or affigns, and whenever the number of ninety-four ballots or tickets fhall be drawn in any one township, the remaining fix lots shall be confidered and taken as referved for the purposes exprefled in the fixth claufe of the act herein first recited, and whenever any of fuch remaining fix lots fhall be drawn, the faid commiffioners fhall caufe another ballot or ticket to be drawn, and fo on until a lot fhall be drawn, which fhall not be one of the fix lots referved in each township as aforefaid, and the faid commiffioners fhall proceed on in like manner, on the application of every perfon who fhall appear to be entitled to the bounty and gratuity aforefaid, until the whole claims of fuch perfons, or their heirs or aligns, who shall be so entitled as aforefaid, fhall be tity fhould in the first fatisfied; and in cafe the number of townships firft fet apart inftance be fet apart by the faid commiffioners, fhall prove infufficient to fatisfy ffners may en- fuch claims, the faid commiffioners, fhall and may, from time to time, proceed to fet apart fuch other and further township or townships, or part thereof, as fhall be fufficient to fatisfy fuch claims. VII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, Where perfons have That whenever it fhall appear to the faid commiflioners, from congrefs, too that any perfon applying for bounty and gratuity lands as acres of each lot to be aforefaid, fhall have received from the United States, the bounty of land promifed to fuch perfon by congrefs, or in

If too finall a quan

for the troops, com

creafe it.

received their bounty

referved for the ule
of the ftates.

cafe the faid commiffioners fhall not be able to procure the affignment of fuch land, mentioned in the fourth claufe of the act herein first recited, that then the faid commiffioners, having determined that fuch perfon is entitled as aforefaid, shall caufe letters patent to iffue to fuch perfon, for the bounty and gratuity lands as aforefaid, referving however in and by the faid letters patent, one hundred acres in each lot, to which fuch perfon fhall be fo entitled, to the people of this ftate, defignating particularly in which part of fuch lot, fuch referved part fhall be taken.

VIII. And be it further enacted by the authority afgrefaid, That the fecretary of this ftate, inftead of the fees allowed him in and by the eighth claufe of the act herein first recited, fhall be allowed for his fervices in preparing the letters patent and keeping the minutes of the faid commiffioners, the fum of fixteen fhillings for each and every of the letters patent, to be iffued for any quantity of land not exceeding fix hundred acres, and the further fu of one fhilling for every hundred acres more contained in any fuch letters patent in pursuance of the faid acts. And for his fervices in preparing evety letters patent for the quantity of fix hundred acres of land or under, and keeping the minutes of the commiffioners aforefaid, the fum of fixteen faillings, any law to the contrary notwithstanding.

from, or were re.

IX. And be it further enacted by the awhority aforefaid, Lands to be granted That it fhall and may be lawful for the commiflioners of to all perfons who have had depreciation the land office to receive and examine claims from the ofturned as the quota ficers and foldiers who were returned as the quota of this of this ftate. ftate; and those who received the depreciation of their pay from this ftate, fhall be entitled to the gratuity and bounty lands in like manner asin and by this act is granted to the officers and foldiers of the line of this flate, lately ferving in the army of the United States.

Relative to certain


X. And whereas it appears to the legiflature, by a report Canadian refugees, of the commiffioners of the land office, that the lands fet who have not been provided for with apart for the Canadian and Nova-Scotia refugees are all appropriated. And whereas it further appears to the legiflature, by the petitions of captain Jofeph Delezenne, lieutenant Elijah Bill, Lewis Sofo and Francis Offey, refugees from Canada and Nova Scotia, that they were not included in the return; and it appearing reasonable that provifion fhould be made for them; Be it further enabled by the authority aforejad, That the commiffioners of the land office be, and they are hereby directed to grant to captain Jofeph Delezenne, lieutenant Elijah Bill, Lewis Sofo and Francis Offey, refugees as aforefaid, the proportion of land they would have been entitled to by any former law of this ftate, if they had applied within the time limited by the faid law, out of any lands fet apart for the troops of the line of this ftate, lately ferving in the army of the United States.

XI. And whereas by a provifo fubjoined to the eleventh fection of the act herein first recited, the time limited for making the locations in and by the faid fection authorised, is one year after the pafling of the faid act, which period hath elapfed, and it is deemed necefiary to revive and extend the fame; Therefore, Be it enacted by the authority aforefaid, That the time in which fuch locations may be made, be, and the fame is hereby revived, and extended to the first day of March next.

XII. And be it further enailed by the authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful for the furveyor-general, by agreement with the proprietors of the land ceded to the ftate of Maffachusetts by this ftate, to run out and fettle the eastern boundaries of the faid land.


Paffed in the Fourteenth Seffion of the Legislature, held in the City of New-York.

CHA P. 1.


An ACT further to continue the Treafurer of this State in Office.
Pafled 18th January, 1791.


E it enacted by the people of the state of New-York,reprefented in fenate and affembly, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the fame, That Gerard Bancker fhall be, and hereby is continued in office, as treafu. rer of this ftate, until fixty days after the rifing of the legislature, at their next meeting after the firft Monday in July, which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two.

II. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That the faid Gerard Bancker, if he fhall take upon him the execution of the faid office, shall, on or before the first day of April next, appear before one of the judges of the fupreme court of this flate, and take the following oath, viz

"I, Gerard Bancker, appointed treafurer of this ftate, do folemnly and fincerely fwear and declare, in the prefence of Almighty God, that I will, dur ing my continuance therein, well, faithfully and honeftly, to the beft of my knowledge and ability, execute the office of treasurer of this ftate; and that I will not, on any occafion or pretence, apply any money or fecurities, which hall or may come to my hands, as belonging to this ftate, to any private ufes or purpofes whatfoever; and that when my accounts as treasu rer fhall be examined, in manner directed by law, I will exhibit an account of fuch fecurities under this my oath of office. So help me God."

III. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That the speaker of the aflembly, for the time being, fhall take a bond from the above named Gerard Bancker, on or before the first day of April next, with not less than four fufficient fureties to the people of this flate, in the fum of twenty thou fand pounds, lawful money of this ftate, with a condition that the faid Gerard Bancker fhall and will, well, faithfully and honefly execute and perform the duties of the faid office; which bond, when fo taken, fhall be lodged in the fecretary's office of this flate.

IV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That if the faid Gerard Bancker fhall, upon the expiration of the time for which by this act he is continued in office, procure and lodge in the office of the fecretary of this ftate, a certificate duly executed by the committee to be appointed for the fettlement of the accounts of the faid Gerard Bancker, expreffing, that his accounts as treasurer are regularly stated and balanced; and alfo, that the balance of monies and fecurities belonging to the ftate, if any there be, are actually in the treasury; fuch certificate, when lodged in the office of fecretary of the ftate as aforefaid, fhall be, to all intents and purposes, a difcharge of the bond directed by this act to be given by the treafurer, with fureties for the faithful performance of the duties of his office as aforefaid.


An ACT for apportioning the Reprefentation in the Legislature, according
to the Rule prescribed by the Conflitution, and for dividing the County of
Paffed 7th February, 1791.

WHEREAS by the cenfus of the electors and inhabitants of this

flate, lately taken by order of the legislature, it appears that alterations in fome of the districts and counties, and in the number of the reprefentatives chosen therein, are neceffary to be made; Therefore,

Towns of Cambridge

county, annexed to


1. Be it enacted by the people of the ftate of New-York, reprefented in fenate and assembly, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the fame, That the towns of Cambridge and Eafton, in the county of Albany, and Easton, in Albany fhall be and hereby are annexed to, and shall hereafter be Washington county. confidered as part of the county of Washington, and that all that part of the refidue of the faid county of Albany, Part of Albany coun- which is on the eaft fide of a line drawn through the midty erected into new counties, by the names dle of the main ftream of Hudfon's river, with fuch variatiof Renffelaer and Sa- on as to include the islands lying nearest to the east bank thereof, fhall be one feparate and dillinet county, and be called and known by the name of Renflelaer. And that all that part of the faid county of Albany which is bounded eafterly by the weft bounds of the faid county of Renflelaer and the county of Washington, fontherly by the middle of the most northerly branch of the Mohawk river, and the middle of the faid river and the town of Schenectady, wefterly by the county of Montgomery, and northerly by the county of Washington, fhall be one feparate and diftinct county, and be called and known by the name of Saratoga, and that the refidue of the faid county of Albany fhall The refidue of Al continue and remain one feparate and diftin&t county, and into a feparate county be called and known by the name of Albany. And the and to bear its old bounds of the feveral towns in the faid refpective counties Bounds of feveral adjacent to and limited by the Hudfon's river and Mowcounties extended. hawk river, are hereby extended to and limited by the bounds of the faid refpective counties herein defcribed: Provided nevertheless, That the rights and privileges heretofore granted to the corportion of the city of Albany by charter, fhall not be in any wise Inhabitants of the affected or abridged. And the freeholders and inhabitants aforefaid counties to of the faid feveral counties, fhall have and enjoy within as other counties in the fame refpectively, all and every the fame rights, powers, and privileges, as the freeholders and inhabitants of any other county in this ftate are by law entitled to have and enjoy.

bany county erected


of the towns in faid

have the fane rights

this flate.

pleas and general fef


II. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Courts of common That there shall be held in and for each of the faid counfions of the peace in ties of Renflelaer and Saratoga refpectively, a court of comRenffelaer and Sara- mon pleas, and a court of general feffions of the peace, at fuch fuitable and convenient place within each of the fame counties refpectively, as fuch judges of the court of common pleas, and fuch juftices of the peace as fhall be appointed for each of the fame counties refpectively, or a majority of them, fhall refpectively appoint; and that there fhall be two terms of the fame courts in each of the fame counties respectively, in every year, to commence and end on the following days, that is to fay; The firft term of the courts of common pleas and general feflions of the peace in and for the faid county of Renflelaer, fhall begin on the first Tuesday of May, and may continue to be held until the Saturday following inclufive; and the fecond term of the fame cours in the fame county of Vol. II.

U u

Renfelaer fhall begin on the fecond Tuesday of November, and may continue to be held until the Saturday following inclufive. And the firft term of the courts of common pleas and general teftions of the peace, in and for the faid county of Saratoga fhall begin on the fecond Tuesday of May, and may continue to be held until the Saturday following inclufive; and the fecond term of the fame courts in the fame county of Saratoga, fhall begin on the third Tuesday of November, and may continue to be held until the Saturday following inclufive. And the faid courts of common pleas and general fesfions of the peace, fhall have the fame jurifdiction, powers and authorities in the fame counties refpectively, as the courts of common pleas and general. fellions in the other counties of this ftate have in their respective counties. III. And be it further enailed by the authority aforefaid, All prifmers of the That it fhall and may be lawful to and for all courts and and Sa atoga may be officers in the faid counties of Renffelaer and Saratoga refof Albany county un pectively, in all cafes civil and criminal, to confine their sil gaols are provided. prifoners in the gaol of the county of Albany, until gaois fhall be provided in the fame counties refpectively. Provided nevertheless, That nothing in this act contained, shall be conftrued to effect any fuit or action already commenced, or that shall be commenced before the third Tuefday of May next; fo as to work a wrong or prejudice to any of the parties therein, or to affect any criminal or other proceedings, on the part of the people of this ftate; but all fuch civil and criminal proceedings fhall and may be proceeded to trial, judgment and execution, as if this act had never been pafled.

Counties of Kendlelaer

confined in the gaol

Number of fenators

IV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Stare divided into That this ftate fhall be, and is hereby divided, into four four great districts. great diftricts. The Southern District, to comprehend the city and county of New-York; and the counties of Suffolk, Queens, Kings, Richmond and Weftchefter: The Middle Diftrict,to comprehend the counties of Dutchefs, Ulfter and Orange. The Weftern District, to comprehend the city and county of Albany, and the counties of Saratoga, Montgomery and Ontario, and the Eaftern District, to comprehend the counties of Columbia, Renflelaer, Washington and Clinton. And that the number of senators to be chofen in the faid Diftricts, fhall be as follows: In the Southern District eight, in the Middle District fix, in the Western District five, and in the Eastern District five. And that John Williams, Alexander Webto be chofen in each fter, Edward Savage and Peter Van Nefs, fhall be confidered as fenators from the faid Eaftern District, and as they respectively go out of office, fenators fhall be chofen in the faid Eaftern Diftrict in their places respectively, and at the next annual election, another fenator fhall be chofen in the faid Eastern District, in the room of Samuel Townsend, deceased. And Stephen Van Renffelaer, Peter Schuyler, Volckert P. Douw, Leonard Gantevoort and Jellis Fonda, fhall be confidered as fenators from the faid Western District, and as they refpectively go out of office, fenators fhall be chofen in the faid Western District in their places refpectively. And that no perfon fhall be chofen in the Southern District, in the room of the faid Samuel Townsend, deceased; And the clerk of the fenate is hereby directed to give notices of the elections accordingly.


members of aflembly

V. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, The number of That the number of members of the affembly, to be chofen to be chofen in each in each county of this fiate, fhall be as follows: In the city and county of New-York feven; in Suffolk county four;


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